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Item build wise PL is played with
SnY is in case you are behind. MKB is against evasion heroes, assault cuirass is a team booster item that boosts your teams as as well as slowing the enemies. + the Armour gain is nice, even if illusions don't get it. These are optional/Situational items. I don't see what is wrong with playing PL like this it seems to work. If you really want we could all play PL the same and we would 9000 guides the exact same.
Also i find it funny where in your own guide you go Soul ring and Tranq boots. (Common build every has done it before) (But it gives no real survivabillity, then you rush Diffusal and HOT then give vlads as a late game extension? QQ and you even consider a bkb?)
How about concentrating on your own guide *lolololl* instead of s**t talking others. Or maybe instead of just spouting **** you might actually want to provide some proof to why this is sooooo bad and yours is soooo superior.
Also why in your far superior setup do you not even consider Keeper of the light as a viable support to Phantom lancer. Since KOTL and PL are one of the best Combo's you can get for him ._.
Oh yeh lets get a stunner instead of infinite mana
Put it this way, if you are not even going to try the build first. Then your argument is automatically invalid and you should not bother commenting.
Unless you can disprove the maths behind it and suggest a better alternative.
Vlads and treads? Heart in late game only?
And why the **** do you even consider SnY, MKB and Assault? They're awful on PL.
I'm surprised you even took the time to write this.
Totally useless guide, PL should not be played like this.
Midas gives him these levels and some bonus gold to boot. Its like why do people always get a BF on Pa surely that is just overkill? Its a farm item right surely there is no need.
PA starts coming into the game after level 6 where she can start critting for damage in ganks.
By level 6 the only thing PL has is his Spirit lance, but by level 11 he just an army of illusions.
In competitive yes he doesn't fit due to short games. However this build is trying to reduce the time for his setup. A bit like how meepo is useless unless he out farms others with levels early.
But the playstyle i guess is a bit like brood xD
-->Nubtrain I would totally disagree about the hard carry fact. On stats alone Phantom lancer does 250 or so dps. Phantom Assasin does 270 dps
Because of his images no Hard carry (Who are single shot heroes not aoe) could best him in a 1v1
He is almost unstoppable once he has his set
In higher skill bracket he tends to fail because of AOE Picks which hard counter him (Like disables counter Ursa and Lycan) and he never gets enough farm. Usually in higher tier games it does not reach late and usually he is counter farmed to often. If you are playing PL like a BH I am sad.
I usually would compare PL to a Lone Druid
Farm then Push tower, with images instead of a bear
Maybe without that 4.2 agi he would be a lot worse.
Well you pretty much answered yourself for me, on paper PL might seem better since he'll proc his illusions etc but to get to that point would require a really bad opposing team and a huge amount of farm which warrants the Midas pick up. PA needs a few items to start hitting really hard at a smaller time-frame where PL needs a lot more farm to do so.
I said his playstyle is a bit like BH and more like
We are not debating skill, but instead logic.
Just saying something is bad without justifying why it is bad is not good debating skills or ethics. You have just gone back to the Justification and items are really bad, without proving why.
-->CNP9 It would make sense to level your Doppelwalk at level one if you wanted to play safe.
This guide does not aim for that, it is instead to use your mana to harass and farm.
It is given that you may or should level Doppelwalk at any point when you feel under pressure on your lane.
-->Nubtrain I would totally disagree about the hard carry fact. On stats alone Phantom lancer does 250 or so dps. Phantom Assasin does 270 dps
Because of his images no Hard carry (Who are single shot heroes not aoe) could best him in a 1v1
He is almost unstoppable once he has his set
In higher skill bracket he tends to fail because of AOE Picks which hard counter him (Like disables counter Ursa and Lycan) and he never gets enough farm. Usually in higher tier games it does not reach late and usually he is counter farmed to often. If you are playing PL like a BH I am sad.
I usually would compare PL to a Lone Druid
Farm then Push tower, with images instead of a bear
Maybe without that 4.2 agi he would be a lot worse.
Midas is ok but PL is not a good late game carry even though he has a high AGI gain and he does not play like a traditional carry
The whole point to playing PL is to get some good farm at laning phase and then split push/gank afterwards. PL has a similar playstyle to
Almost all other carries carry harder than PL except
Vlad was picked 231k
ROA 237k times
See the difference?And PL is played anyway in low level,where people don't realiose that vlads is bad.This is the same arguement I had with someone a while ago on playdota.Not willing to do the math again.
"Vlad is **** on illusion based heroes" That's why it Vlad was picked 231k times, ROA 237k times
and VLAD picks have a higher win ratio of 10% :L?