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17 Votes

Live Long and (Make Them) Suffer

June 22, 2012 by kirbyruled
Comments: 7    |    Views: 99764    |   

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wilddeonpwn (102) | July 11, 2012 1:23am
Nice guide I will be writing a Necro guide soon but thanks for the guide helped me a lot.
Now +1 me FOREVA

HAHA i just noticeed on one of the screenshots of the end of the match, a kunkha has 5 boots lol :)
kirbyruled (16) | June 19, 2012 6:10pm

My friend (no seriously) dosen't understand heartstopper aura leveling at all.
I don't quite understand why a lvl 1 in it is needed but I value the skill.

Can I get an explination why (at max rank) 30 damage per second in an AOE is "worth" 4 levels
Thank you

Because that's an 1000 yard Radiance (40 Magic damage = 30 True damage, assuming no Cloak or greater)? Heartstopper Aura is obviously superior to Stats.

edit: Here's how Level 1 Heartstopper Aura is worth it. For starters, a single point investment is 3x more efficient (0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2%) than other ranks. Consider the following example:

Necrolyte is laned mid against a Queen of Pain with 3 Ironwood Branches. She has 16 + 3 Strength, which equates to (19 * 19) + 100 HP = 461. Her HP regeneration is 0.25 + (19 * 0.03) = 0.82. The aura will be doing 2.766 DPS to her if she is within 1000 range of you (i.e. last hitting/denying/harassing). Hearstopper Aura is causing her to not only not regenerate life but also be dealt 1.946 damage per second. Heartstopper Aura gets more effective as she gets more levels/HP as well. It's also stronger against heroes such as Pudge and Tiny.
Xajora (3) | June 19, 2012 5:43pm
My friend (no seriously) dosen't understand heartstopper aura leveling at all.
I don't quite understand why a lvl 1 in it is needed but I value the skill.

Can I get an explination why (at max rank) 30 damage per second in an AOE is "worth" 4 levels
Thank you
kirbyruled (16) | June 19, 2012 4:22pm
Big update is live with actual Gameplay information as well, still not completely done yet though!

Also as much as I love up-votes, any comments you have beyond +1 are appreciated as well.
kirbyruled (16) | June 15, 2012 9:44am
Numeta wrote:

Whenever I play necrolyte I find myself buying Aghanims more and more. I just like being able to kill any carry at 55%

I've been tooling around with a battle necrolyte with armlet heh, still in the works.

Death Pulse + Mekansm + Armlet of Mordiggian = 855 Health swing rofl, sounds fun.
Numeta (27) | June 15, 2012 3:42am
Whenever I play necrolyte I find myself buying Aghanims more and more. I just like being able to kill any carry at 55%

I've been tooling around with a battle necrolyte with armlet heh, still in the works.
kirbyruled (16) | June 14, 2012 6:23pm
This is indeed unfinished (see: Lorem ipsum) but I would love comments on my build/layout if anyone has any.
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