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14 Votes

Meppo without Poof?

March 10, 2014 by Suprise_Motherfucker
Comments: 12    |    Views: 13199    |   

no poof build

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

Hero Skills

Sticky Fingers (Innate)


1 4 6 8



2 5 7 9

Divided We Stand

3 10 17


11 12 13 14 15 16 18

Meppo without Poof?

March 10, 2014


Yo all,
First of all i'd like to apologise for my english, but I do my best:)
So, I'm playing dota since Warcraft 3, and I fall in love with Meppo since bug that allowed u to have an addition Meppo for EACH specter that u have...

It was pretty crazy and repaired quickly, but to the point:
Meppo is a difficult hero to play, but if u play him correctly, or better, it can become One Man Army Mid-LAte game.

And there comes Classic problem: How to control so many of me?
So I had a problem with Microing Meppo correctly... and it wont be most proffessional from my side, but I just made it simplier. This guide Ditch completly "POOF" Ability. I'm not using it at all, maybe in the very, very late game just for fun.

Pros / Cons

Good disable
Not as hard as it seems
Can take roshan relative quickly
Very fun to play
Divieded we stand rock
Farming skills are crazy
Exp gain best in the game

Need a lot of practice to master completly
No "fart of death"
Still dies easily when you're not cerefour

Early game

Early game is all about survival. Remember: you are squishy, u have no escape mechanism, enemies know that u are weak, and they will harass you by any occasions. And your brothers are not born yet. Try to get some last hits, but watch out for enemy stuns, slows, and anything that can turn you into easy first blood.
Skills early game:
Your first skill is Earthbind. It helps u escape, or hold down enemies which came too close to your tower, which can turn into unexpected first blood (2 sec is pretty long). It's not easy to land, but with some practice its very fun to cast. Second skill is Geostrike, it helps u last hit, and its slow stack later with your clones. Third item is of course Divided we stand, and here game start to gain speed.

Starting items:
tango, 2 salve, ring of protection, x 2.
First item that I Recommend to complete are tralinquity boots. Each Meppo gets their own pair, and their own cooldown. Health Regeneration is really awesome and you gonna need it.
Second item is Vladimir Offering. Start with mask of madness. Mask will help u jungle, If u feel like it after lvl 3. Than complete rest of it.

Early playstyle
Take easy lane, because u may need to have easy access to jungle later.
Solo mid is optional, but you will receive a lot of exp anyway, so you can let someone other have it.

I do not recommend to engage opponent, unless you have line partner that can stun them, or assure dealing some serious damage, or of course if opponent is asking for it. But generally stay defensive, stay save. Until Lvl 3 you do not posses any terrific battle potential.
Geomancer have a really sick Exp gain potential, each Meppo gain Experience individually, so theoretical late game you can stay at every lane, and jungle around at both sides at the same time, but lets be serious, it's VERY difficult to control them all. Lets come back to Lvl. 3: You have 2 Meppos, and it's getting fun, you have 2 Earthbind which make 4 seconds where enemy is standing still. This can assure kill, when you can catch enemy within your tower range, or be very helpful by just holding someone down. Earthbind can be very helpful when a wave of creeps approach your tower, and your creeps are still far away, just cast a net on them while they are in tower range, tower will weaken them, and your creeps will gain some time to come.
With 2 meppo's you can play 2 different ways:
(easier) Stay with both of them in line, last hitting is easy, with double attack, and double geostrike, and you can suddenly get very dangerous. They don't expect you to be so, but you can seriously slow them, and hold down for entire 4 seconds. Enemy heroes without some stun, or escape, or low health should go down easy.
(harder, but just a little bit) Primal meppo goes to jungle (preferably with some lifesteal), secondary meppo stay in line, and look brave. Exp and money goes up really quickly. Empty easy camp, maybe medium, and go back to 2 meppos in line and start to go for some kills.

Mid game

Mid game
Mid game is where meppo start to shine.
Mid game items
You should have vladmirs offering by now, now is time to get mekansm, it really work miracles, then start to gather Specter in order to become one man army. After mekansm and vladmir, you can consider change trlinquity boots to powertreads in order to get tankier
Mid game skills.
Just max out earthbind and geostrike, than take stats. As mentioned earlier no poof, if you have such a need, you can take one point in order to teleport from base to battlefield quickly, but with your boots, mekansm, and vladmirs offering, you should be just fine.
Mid game Playstyle.
2 meppos. If you manage to get both vladmir and mekansm, you start to bash enemy to the ground, it looks like this:
1 earthbind
2 you come and start to hit them, geostrike acktivate
3 enemy fight back
4 mekansm, enemy feel in trouble,
a)he try to take u down - get back with focused meppo
b)he try to runaway, cast second earthbind, finish him of.
When you hit 3 meppo, and have your core, you can easy do roshan alone. Aegis gives you a hell of comfort, but lets face it, u do a lot of damage, but still can be focused with some finger of death, or some damaging abilities.

Late game

Late game.
If you did good, or better, you should have an about 5 lvl difference between you and opponents, you should have 5 meppos, and respect throughtout whole team.

Items late game:
***alut crussaint, you really don need anythink gold for eventually buybacks or hearth of terrasque, buts really luxury.
Skills late game,
just max out stats, and take poof last 4 lvl.
Playstyle late game
If you are rocking the game you can hear an angry ''OWNING'' srcream every 45 seconds, if you do, you're good. We consider late game when your tem is getting inside theire base, or the other way around. Usually you should have your core +assault crussaint, which is enough to take half of theire team on your own, towers go down in seconds when you surround them, and is should be an GG soon.

PS. When your'e rocking around enemys base, and thei're scared to get out of fountain you have some time to praktise poofing;)

It was an optimistic scenario.
But if u got kills too many times, stay defensive, Meppo can acktivate 3 reaction in enemies:
a) Its an meppo, lets runaway, or he will kill us! -> good one
b) Its meppo, lets team up, and focus him!-> avarege
c) Its my free farm!->not good at all.
When your'e at option ''C'' don't get depressed, and don't rage-quit for god sake. It may sound very 'pro' but you can do just fine as bait. Just stay with your team, u give them some graet auras, long ranged disable, and mekansm. So pretty usefull, you don't have to play first role, but just team up!


Its my first build, and I use my English just for dota, so please have patient to my grammar:). Its ment to get to know this hero, because his very fun to play, and a lot of people are scared to play him. When you get some practice, you can try to use poof in battle, which is core in other builds, but lets be creative:)
Hope you enjoyed it, please comment, or give some info how it worked.
I'm open to any feedback, gl!

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