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Naga Siren middle lane farmer

September 17, 2014 by Sawada
Comments: 4    |    Views: 22697    |   

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Bootstrap_nab | March 14, 2015 6:17pm
I liked ur 7th and 8th slot thing !!! but would u use it in gank or somewhere near it ??
Seagull (9) | September 18, 2014 4:10am
I still think it would be wise to take the Aegis (unless 6-slotted) as if you get caught in the late game, you will probably be forced to buyback, forcing you to play cautiously for 5 minutes. Also you will be probably forced to fight anyways at some point. I would also add Refresher Orb as a 7th slot item as 14 seconds of holding the enemy in its place while your team and illusions take their base is really strong.
Fumbles16x (4) | September 17, 2014 11:29am
Really good guide for Naga. I have a couple of suggestions for you, though, if you're open to them!

1. Formatting. It's just to make the guide look nice, and not just be a wall of text. Sando does great guides here and is a good example of how to format, and there are also a lot of guides specifically for formatting too. Also things like videos to help with showing what to do with your illusions could be beneficial.

2. A more detailed explanation of the laning phase. The entire laning phase is summed up by just saying farm farm farm, which is exactly what you do as Naga. However, a lot of people reading a guide on a hero are going in blind and don't know the best way to farm with them. Naga has a really good farming tool in Riptide, and you could mention that the best thing to do if you are having problems getting last hits is to go to the wave and Riptide for the gold while also hitting the enemy hero to force them back a little.

3. Another build for early fighting. You mentioned how Diffusal Blade is good when you have to fight early, and Drums/Diffusal Naga is a pretty popular option when Radiance isn't looking viable. If you're just getting destroyed mid and can't get any farm, it's usually best to rush these two items so you can start fighting.

4. Friends and enemies section. Naga is a pretty "single player" hero like Terrorblade or Techies, but she still shares lots of synergy with people. Big ults like Tidehunter and Enigma go well with her, and she's a hard counter to Wraith King with her illusions and Diffusal Blade mana burn. Just things like that, there are a lot of others.

All in all, really good guide. I was skeptical when you said no Aegis of the Immortal, but it makes sense. If you find yourself fighting it's still a good pickup, but if you go 100% rat, you really don't need it. Naga is almost impossible to initiate in on, so she won't be dying a whole lot. Nice job, very detailed and in depth!
Unscathed (47) | September 17, 2014 6:45am
Hello there.

By the looks of this guide, I assume this is your very first guide.

Before writing, I suggest you look at this page
It will help you a lot. Trust me.

And note to take example of a guide in this site. There are many incredible guides on this sote, and I suggest you look at one for an example.
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