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Morphling is So Slimy!

August 23, 2015 by Fire309
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fires.of.hell (2) | August 24, 2015 1:37pm
I've been Dormant and Inactive for the past months, I just Log-in to say that this is a blasphemy and heinous. I'm a big fan of Morf, Support Morf seems viable but this ? I'm not down-hearting you, Srly. It takes time to master Morphling and play him to write more prolific guide through experience, not theories or unbased ideas.
It's a rewarding hero, So CHOP-CHOP !
The Bluerage | August 24, 2015 6:53am
Anyone tried Diffusal on morphling?
So much fun :)
Blubbles (13) | August 24, 2015 4:27am
No Eye of Skadi… what the heck is this build bruh. -1. jk aye lmao.
apaz (17) | August 23, 2015 11:17pm
It isn't, by any means, a bad guide. There are some holes(the item build is extremely inefficient and you seem to go way too heavy into AGI(I play quite a bit of Morphling, and you'll want to judge how much HP you need by looking at how much burst your enemies in lane have and adding up the numbers plus about 200-300)) but hey at least you got formatting right and it isn't the minimum 5000 words.

+1 for effort anyway.

(Water elementals aren't slimy, but they do still slip through your fingers)
KoDyAbAbA (65) | August 23, 2015 5:17pm
overall decent guide, needs a lotta work though....

First things first, i have a problem with the skill build.

You start with 2 Circlets and a iron branch..... AND DO NOTHING WITH THEM.There is no Magic Wand neither is there a Ring of Aquila, which y are downright amazing on Morphling, are very conveniently ignored, effectively wasting 380 gold.Way to go champ.

You immediately make brown boots which is understandable, with a ring of regeneration, which again is a waste of money. You rush your Perseverance AND THEN you get your Bottle and Power Treads. Now let me give you a little something to think about.If you need a Bottle on Morphling when you yourself said that you need to play safe and farm, don't you think that the Bottle might be a bit wasted? also, if you need to solely farm in the early game, why bother with the ring of regeneration? Don't you think that it's a bit of an overkill?

You said you want to make a Linken's Sphere, but still waste your gold on an item you don't need( Bottle). You say that one needs to rush the Ethereal Blade AFTER the Linken's(not the best thing in my opinion), but conveniently add a Yasha in the middle. In short, you keep on contradicing yourself time and time again.

You include downright ****py items like Desolator but forget the almighty Eye of Skadi.

Next, we come to the gameplay.

In the early game section, I don't see anything wrong, apart from the Waveform in tower to kill enemy.Please note that in the early game, you are not level 7, and so your nuke is not at its maximum potential.Actually, its has a very low damage.

Also, if done as you direct, this morphling will only have 500 health, so a single stun will be enough to neutralize him

In the middle game, you said that your health should be around 500. At about 15-20 minutes into the game, and i hate to break this to you, 500 health is nothing. You should have around 6-700 health atleast to survive oncoming nukes.

Also, you said something about Morphling not being good super late. **** YOU. ****. YO- *ahem ahem* Morphling is good in the late game, in-fact, i would place him along the likes of Faceless Void and Medusa, simply because he is one of the only heroes who can go into the enemy base, murder the enemy's support and get out without any problems, something which is so powerful that it has ensured his position as the #1 since his inception.

That is all i have right now.

In conclusion, I think that your general disregard for stats on Morphling and reckless health ratio makes this build a bit too easy to counter.Also, an early point in Adaptive Strike every game keeps pesky Banes away :P

Sorry if i was a little too rude, it cant be helped.
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