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4 Votes

OP Spider Lady

April 4, 2013 by NotExactlyBacon
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xCO2 (72) | April 4, 2013 6:00pm

Oh, I know that, I've used mobafire for about a year, I just didn't get around to adding it lol

I try to remind everyone who's new to the site, they always seem confused about it.
NotExactlyBacon | April 4, 2013 5:56pm
xCO2 wrote:

I just noticed you've only posted twice on the forums, so you're probably unaware on how to update your guide. When you save your guide, it saves your changes to your account, but displays it to the rest of us as the original publication. To update your guide, click the publish button again instead of save. I like to do both, just in case something goes sour it won't show on the actual publication.

Oh, I know that, I've used mobafire for about a year, I just didn't get around to adding it lol
xCO2 (72) | April 4, 2013 4:28pm

You guys are right, I'll add Soul Ring in as an alternative to Aquila. I tried it out, and although I personally don't like it as well, its still a great item on her considering how badly she needs to have mana.

Thanks for the feedback :p

I just noticed you've only posted twice on the forums, so you're probably unaware on how to update your guide. When you save your guide, it saves your changes to your account, but displays it to the rest of us as the original publication. To update your guide, click the publish button again instead of save. I like to do both, just in case something goes sour it won't show on the actual publication.
NotExactlyBacon | April 4, 2013 4:03pm
You guys are right, I'll add Soul Ring in as an alternative to Aquila. I tried it out, and although I personally don't like it as well, its still a great item on her considering how badly she needs to have mana.

Thanks for the feedback :p
Sando (118) | April 4, 2013 11:40am
Yeah, there's a few efficiency changes you could make - normally I'm an advocate of branches, but some slippers of agility would make more sense here if you're rushing Aquila (though as stated, you'd be better off with Soul Ring with that build), although I do get that you might wanna ramp up your whimpy base damage with BM.

I'd definitely advocate getting your ulti as 6 - it's very important if you do get into a fight (they ward you, or your mid comes to gank, etc). Incapacitating is totally situational depending on how much you're expecting help in your lane.
xCO2 (72) | April 4, 2013 10:22am
I think that the only real viable role of Broodmother is a pusher. She can't hard carry, and she needs to have the lane webbed from where she's standing, all the way to her own tower. As a suicide solo laning pusher, she needs to be pushing almost all game or until she makes it to the enemy's tier 4 double towers. When there's a fight breaking out, that's your chance to push.

Even if they have vision; your web still gives an exceptional MS bonus, and good HP regen. I also agree with Peppo in regards to the Soul Ring, its very efficient when you have a total 7/9 HP regen without including your base regen.

I'd have to disagree with him on the Radiance though, Broodmother uses it as a pushing tool and since she's a pseudo stealth hero, most likely you'll be able to sit there and burn them without the enemy bothering to get a Gem, maybe an occasional Sentry, but those are easy to deal with.

A cheap but efficient item I don't see on her often is Diffusal Blade, you should try it out sometime.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 4, 2013 10:03am
I like this, but I don't understand why there's no Soul Ring: try stating with its recipe instead of the Ring of Protection and build it without buying the Ring of Aquila, I usually do so and it works very well.

The skill build is perfect (though someone prefers maxing out Spawn Spiderlings first and I'm not one of them) and all the core items except for Aquila are exactly the ones I use.

Talking about the late-game items, Radiance and Sange and Yasha are pretty weak: the first one should either be rushed in ~20 minutes or never picked up because it's a farming item and you will sell it anyway if the match lasts for too long (it's only useful until ~40-50 minutes); the SnY is terribly weak in terms of cost-efficiency.
I usually pick a Manta Style, which is very useful and can even dispel some debuffs like Dust of Appearance or Open Wounds, or a Skull Basher that may come in handy against Lifestealer or mana-burners/blinkers. I think you should try these two items.
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