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3 Votes

Juggernaut - Hundred Blades (Refresher Juggy)

May 7, 2014 by Gardevoir
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noggertz (1) | May 7, 2014 6:37am
Considering your skill build, maybe it would be better to start with 3 branches or a circlet perhaps so you can use your combo skills at level 6 of omnislash-blade fury.
Gardevoir | May 7, 2014 1:45am
Krwiozerca wrote:

As you stated, Juggernaut cannot be compared to top tiered Hard Carries, which makes him Semi-Carry. I would compare Juggernaut to Huskar. Early/Mid game they are one of the best heroes, because they can be useful since they provide early damage, they can heal, they are rather good gankers... While typical Hard Carries to the minute 25 are somewhat weak. Juggernaut is honestly never weak, but in DotA you can't have everything. You can't be the master of the all stages of the game. If he would be Hard Carry, I would see him farming for 30 minutes, but this isn't happening, right? This is simply not his role. Also, if he would be hard carry he would be able to face other Hard Carries, like Faceless Void, Luna, Anti-Mage, Morphling.

I brought back the second point, because this is just a funny statement! Don't you think I am some kind of douchebag. I was just trying to imagine Juggernaut actually executing RAMPAGE with Omnislash. That would be hillarious.

I feel like Scepter on Juggernaut is a complete waste. Yes, this is a critic on build.

You can't swap Town Portal Scroll for Boots of Travel, because they are different items that work in a quite different way. Also, I think that almost anyone would like to get Boots of Travel instead of TP Scrolls, but you have to question yourself: Is it worth it and can I afford that? For that amount of gold what is better to purchase?

You would not recommend Radiance early game? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? :)
Radiance is the better, the faster it was purchased. This is laugh worthy just for the statement, that you seem like getting Radiance early gonna hurt ya! Maybe this is some grammar or logic misunderstandment by me...?

Take care.

Thanks for the reply, firstly I would wanto apologize that my badly translated Japanese name of Omnislash build a hilarious image of Juggernaut's single ulti will allow him to get Rampage Kills throughout the battlefield, for I have no such intention from the beginning.

And yes when I said swap out Town Portal Scroll for Boots of Travel i really meant to say swapping out Phase Boots+Town Portal Scroll with BoT. Its solely my bad, will make it clearer in the guide.

I do not recommend Radiance for this particular build is due to the same reason as Desolator as explained in the guide. I'm focusing beefing Omnislash with attack speed and Aghanim's Scepter asap, if fact Omnislash is the only reason why anyone would even bother with a Refresher Orb on Juggy. But I can see that you're totally not buying anything when by saying Aghanim's Scepter being a complete waste on Juggy, nor that I would convince you in anyway to try out my build. Reason why I started this guide is quite simple, I have a lot of successful game with this build and I find more FUN than other carry-build Juggy and play style, so I've decided to share it, please read the first section of the guide again if you think my intention is to convince everyone that this is the best build in the world.

And last but not least, hard-carry Juggy was never a popular opinion due to the fact that actual hard carry can do the job better. But whenever we tried debate further, most would agreed that he came close being, largely due to the nature of his ulti. And he could do the job with just a decent teamwork/setup, isn't that's what Dota's all about anyway? Oh well, I'm gonna stick my unpopular pubgame opinion, where I spent most of my time on. XD

Cheers mate!
Krwiozerca (34) | May 7, 2014 12:19am
Krwiozerca wrote:


"Juggernaut is a hard carry"
This debate goes waaaaaaay back. As Juggernaut is no doubt a good pusher, he is always build as a hard carry and CAN assume the role as a hard carry although not as shiney when compared to top tiered Hard Carry.

"Omnislash AKA Ultimate Rampaging Blades of the War God"
I said I didn't made that up lol. The skill was first introduced in a Final Fantasy game, which inspired Dota Juggernaut's ultimate long before the hero was created. The original Japanese name was �究武��� before being translated as Omnislash in the later released English version of the game. Can read moon runes, ain't muh problem bro. :P

The last few points seems to be simple critics on the build but I can't really point out why. The reason for Point Booster is being clearly stated in the guide. Early game more mana = more Blade Fury, more Healing Ward, more Blade Fury+ Omnislash. As for Town Portal Scroll maybe you don't think its an important item late game? As for Radiance it has already being explained above. Can you be a wee bit more precise on your critics and add in some insights maybe? O_o

As you stated, Juggernaut cannot be compared to top tiered Hard Carries, which makes him Semi-Carry. I would compare Juggernaut to Huskar. Early/Mid game they are one of the best heroes, because they can be useful since they provide early damage, they can heal, they are rather good gankers... While typical Hard Carries to the minute 25 are somewhat weak. Juggernaut is honestly never weak, but in DotA you can't have everything. You can't be the master of the all stages of the game. If he would be Hard Carry, I would see him farming for 30 minutes, but this isn't happening, right? This is simply not his role. Also, if he would be hard carry he would be able to face other Hard Carries, like Faceless Void, Luna, Anti-Mage, Morphling.

I brought back the second point, because this is just a funny statement! Don't you think I am some kind of douchebag. I was just trying to imagine Juggernaut actually executing RAMPAGE with Omnislash. That would be hillarious.

I feel like Scepter on Juggernaut is a complete waste. Yes, this is a critic on build.

You can't swap Town Portal Scroll for Boots of Travel, because they are different items that work in a quite different way. Also, I think that almost anyone would like to get Boots of Travel instead of TP Scrolls, but you have to question yourself: Is it worth it and can I afford that? For that amount of gold what is better to purchase?

You would not recommend Radiance early game? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? :)
Radiance is the better, the faster it was purchased. This is laugh worthy just for the statement, that you seem like getting Radiance early gonna hurt ya! Maybe this is some grammar or logic misunderstandment by me...?

Take care.
Gardevoir | May 6, 2014 5:11pm
MyLoDaGamer wrote:

You messed up on the stats you never leveled the ultimate to lvl 3

Thanks a bunch man, it has been corrected now. I don't know how the hell I can overlook that one.


KoDyAbAbA wrote:


I have been into several games that the enemy players are so good with Dagger of Escape that the team just got kited mid-game onwards and forced to clash when the condition doesn't favor us. But 2 be honest so far there are only 2 games I actually managed to get Radiance mid game because onwards and they works like a charm for me, preventing Dagger before Omnislash jump on them, I was glad to have one in my inventory back then.

Desolator is a good item, but getting deso means that you will be losing considerable attack speed and losing extra slashes during Omnislash. When I finally have enough attack speed it would be near mid-late game and Assault Cuirass seems like a better option then.

But I did state it as a very situational item. I choose ***cault Cuirass over Butterfly for the plain reason as why you pick Desolator, for the armor reduction so Omnislash slashes hurts more, Butterfly is godly but doesn't seems to fit in a guide that put so much focus on Omnislash.

But hey thansk for the input really, I will add more info in the guide in regarding the things you have brought up.


Krwiozerca wrote:


"Juggernaut is a hard carry"
This debate goes waaaaaaay back. As Juggernaut is no doubt a good pusher, he is always build as a hard carry and CAN assume the role as a hard carry although not as shiney when compared to top tiered Hard Carry.

"Omnislash AKA Ultimate Rampaging Blades of the War God"
I said I didn't made that up lol. The skill was first introduced in a Final Fantasy game, which inspired Dota Juggernaut's ultimate long before the hero was created. The original Japanese name was 超究武神霸斩 before being translated as Omnislash in the later released English version of the game. Can read moon runes, ain't muh problem bro. :P

The last few points seems to be simple critics on the build but I can't really point out why. The reason for Point Booster is being clearly stated in the guide. Early game more mana = more Blade Fury, more Healing Ward, more Blade Fury+ Omnislash. As for Town Portal Scroll maybe you don't think its an important item late game? As for Radiance it has already being explained above. Can you be a wee bit more precise on your critics and add in some insights maybe? O_o
Krwiozerca (34) | May 6, 2014 2:01pm
Some laugh material I got from this guide:
  • "Juggernaut is a hard carry"
  • "Omnislash AKA Ultimate Rampaging Blades of the War God"
  • "After Phase Boots, aim for Point Booster or Staff of Wizardry"
  • "Get this if you want to swap your Town Portal Scroll for something else" (about Boots of Travel)
  • "Normally I won't recommend this on my build, at least not early game" (about Radiance)
MyLoDaGamer | May 6, 2014 1:45pm
You messed up on the stats you never leveled the ultimate to lvl 3
KoDyAbAbA (65) | May 6, 2014 9:23am
and radiance as a late game item? pfffft
KoDyAbAbA (65) | May 6, 2014 9:06am
actually, juggernaut needs 315 attack-speed to hit between Omnislash.

Desolator is actually a very good item simply due to the fact that Omnislash is physical damage and that juggernaut's attacks pack a punch.

well, we come to Assault Curi*** vs Butterfly.

lets see the stats shall we?
Assault Curi*** gives us 15 armour,55 attack-speed and a -5 armour debuff/+5 buff.
which translates into Juggernaut's 13 armour + 15 armour from item = 28 armour
which is about 3777.4 EHP at level 25.

Butterfly give us 30/7=4.25~ armour, 60 attack-speed, 25% evasion which translates into.

4414.34 EHP AT LEVEL 25.

Butterfly gives you 626 more EHP, 5 more attack-speed and a cool looking item in your invent :D.
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