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26 Votes

Mortred, The Phantom Assassin "One down, four to go."

January 13, 2013 by iPell
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Synergy (2) | January 11, 2013 3:45am
You can probably leave the void stone for Battle Fury last if there's a CM on your team, with her aura.
iPell | January 10, 2013 7:57am
As I said In the last Section, sorry to all I said "Yes, already managed" and stuff, I thought that my changes in the guide would have been seen with a simple "save", and instead I needed to press "publish" again.. What a fool I am :)
SirThomihu | January 9, 2013 8:44am
Yes, the health of terrasque is a good idea, because you don't have to get back to the base.
iPell | January 8, 2013 5:28am
Poetastrophe wrote:

I like the welcoming simplicity in the guide, and good idea with the Skull Basher too, it is really beasty.

But points I disagree/needs to be added
Vladmir's Offering is extremely redundant on a Battle Fury PA:
Most consider it a supportive investment and should not be bought if you don't need the benefits you gain from it

1. It will not do anything for your pushing, since you can just wipe all those creeps from the enemies team by Battle Fury alone.

2. The regen you get is also really useless, since you already have it secured by Battle Fury

3. The damage you gain from it is mediocre at best, since it depends on your agility, which is usually never bought on PA.

4. There are other allies that will benefit from having the constant aura, more than PA would do.

5. There are other more promising sources of lifesteal, here referring to Helm of the Dominator, which has a lot more farming (stacking ancients), damage (20+ damage and the ability to control the Alpha Wolf, that will give you 30% extra damage) and late-game ( Satanic) utility.

6. It will delay items which is far superior to hardcarry.

And the Desolator is also discouraged, since you will pick it up too late, if you have bought both Battle Fury and Skull Basher. The enemies armor will usually be too high, then it is more worth to just upgrade your Skull Basher, which only costs you 3800 gold and will give you a reliable 2 seconds stun and you will have space in your inventory too, isn't that sweet?

And get some HP, not extra armor, she does have naturally high armor and 35% evasion, auto-attacks is not problem for her, while even with your BKB, you will be disposed off as soon as that BKB duration wears off. So Assault Cuirass is not bought for the tankability, but mostly for taking towers down quickly and 1 hitting squishies. Satanic or Armlet is really recommended due to it will balance out and make the most out of her high armor and evasion.

And for the Divine Rapier, get an Aegis of the Immortal, it partially solves that.

I think you wrote a nice guide, but I think it lacks in overall usefulness or item-analysis, and thus does only give very little insight in your choices... Or maybe I am just butthurt that your guide got more popular than mine XD.


I see your points, and I think that almost of them are actually right! Vladmir's Offering is mostly a support items, and a Satanic turns out to be better. Mmh I have to say that I tried a couple of times getting Desolator instead of some tanky items, because it suits my gameplay style. Obviously these are only some suggestions from which people can take inspiration, if they feel squishy they can choose for an Heart's of Tarrasque without doubt! As you said , though, another option is to convert the Skull Basher into the Abyssal Blade as soon as possible; surely more damage and a stun will help a lot, and hopefully win :)

Well, ty for your critics, I appreciate them, because they let me think about some of my decisions, and it is nice to hear what other people think! :)
iPell | January 8, 2013 4:58am
Contractual wrote:

I read through the guide and being the grammar nazi that I am I decided I would list what I found. You're welcome in advance ;) haha.

Introduction Section: History not 'Hystory', myself is one word, and these not 'theese'.

Morteds Skills and Justifications
Blur sub section-Favorite not 'favourite' and stacks not stuck (not completely sure what you meant there but it was awkward to read to I figured I would suggest this correction as it makes more sense).

Early Game Item Justification sub section: Eventually not eventual

Core items Sub section: Become not became.

Luxury items is also a bit awkward to read at some points in my opinion.

Overall: I believe this guide was quite good! I loved how you expressed yourself and didn't try to change your style of speaking. I dislike when guide makers change themselves for the view of the public. It was a real joy to read (Other than the grammar mistakes). On a side note I'll leave you with one last tip. Putting your guide into Microsoft Word will auto spell check the entire thing and you can fix it then and there! Hope this helped!

Yeah, probably microsoft word could be a great idea xD Anyway ty for the correction, as soon as possible I'll try to fix something and see what it comes out :)
Contractual (3) | January 7, 2013 1:54pm
I read through the guide and being the grammar nazi that I am I decided I would list what I found. You're welcome in advance ;) haha.

Introduction Section: History not 'Hystory', myself is one word, and these not 'theese'.

Morteds Skills and Justifications
Blur sub section-Favorite not 'favourite' and stacks not stuck (not completely sure what you meant there but it was awkward to read to I figured I would suggest this correction as it makes more sense).

Early Game Item Justification sub section: Eventually not eventual

Core items Sub section: Become not became.

Luxury items is also a bit awkward to read at some points in my opinion.

Overall: I believe this guide was quite good! I loved how you expressed yourself and didn't try to change your style of speaking. I dislike when guide makers change themselves for the view of the public. It was a real joy to read (Other than the grammar mistakes). On a side note I'll leave you with one last tip. Putting your guide into Microsoft Word will auto spell check the entire thing and you can fix it then and there! Hope this helped!
Poetastrophe (4) | January 7, 2013 1:48pm
I like the welcoming simplicity in the guide, and good idea with the Skull Basher too, it is really beasty.

But points I disagree/needs to be added
Vladmir's Offering is extremely redundant on a Battle Fury PA:
Most consider it a supportive investment and should not be bought if you don't need the benefits you gain from it

1. It will not do anything for your pushing, since you can just wipe all those creeps from the enemies team by Battle Fury alone.

2. The regen you get is also really useless, since you already have it secured by Battle Fury

3. The damage you gain from it is mediocre at best, since it depends on your agility, which is usually never bought on PA.

4. There are other allies that will benefit from having the constant aura, more than PA would do.

5. There are other more promising sources of lifesteal, here referring to Helm of the Dominator, which has a lot more farming (stacking ancients), damage (20+ damage and the ability to control the Alpha Wolf, that will give you 30% extra damage) and late-game ( Satanic) utility.

6. It will delay items which is far superior to hardcarry.

And the Desolator is also discouraged, since you will pick it up too late, if you have bought both Battle Fury and Skull Basher. The enemies armor will usually be too high, then it is more worth to just upgrade your Skull Basher, which only costs you 3800 gold and will give you a reliable 2 seconds stun and you will have space in your inventory too, isn't that sweet?

And get some HP, not extra armor, she does have naturally high armor and 35% evasion, auto-attacks is not problem for her, while even with your BKB, you will be disposed off as soon as that BKB duration wears off. So Assault Cuirass is not bought for the tankability, but mostly for taking towers down quickly and 1 hitting squishies. Satanic or Armlet is really recommended due to it will balance out and make the most out of her high armor and evasion.

And for the Divine Rapier, get an Aegis of the Immortal, it partially solves that.

I think you wrote a nice guide, but I think it lacks in overall usefulness or item-analysis, and thus does only give very little insight in your choices... Or maybe I am just butthurt that your guide got more popular than mine XD.

iPell | January 7, 2013 9:43am
SuperNova wrote:

I don't really get the point of adding the 'recommended items' from in-game and adding basic skill build. You also don't need to add the skill information as people can easily find it by hovering their cursor over the skill icons. You should also include the fact you can blink strike to allies, an easy escape mechanism, in addition i see no reason why vlads would be a luxury, put it in the optional's.

+1 because we need more green guides.

Hi, thanks for your advice, now the skill section became in fact more clear :)
I wrote this guide thinking of the people who don't actually have played Phantom Assassin and neither know what her skills are, do that they can learn something; or at least that was my purpose :)
As you suggested another section for "Optional Items" is fondamental for theese kind of guides, and
Vladmir's Offering is absolutely included!

Again thanks :D!
SuperNova (16) | January 7, 2013 7:46am
I don't really get the point of adding the 'recommended items' from in-game and adding basic skill build. You also don't need to add the skill information as people can easily find it by hovering their cursor over the skill icons. You should also include the fact you can blink strike to allies, an easy escape mechanism, in addition i see no reason why vlads would be a luxury, put it in the optional's.

+1 because we need more green guides.
iPell | January 7, 2013 5:03am
Thank you :)
I'll add them in the luxury items, always remember that if you activate Black King Bar you won't get Blade Mail damage return^^
Hades4u (296) | January 6, 2013 3:22pm
I'd add Satanic and Heart of Tarrasque, she'll need them if the enemy gets Blade Mail.

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