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4 Votes

Left 4 Undying (Pusher Guide Undying in lord--sama's style)

July 9, 2012 by lord--sama
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Martys (1) | July 17, 2012 10:14am
WorkPants wrote:

Leveling Soul Rip past Level 2 early on isn't really worth it, if you fight near creep waves with a dual lane you will only have up to 12 targets to Soul Rip from. I prefer to max Decay before Soul Rip for this reason.

If you aren't getting Radiance pre Bloodstone, Shiva's Guard may arguably be a better choice (or simply work as complement to Radiance). Necronomicon is a questionable Luxury as well, being significantly more powerful early/mid game. Item choices are still decent overall though.

Although I agree that leveling Soul Rip beyond level 2 isn't very effective, I believe he means that for the times when there is Broodmother or Enigma around, those brind their own creeps that can be used, I suppose that for the same reason he takes Necronomicon. Either way having two more creeps to nuke or heal 50 more points is rather unconvenient and Soul Rip is also very unreliable, many teamfights are happening in places where there aren't any creeps.
WorkPants (7) | July 9, 2012 10:45am
Leveling Soul Rip past Level 2 early on isn't really worth it, if you fight near creep waves with a dual lane you will only have up to 12 targets to Soul Rip from. I prefer to max Decay before Soul Rip for this reason.

If you aren't getting Radiance pre Bloodstone, Shiva's Guard may arguably be a better choice (or simply work as complement to Radiance). Necronomicon is a questionable Luxury as well, being significantly more powerful early/mid game. Item choices are still decent overall though.
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