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14 Votes

Meppo without Poof?

March 10, 2014 by Suprise_Motherfucker
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zMertzi | December 22, 2015 6:36am
Meepo without poof.. Can't kill easily cause Poof makes it easier to push kill and travel, atleast its "Meepo without poof" rather than "Meepo without Divided We Stand". BTW, Cuirass is the best armor aura for Meepo (I guess).
Hamstertamer (89) | May 23, 2014 1:10am
I've tried lots of silly stuff in DotA by screwing around with hero builds:

- I tried Shadow Fiend without Shadowraze, using Presence of the Dark Lord to get last hits and early stat levels

- I tried Morphling without Morph, taking stat levels instead

- I tried Batrider without Sticky Napalm and maxing Firefly

- I tried solo mid Crystal Maiden with dagon rush

- I even tried Lone Druid without Summon Spirit Bear.

What did I learn from doing all this stuff? That it doesn't work :D

There's a reason a hero has the 4 skills he has. Delaying them for early stat levels is completely understandable ( Anti-Mage or Naga Siren are experts at doing this for example), but skipping some of your skills completely usually makes no sense at all.

Poof is a 1300+ damage AOE nuke with a 6 second cooldown. That's the skill that allows you to dominate teamfights, it is Meepo's best skill, and it's the very reason why you pick Meepo in the first place. Besides it's like a free Radiance in terms of farming ability. Meepo without Poof is like Luna without Eclipse :P
You need at least 1 level in Poof anyways or else you can't even use Town Portal Scrolls :)

If you find Meepo too hard to play, just keep all your meepos together all the time, and use TAB to switch between them. You only need 3 keys to play Meepo : Q, W, and TAB.
Ancient Hero (17) | March 18, 2014 8:23pm
The problem is you now have no burst damage and also its very hard to cs early without the poof considering meepo's early game damage. If you feel like no poof, 1 early point is good. Also mobility that it gives with clones is great.
Durdi | March 18, 2014 4:42pm
OK, I am an advocate of new ways to play a hero. I love seeing people do strange things that work. THIS, however, is just silly. I can't possibly consider a meepo w/o poof. If even only one point. Part of meepo's allure is his ability to be everywhere. By not taking poof you are literally playing this hero to maybe MAYBE half his potential. If you are dead set on going a "no-poof" build, I would HIGHLY suggest getting one point early if only for the mobility.
ShoutyShout13 (2) | March 14, 2014 6:11am
If you have trouble micro-managing, I think it might be best if you use a hero than requires micro-managing on a lesser extent. Poof is what defines Meepo, dealing well over 1000 with all clones (including Aghanim's Scepter) and a maxed out Poof.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 12, 2014 6:46pm
redivider wrote:

invoker without invoke anyone?

It's more like Invoker without a single point in Wex. I mean, it can work (you still have Cold Snap and Forge Spirit), but it isn't nearly as good as a QW Invoker or a QE Invoker with the Meteor + Blast combo.
redivider | March 12, 2014 6:07pm
invoker without invoke anyone?
FleetAU (16) | March 11, 2014 11:30pm
I have tried playing Meepo without Poof and it can work and you can still kick *** but it is very iffy and the other team has to be terrible you just need poof to play him, just like every hero he needs all his abilities to be played successfully

and to join in with the comparisons that is like playing huscar without Berserkers Blood
CreamDog (2) | March 11, 2014 7:28am

I think a no- Poof Meepo would only be a below-average carry, as having decent attack damage but being susceptible to single target stuns and burst damage is more negative than positive. Still, I don't instantly refuse creative builds like this: a Meepo played this way might work with some improvements. For example, if I had to play him without Poof, I'd do Vlad's, Agh's and then straight Ethereal Blade and/or Heart of Tarrasque: I like the Mek choice when you don't have to spend your mana for Poofs, but it delays your items by too much and, as Meepo is more like a mid-game carry, you don't want to take unnecessary objects. Or you can simply skip/delay the Agh's.

I also think Boots of Travel are mandatory if you don't use Poof: having a Meepo with no global presence is just useless, I'd rather pick a different carry then.

you said it perfectly, I understand where this build was going with teaching people how to micro-manage without poof, but it just doesn't feel like you're playing meepo without poof.
mattizie | March 11, 2014 6:07am

Just no.

It's certainly viable going geostrike net ulti net, but you can't go the whole game without getting a single level of poof!

It's like playing weaver without ever getting Shukuchi.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 10, 2014 8:52pm
I think a no- Poof Meepo would only be a below-average carry, as having decent attack damage but being susceptible to single target stuns and burst damage is more negative than positive. Still, I don't instantly refuse creative builds like this: a Meepo played this way might work with some improvements. For example, if I had to play him without Poof, I'd do Vlad's, Agh's and then straight Ethereal Blade and/or Heart of Tarrasque: I like the Mek choice when you don't have to spend your mana for Poofs, but it delays your items by too much and, as Meepo is more like a mid-game carry, you don't want to take unnecessary objects. Or you can simply skip/delay the Agh's.

I also think Boots of Travel are mandatory if you don't use Poof: having a Meepo with no global presence is just useless, I'd rather pick a different carry then.
JaboChepelski | March 10, 2014 8:38pm
Why would you skip poof? That would be like a shadow fiend skipping Shadow Raze. What's the logic behind skipping his best ability to deal both damage and clear lanes? A level 3 poof with only a meepo and one clone is enough to clear an entire creep wave instantly. It's better to max poof first, geostrike and then earthbind. One level of net is all you really need, especially if you have anyone else on your team with any sort of stun. In my opinion, earthbind is a much better follow up stun than an initiation stun. This will help insure that you get burst damage off from poof
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