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14 Votes

Nyx Assassin - Fear the Assassin Caste

October 5, 2014 by Zerak Kyria
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IHateTheFogOfWar | March 21, 2015 7:19pm
Good guide, I've barely played this hero but can someone tell me what exactly you use the Euls for?
Well written and good explanations.
Zerak Kyria (8) | May 14, 2014 4:45pm
Just to quote something I learned from watching Dendi based on blink with Nyx,
Detection such as; Dust of Appearance, Gem of True Sight, and Sentry Wards are only useful if they are going to walk up to you.
If they get blink, then the only thing that can help you is good map vision because no matter how much you can detect an invisible hero, if they just suddenly blink in and stun, it won't help you in anyway.
Xyrus (104) | May 14, 2014 12:47am
Thenickrick wrote:

I could not agree less with your last comment. Is blink core on lion too?

Yes, for the exact same reasons...that, and Kill Securing with Finger of Death becomes much easier <}3
Thenickrick wrote:

In pubs a blink doesn't help you; it requires team cooperation.

True, but that doesn't mean you'll be any less effective with a Blink Dagger 1st. Simply hang around and then, Blink Dagger in and Kill Secure like most Riki players try to. Even with a Dagon, you can Kill most Tanky Heroes by yourself, so you'll either end up limited to picking off squishy n00bs, or praying one of your Teammates knocks them down to an easier to handle level of HP. Also as mastadoom said...
mastadoom wrote:

Look at it this way, a dagon gives more solo burst damage, but a blink will net you a stun on 2-3 heros as well as 500-800 damage spread, more damage than a dagon.

It's a lot easier to Blink in and land a Impale immediately, when you see an opportunity, than it is to walk around and hope they stay clumped up in a straight line while you're next to them.
Thenickrick wrote:

Dagon is a little bit more, but I gives you so much more potential. Blink is always gotten in pro scene because they have sentries for nyx so setting up impales is hard without outright feeding.

Keep on playing, you'll eventually reach a level where they buy Sentry Wards and Dust of Appearance regularly in Pubs...they certainly seem to every single time I play Bounty Hunter and I'm only a 2.2k n00b T-T

Besides, if they don't carry Detection, you can Blink in, Kill, then just Vendetta out, ez 8{D
mastadoom (7) | May 13, 2014 5:16pm
Thenickrick wrote:

I could not agree less with your last comment. Is blink core on lion too? In pubs a blink doesn't help you; it requires team cooperation. Dagon is a little bit more, but I gives you so much more potential. Blink is always gotten in pro scene because they have sentries for nyx so setting up impales is hard without outright feeding.

Look at it this way, a dagon gives more solo burst damage, but a blink will net you a stun on 2-3 heros as well as 500-800 damage spread, more damage than a dagon.
Thenickrick (1) | May 13, 2014 2:55pm
Xyrus wrote:

As promised, I +1ed you. 8{D

True, Nyx Assassin is more of a Snowball Hero than a Farmer. He Farms Heroes, not Creeps.

There are a few Heroes where their Boot choices and 1st Item are pretty much set in stone if you want maximum effect in every game, and that 1st Item is usually Blink Dagger, e.g. Centaur Warrunner , Sand King, Batrider, etc. Building anything else on them first limits their potential in the Early-Mid Game and Nyx Assassin falls into this category as well.

After that everything is always Situational though...

I could not agree less with your last comment. Is blink core on lion too? In pubs a blink doesn't help you; it requires team cooperation. Dagon is a little bit more, but I gives you so much more potential. Blink is always gotten in pro scene because they have sentries for nyx so setting up impales is hard without outright feeding.
Thenickrick (1) | May 13, 2014 2:55pm
Xyrus wrote:

As promised, I +1ed you. 8{D

True, Nyx Assassin is more of a Snowball Hero than a Farmer. He Farms Heroes, not Creeps.

There are a few Heroes where their Boot choices and 1st Item are pretty much set in stone if you want maximum effect in every game, and that 1st Item is usually Blink Dagger, e.g. Centaur Warrunner , Sand King, Batrider, etc. Building anything else on them first limits their potential in the Early-Mid Game and Nyx Assassin falls into this category as well.

After that everything is always Situational though...

I could not agree less with your last comment. Is blink core on lion too? In pubs a blink doesn't help you; it requires team cooperation. Dagon is a little bit more, but I gives you so much more potential. Blink is always gotten in pro scene because they have sentries for nyx so setting up impales is hard without outright feeding.
Thenickrick (1) | May 12, 2014 8:00pm

Solo off-lane with no Poor Man's Shield? Other than that, it's a nice guide: too many players overestimate the Dagon, while a Blink Dagger basically gives your team a free Ravage with a much lower cooldown. Getting a Dagon after it is understandable, but playing Nyx without a Blink limits your possibilities by a lot.

I always solo offlane nyx and I've never thought to get poor man's. Also I try to get Dagon every game, as it allows you to easily gank their carry most of the time. I'll get blink to set up stuns if I know my team has strong mid game. Otherwise I'll wait until after Dagon 3 or sometimes 5. Nyx has the potential to dominate a game from level 6, he should not be made into a blink-impale support. Good guide +1
Zerak Kyria (8) | May 12, 2014 1:46am

Well, you can get away with a basic Stout Shield if you want, but I finish the PMS from the side shop because of the extra AGI. Also, Nyx's base HP regeneration is terrific: even after finishing your Tango charges you can still recover all your health in very little time, provided you survive the gank attempt (and that's when the PMS comes in handy).

Ah that's where it comes in.
Thanks! I will modify the guide soon.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 11, 2014 7:26am
Well, you can get away with a basic Stout Shield if you want, but I finish the PMS from the side shop because of the extra AGI. Also, Nyx's base HP regeneration is terrific: even after finishing your Tango charges you can still recover all your health in very little time, provided you survive the gank attempt (and that's when the PMS comes in handy).
Zerak Kyria (8) | May 10, 2014 1:24am

Solo off-lane with no Poor Man's Shield? Other than that, it's a nice guide: too many players overestimate the Dagon, while a Blink Dagger basically gives your team a free Ravage with a much lower cooldown. Getting a Dagon after it is understandable, but playing Nyx without a Blink limits your possibilities by a lot.

Ok, thanks Peppo!
Also a Poo Man's Shield sounds good. Never considered building it simply because you have the regen to cover the harass.
Xyrus (104) | May 9, 2014 9:45am
Zerak Kyria wrote:

Got it, blink core. Going 2 fix.

As promised, I +1ed you. 8{D
Zerak Kyria wrote:

And just to argue the point. You don't need farm. You gank and get kills for your team with other supports, the carry etc and THAT is where you get gold from.

True, Nyx Assassin is more of a Snowball Hero than a Farmer. He Farms Heroes, not Creeps.
Zerak Kyria wrote:

Also I list almost every item situational BECAUSE!!! As Nyx Assassin you need to be flexible. I truly believe that if you build a hero EXACTLY the same in EVERY game then your doing something wrong.

There are a few Heroes where their Boot choices and 1st Item are pretty much set in stone if you want maximum effect in every game, and that 1st Item is usually Blink Dagger, e.g. Centaur Warrunner , Sand King, Batrider, etc. Building anything else on them first limits their potential in the Early-Mid Game and Nyx Assassin falls into this category as well.

After that everything is always Situational though...
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 9, 2014 9:28am
Solo off-lane with no Poor Man's Shield? Other than that, it's a nice guide: too many players overestimate the Dagon, while a Blink Dagger basically gives your team a free Ravage with a much lower cooldown. Getting a Dagon after it is understandable, but playing Nyx without a Blink limits your possibilities by a lot.
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