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11 Votes

Lone Druid? More like Pwn Druid!

December 21, 2014 by Blackfrostia
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magicmerl (6) | March 25, 2015 2:42am
The starting items for you and the bear combined cost more than the gold you start with, even if you random.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | December 31, 2014 9:40pm
Eye of Skadi and Orb of Venom are unique attack modifiers which stack with life-steal based unique attack modifiers.
Unscathed (47) | December 31, 2014 9:29pm
Urgh! MoM stacks with skadi and venom!
Jmaestro3000 | December 31, 2014 11:25am
Last time I checked you could purchase orb of venom from the side shop. That's not to say you shouldn't offlane personally I find it easier not sure why I just find it easier to chase people.

Also hand of Midas and radiance is perfectly viable. My best time jungling this is 14:34 but it's a totally different play style to laning.
Skull basher is good I tend to get one on both bear and Druid instead of abysal blade if you can't kill someone in the time that and entagle will give you don't have the damage and should be running
Not sure about mask of madness your bear will absolutely melt in the mid game if you try to use this plus it doesn't help push. Vlads to plus radiance = creep wave with no damage
TheNooBmE | December 22, 2014 3:17am
Very Good Guide,about control it i prefer to use ctrl+2 for druid,ctrl+3 for bear and ctrl+4 for both.ANYWAY GOOD GUIDE ^^
Unscathed (47) | December 21, 2014 5:46pm
Actually dude you give the skadi on the druid not on the bear.

Seriously, you are playing it wrong if you put skadi on the bear.

Also, i would like if you make a CONCLUSION chapter. Also maybe make the firends/foes section better because i think it's the least good part on the guide.
Blackfrostia | December 21, 2014 4:50pm
Unscathed wrote:

Please, get Town Portal Scroll for starting,

When the bear is damaged badly it probably would have teached level 2 summon.

Also bear has mana now.

Its better off using TP to Return since Lone Druid himself doesn't need to spend his own mana. Better than Healing Salve to the bear. Also, why Tango for druod at jungle? It's not like he is tanking the damage.

I dont think getting both midas and radiance is good. It's just too greedy and wont pay off quick. They deserve their own "farming situationals" section imo.

Eh, may I suggest Eye of Skadi? You provide some sections about kiting and its just going to help much, and completely outclasses Heart of Tarrasque for the druid form.

Also. If the enemy has VERY little heroes that can burst down the bear, Mask of Madness mate. Mask. Of. Freaking. Madness. Awesome stuff for the bear.

And.. Have you ever considering Desolator and or Necronomicon? I think both are good if you went full Be[A]r. Yes, full split push. Have you ever done this? You might need travels for druid, blink for both, and the items above and perhaps radiance and/or maelstrom.

Overall, I love this guide. I see that you might have put weeks of effort to write this. Very well formatted, lots of tips and tricks, and is just a wonderful guide.

Upvote from me.

I didn't want to add Eye of Skadi because the bear doesn't benefit from the stat gain, even though the slow is nice. But ok I will add it.

I guess Mask of Madness is nice, considering the bear's attack speed is so bad.

And yeah I'll do something about the midas and radiance part.

Thanks for the advice!
Unscathed (47) | December 21, 2014 7:56am
Please, get Town Portal Scroll for starting,

When the bear is damaged badly it probably would have teached level 2 summon.

Also bear has mana now.

Its better off using TP to Return since Lone Druid himself doesn't need to spend his own mana. Better than Healing Salve to the bear. Also, why Tango for druod at jungle? It's not like he is tanking the damage.

I dont think getting both midas and radiance is good. It's just too greedy and wont pay off quick. They deserve their own "farming situationals" section imo.

Eh, may I suggest Eye of Skadi? You provide some sections about kiting and its just going to help much, and completely outclasses Heart of Tarrasque for the druid form.

Also. If the enemy has VERY little heroes that can burst down the bear, Mask of Madness mate. Mask. Of. Freaking. Madness. Awesome stuff for the bear.

And.. Have you ever considering Desolator and or Necronomicon? I think both are good if you went full Be[A]r. Yes, full split push. Have you ever done this? You might need travels for druid, blink for both, and the items above and perhaps radiance and/or maelstrom.

Overall, I love this guide. I see that you might have put weeks of effort to write this. Very well formatted, lots of tips and tricks, and is just a wonderful guide.

Upvote from me.
Eightfold (9) | December 21, 2014 7:08am
A few things: The scaling on Battle Cry has been changed, It is now 50/75/100, with the armor bonus being 5/10/15, the duration being 6, and the cooldown being 60. Mana is the same.

Perhaps a call for tips on micro would be in order? Throw out the controls you use, and explain why you use it vs. another system.

it's actually a 1.933 transformation time for trueform

A good guide, regardless of the slightly out-of-date information. +1
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