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NO MORE SACRIFICES! 70% Winrate with Huskar in 6.85?

November 6, 2015 by GeRoCk
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GeRoCk | July 31, 2015 7:42am
Smuggels wrote:

Mek is actually legit. i build it all the time on huskar. i prefer an early medallion as well sometimes. huskar is all about winning the game before 25 minutes. you rotate into a lane jump on which over extends yourself then you turn it into 3 kills and then with mek you take tower. rinse repeat. i dont agree with tranquils since treads gives you the ability to switch stats mid fight which is needed. apart from that just format the guide some more clean it up a bit and work on how you write things. also keep comments semi civil at least :p

haha well i guess i over extended there xD just annoying such negative ppl , yes my new guide looks much better isnt released yet but i will completly format this again when i got time ty for your comment :)
the thing with the Tranquils is that i just like to roam fast and get as much kills as i can in early game and destroy everything witch is pretty easy with 390 ms :)

Rep given :)
Smuggels (82) | July 31, 2015 6:36am
Mek is actually legit. i build it all the time on huskar. i prefer an early medallion as well sometimes. huskar is all about winning the game before 25 minutes. you rotate into a lane jump on which over extends yourself then you turn it into 3 kills and then with mek you take tower. rinse repeat. i dont agree with tranquils since treads gives you the ability to switch stats mid fight which is needed. apart from that just format the guide some more clean it up a bit and work on how you write things. also keep comments semi civil at least :p
GeRoCk | July 31, 2015 5:52am
famasofwar wrote:

That is a really optimstic scenario, and LOL you think an account with 2000 matches played, but has zero items on it and hasn't been actively played on in over a full year is my account? Did you even check the account activity?

Not only are you a joke for dismissing diffusal blade as a situational item, but you are cocky as **** too. I can probably get a 100% winrate on huskar if I make a new account. It literally only requires going to captains mode and then baiting out picks/bans and then 5th pick choosing him if the draft can allow you to.

What a joke.

Dude i am cocky if someone just does a negative comment and says nothing else, i dont care what you say think etc. you are just a random guy from the internet i dont even know :)
If you dont can shutdown Medusa in early game as a Huskar it might be gg already :)
She has zero escape mechanics and if a support wants to protect her i just kill the support till i got fed hard.
Anyway the manaburn is so low and if you get an Aghanim's Scepter and jump her mana pool is half dead already Burning Spear her to death and go next.
In lategame if you jump in front of a farmed Medusa she might have Linken's Sphere so no ulti, then you just stay in front of her get stonegated and boom your dead, i´m sorry i just dont see a diffusial here.
Btw, send your account :)
But i think its your real account because the most played heroes are the once u made guides for also its the only one dotabuff account with that name and here you tell us its your name so thats why i think its your xD, also it has same amount of games etc.
u wrote that on your Trax guide down bot btw:
My dota name is famasofwar and I am an active Dota 2 player :). I have over 2000 games played, with around 1850 of those being on my main as of the time this guide was updated. Traxex has been one of my most successful heroes since I began playing, even though I prefer more fun heroes like ember spirit and invoker. My MMR sits around 3500-3800 on smurf calibrations, and I am currently raising my main accounts MMR to meet this (I lowered it to originally farm EXP more from winning low tier games).
Sorry dude if you shame yourself for your account and want to controvert that its your i cant take your comment seriously even less haha.

Unscathed wrote:

Hwo do you expect to mana burn a 1.5k mana medusa with 25 mana burn per attack? You're not Phantom Lancer. Berserker's Blood will not compensate for the lack of Juxtapose illusions in terms of mana burning with Diffusal Blade

I would sign that too, rep given! :) ,besides the Berserker's Blood wont help if you are a stone haha.
Unscathed (47) | July 30, 2015 2:07pm
famasofwar wrote:

That is a really optimstic scenario, and LOL you think an account with 2000 matches played, but has zero items on it and hasn't been actively played on in over a full year is my account? Did you even check the account activity?

Not only are you a joke for dismissing diffusal blade as a situational item, but you are cocky as **** too. I can probably get a 100% winrate on huskar if I make a new account. It literally only requires going to captains mode and then baiting out picks/bans and then 5th pick choosing him if the draft can allow you to.

What a joke.

Hwo do you expect to mana burn a 1.5k mana medusa with 25 mana burn per attack? You're not Phantom Lancer. Berserker's Blood will not compensate for the lack of Juxtapose illusions in terms of mana burning with Diffusal Blade
famasofwar (4) | July 30, 2015 1:56pm
GeRoCk wrote:

Diffusal Blade for Medusa istn needed.
Before she gets farmed you can gank her at anytime, deny her farm and end the game quickly.
The only spot were you find it in the guide is because Omniknight , Guardian Angel
Besides dude your winrate with Huskar is 36% and your overall winrate 47% , read guides like this watch games and improve son :)

That is a really optimstic scenario, and LOL you think an account with 2000 matches played, but has zero items on it and hasn't been actively played on in over a full year is my account? Did you even check the account activity?

Not only are you a joke for dismissing diffusal blade as a situational item, but you are cocky as **** too. I can probably get a 100% winrate on huskar if I make a new account. It literally only requires going to captains mode and then baiting out picks/bans and then 5th pick choosing him if the draft can allow you to.

What a joke.
GeRoCk | July 29, 2015 2:37pm
famasofwar wrote:

No diffusal for Medusa?!


Diffusal Blade for Medusa istn needed.
Before she gets farmed you can gank her at anytime, deny her farm and end the game quickly.
The only spot were you find it in the guide is because Omniknight , Guardian Angel
Besides dude your winrate with Huskar is 36% and your overall winrate 47% , read guides like this watch games and improve son :)
famasofwar (4) | July 29, 2015 11:06am
No diffusal for Medusa?!

GeRoCk | July 29, 2015 6:29am
Tranquil Boots and Lifesteal dont have something to do together.
If u attack with Tranquil Boots u loose the buff so it wont do something in fight but give u plus 3 armor which is rly good, also it gives you 10 more movement speed then Power Treads and if u want to gank you move with 390 movement speed and heal up on the way which i explained is rly good.
Timbersaw is on the right site of good allies , feared foes and so the others which i consider as bad.
For example does Impetus pure dmg aswell but since u jump in front of Enchantress it will nearly do no dmg,l Outworld Devourer can´t stop you in lane since u dont need mana to cast spells you can easily harras him with Burning Spear for that reason they are no counters to him.
I have never problem with Mana on Huskar since i use the Magic Wand which is all explained in the guide and justifes my winrate plz read carefully.
And well if you are laning versus Invoker just play carefull and dont go berserk which i know feels rly hard but if you need to do it got the combo on you hit him and if you reach the sweetspot just move to the side and see how the Sunstrike misses because he thought u wouldnt move it all.

Also i can gladly say that i constantly grow at rank, my build is not like sometimes u carry and sometimes u not.
Its you created space and win.

I mean sure, the way how u play Huskar is rly good and u may play him even better than me if we focus on winrate but the most people in fact dont have the skill to play him as full carry and own the whole enemy team. I saw a games of yours
Were u just raped them, but my build is for the whole team and for real carries.
I mean i won games with Lich with Mask of Madness , Skullbasher
but if the enemy is rly good aswell you cant win alone in my opinion :)
No offense i´m looking up to have a winrate as yours.
Maybe i wrote bit bad i´m about to go to sleep after a hard day.
Pocciox (2) | July 28, 2015 10:20am
where are all the pure damage counters?
Outworld Devourer,
Invoker, ecc. ecc.
Also, I think tranquils aren't needed if you have lifesteal and mek on huskar needs too much mana.
You need to go Greaves on him if you want the burst heal...
GeRoCk | July 25, 2015 5:38pm
ScaraB wrote:

Well, I didn't say Mekansm is "purely" a support item for Huskar :)

In my experience, most Huskars like to gank more than 5-man push, for which build Armlet of Mordiggian is core. In such games, Mek is beaten in every aspect by Armlet: damage, burst heal and attack speed. On the other hand, if there are other heroes that naturally build Mek ( Necrophos, Enigma, etc.), it is one more reason not to buy the item on Huskar (two Meks never hurt though :D).

I definitely like the conception behind the 5-man push with Mek, yet I have to see such a strategy in action (with Huskar in the spotlight of course). I merely addressed that Armlet gives way more potential in 1v1 fights, as well as Huskar can push naturally on his own due to Berserker's Blood. :)

In my opinion Mekansm is the better item because if you get stunned etc. you just loose life on Armlet of Mordiggian , and you already loose life in case of using your abilities and what happens if u got a Dota on you and u toogle? You die instant.
The worst thing is that the Armlet of Mordiggian just becomes a junk item in late game while Mekasnm can be upgraded into Guardian Greaves which increases your armor by 15 and gives you bonus regeneration, free mana and health.
I mean everyone goes for Power Treads on Huskar because of IAS and bit HP, and i go for Tranquil Boots and still make the same or more kills than with the Power Treads.
Also i said that if you go Mekasnm already people like Necrophos, Enigma could get a Blink Dagger or a half Aghanim's Scepter for the gold already which is better for your team.
Huskar is not meant to be played as position one dont forget this :)
ScaraB | July 25, 2015 2:27pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

That's actually a pretty common misconception.

Mekansm is not an item for supports. It's an item for *pushers*, since the only point of this item is to get it early, group up, and take objectives. And Huskar definitely qualifies as a pusher.

Well, I didn't say Mekansm is "purely" a support item for Huskar :)

In my experience, most Huskars like to gank more than 5-man push, for which build Armlet of Mordiggian is core. In such games, Mek is beaten in every aspect by Armlet: damage, burst heal and attack speed. On the other hand, if there are other heroes that naturally build Mek ( Necrophos, Enigma, etc.), it is one more reason not to buy the item on Huskar (two Meks never hurt though :D).

I definitely like the conception behind the 5-man push with Mek, yet I have to see such a strategy in action (with Huskar in the spotlight of course). I merely addressed that Armlet gives way more potential in 1v1 fights, as well as Huskar can push naturally on his own due to Berserker's Blood. :)
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