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Items-When to buy which one *UPDATED*

September 28, 2013 by GamesForGods
Comments: 20    |    Views: 17694    |   


Hello lads and welcome to my item-guide! I hope to help people buying the right items for the right hero at the right time. Often I see people buying nonsense items and at some point (might have been that Spirit Breaker starting of with an headdress) I decided to make a guide to help that lost souls. Please don't give
downvotes because of mistakes in orthography, English isn't my mothertongue. Hope this guide helps to crash some n*ts! If you have something to add or found a mistake in mechanics just comment. Hf

But you may already LEAVE A COMMENT OR A VOTE to help me since this guide is going to be long!

Terrible Pub-Builds

As I noticed if seen bad things in this war... rly bad things. Imagine you win games just because da opponent-rapierholder Gyrocopter trynna 1vs3 your team with one freakin endgame-item: mantastyle. As I've been playing a decent time low priority (left a few games) I saw lot of such things. If you folks got anything to add to this section just comment!

Da Battlefury-Controversial

I guess you often see guys building this on Brewmaster and Chaosknight. Problem just unneeded on them. Battlefury is a FARMING ITEM (though it got the potential to give them nuts on some carries ( Phantom Assassin/ Kunkka) but its mostly replaced for other itmes in lategame). But brew and chaos so much ganking and teamfight potential this money is better invested in something that actually helps them fighting like armlet on ck and aghanims on brew. Still didn't got it? BM has at lvl 4 an aoe 4.25 50% slow that deals 300 magical-dmg plus he gains crits and evasion through his e while beinh quite tanky anyway! His ultimate gives him a radiance aura and a nuking 2 second stun with low cd and three panda dudes attacking ur enemies why not stay on the lane and get some kills or force some teamfights! Same with CK has the possibility to singletarget-stun an opponent for up to 4 secs (Blackhole-duration) additionally he has crits. Pls don't dig in and farm!!!

Mask Of Madness-Huskar

So op hero so bad item... And now why: Huskar is/was (patches...) built on his e Berserkers Blood. Since it gives you more power the lower you are builds on huskar focus on being sustainable while being close to death. MoM let you take 30% extradmg meaning you will die faster. MoMs attackspeed is anyway not needed since the skill already provides mass of that.

-EDIT-Since the patch about [huskar]s e this gotten anyway out of trend....

Mekanism-Phantom Lancer

Awwwwwww dis hurtz! Seen dis a few times. They always lost. You know Phantom Lancer is currently the strongest carry in the game? You are the carry so get some items that actually improve your performance. Things like Butterfly or Manta. As hard carry you need that items. You are anyway a farming hero why dafuq would you farm to get a mek, dat thing is cheaper than an diffusal. By the way ur illus are taking so much xtra-dmg you are anyway inable to keep them alive with a mek. Just for the math-freaks: illus take 300% extra-dmg: lets say our lad makes 100 dmg after armour what would be some Midgame-carry means 300 per hit -your great mek-active(250 hp)=DEATH!!! errr thats way to much dmg to heal it.

Assault Cuir*ss

Assault Cuirass... Thought dat thing needed an own chapter.

When to pick it NOT up: Well you play a nice game of DotA 2 you having a great time your team even picked supps and tanks and you as Dragon Knight are getting quite fed. After your Satanic your looking for something that speeds your attacks up. Since ac-auras don't stack you look around if some other CARRY picked it already up as you notice your axe buyed after his Vaguard one...
Ahhh pls not!!! Axe (and tide too) has one of the worst dps in the game!! Assault is an very important item. There should be one on every team since it buffs your team, your push (building's armour gets lowered) and debuffs your enemy. You won't tell me an axe killed you because of his dps? Since Aura-Items (except Meks) shouldn't be multiple times on a team: AC is a smart pickup but not for tanks or supports because they don't need the things it provides not via aura= Better save this item for your carry!

When to pick it up: You are Strength-Carry? Always get it since Strength-Carries always lack attackspeed and armour (while agis rather need survability). There should be always one on your team (since the aura is quite strong) except all of your carries are agility what means throught stat-gain they don't rly need neither the attackspeed nor the armour. This is esspecially usefull when you are facing a heavy hitting team like Faceless Void, PL and such bastards...
What this thing is doing well too is countering Lifestealer and other low armour tanks as Axe or Pudge: Since Lifestealer is diff to counter because he has an inbuilded BKB you have to hit him physically since 'cuase his armour is quite low. Assault can put his armour in midgame literally to 0.

Blink Dagger

Blink Dagger is the a utility item meant for initiating. But not all initiators can make use of it and it often gets bought by the wrong heroes. This section well seperate all heroes in the game in three sections related to Blink Dagger:

CORE- Blink is a must have on this hero and probably the first core you get.

VIABLE- Dagger is worth the costs on this hero and does his job.

REJECTED- Don't ever get it on these heroes since it is conpletely useless or the money is needed for other things.


Alchemist-REJECTED No Initiator

Ancient Apparition-REJECTED Useless on him. None of his spells benefits.

Anti-Mage-REJECTED Are you fooling me? But yeah Magic sucks.

Axe-CORE Blink+berseker's call=Great Initiation

Bane-VIABLE If coupled with your Ulti it may be a nice combo.

Batrider-CORE Synergizes perfect with your Ultimate for sudden Initiation

Beastmaster-VIABLE A possible tool to land your Q and Ult but I's rather recommend an Aghanim's Scepter.


Bounty Hunter-REJECTED

Brewmaster-VIABLE A common choice on him since he has some good AoE.


Chaos Knight-REJECTED



Clockwerk-VIABLE If you rly want it you may but other items are much stronger and he already has his hook. I DON'T RECOMMEND it. And even when gettin' it get a core before this.

Crystal Maiden-VIABLE You don't have to get since a mek and stuff like can be more important. Also a [Shadow Blade] hides WHILE channeling!

Dark Seer-REJECTED You have surge...


Death Prophet-REJECTED


Dragon Knight-REJECTED

Drow Ranger-REJECTED

Earthshaker-CORE Perfoms perfectly with his whole skillset and especially his Ult.

Elder Titan-REJECTED There's no poin in blinkin' since you have an invible walking twin.


Enigma-CORE THE Item for him.

Faceless Void-REJECTED

Gyrocopter-Good since his Ult is shortranged.

Huskar-REJECTED But there is some special occasion when to get it...

Invoker-VIABLE Better escape with Ghost Walk, works with chaos metheor, Ice Wall and Deafening Blast...

Jakiro-VIABLE Nice positioning for your AoE is all!


Keeper of the Light-VIABLE Positioning is all about your [illuminate]...

Kunkka-REJECTED My opinion.

Leshrac-VIABLE For a bigger range of your stun.

Lich-REJECTED Get an Agha...

Lifestealer-REJECTED In my opinion...

Lina-VIABLE If you are able to use it well.

Lion-VIABLE Gives your disables a better range and more SURPRISE!


Luna-VIABLE I mean people are gettin Force Staff on her. Better get this if u rly want Initiation power... I wouldn't ever do it.


Magnus-CORE RP!

Meepo-CORE If you already playing get this. The trick is: Blink up your enemy while poofing with all Meepos to your Main-Meepo. Aaaaah dis sounds paradox!

Mirana-REJECTED Get something to carry my dear.

Morphling-REJECTED CARRRRRRY! Don't waste space and money.

Naga Siren- VIABLE for SUPPORT-NAGA to get a rly big net-range.

Nature's Prophet-REJECTED



Nyx Assassin-REJECTED


Omniknight-VIABLE Omni Needs to be everywhere in teamfights. This helps him.

outworld devourer-REJECTED [force staff]] is soo much better with it´s INT gain...

Phantom Assassin-REJECTED Troll?

Phantom Lancer-REJECTED

Puck-CORE Helps you for more initiation and escaping ****.

Pudge-Not possible to purchase :(


Queen of Pain-REJECTED I'd report you...



Rubick-VIABLE Very strong for surprising Telekinesis and other combos...

Sand King-CORE Ult and blink... Destructive!

Shadow Demon-REJECTED May have seen it in Top 10 Weekly but it's useless but to escape...

Shadow Fiend-REJECTED Get a shadowblade for that. Also your Ulti has a delay and kinda of channel...



skeleton king-REJECTED

Slardar-CORE Such a strong stun...




Spirit Breaker-REJECTED

Storm Spirit-REJECTED

Sven-REJECTED For your Q! Rather a choice for the Support-Sven.

Templar Assassin-CORE Makes it easy to use your Meld offensively.

Tidehunter-CORE One of the best Ultimates in the game needs an own item!

Tinker-CORE Since he has no Stuns/Slows it provids needed mobility. It also brings u to places where u can safely use march and port away. Alternatively [force staff].

Tiny-CORE Pull of some avelanches and gold for your QOOOOORIESS!!!

treeant protector-CORE For you ult!


Ursa-VIABLE Great to use with your Earthshock and before use cast already Overpower.

Vengeful Spirit-Deactivated for this hero.

Venomancer-CORE Again for the Ult.





windrunner-VIABLE Makes it very eaS to get the right angle to shackle someone but forcestaff is generally te better choice.

Io-VIABLE For great combos with your Ult (Escaping) and nukin with your Spirits.

Witch Doctor-VIABLE I admit it´s fun to blink into trees and ult... LOOK AT IT GO!



Black King Bar: Today core on nearly every carry. Provides even some nice dmg and strength.
PICK IT UP when facing heroes with disables that DON'T pierce Magic-Immunity ( Black Hole, Chronosphere...). As mentioned this is mainly a carry-item to prevent gettin' chainstunned or just blasted to 0 hp but this item can also purchased on other heroes when facing very heavy caster teams (something like a team with a QoP, a KotL, an Enigma, Elder Titan and Invoker *cough* already had this we didn't even attack!) though pipe of inssight is the better item for supps and tanks (but don't use Pipe when your carries all got their BKBs on).

Battle Fury: I am definitely NOT RECOMMENDING this on carries which have great early-midgame impact ( Brewmaster and Chaos Knight as example) just to farm! Pls also notice it doesn't work on ranged units. Though it's gettin' often picked up by thw wrong this item is very strong and provides a unique ability, a decent regen and good dmg!
PICK IT UP WHEN you want to farm like a MAD because it can really speed up your farm in heroes like Anti-Mage! Additional the 35% can help you to carry especiall when your team lacks carries so can attack multiple enemies at once. Also it is a considerable core on heroes that have incredible burst dmg ( Phantom Assassin) or heroes who have anyway cleave ( Kunkka) since any kind of CLEAVE STACKS! Yep right this isn't a myth! Also great ar countering illusion-heroes.

Butterfly: Exception for this is Phantom Assassin since her passive Evasion doesn´t stack with Butterfly and is even lower... This Thing let u hit like Mike Tyson at the same Speed. It makes u tankier with the armour gained and the Evasion.
PICK IT UP WHEN U are an AGI-Carry. Nearly always! This item is also viable on STR-Carries when an Assault Cuirass is already bought since it´s much stronger than an heaven´s halberd. It provides similar stats to you.

Daedalus: The best attackdmg item in the game considering cost and effect. REMEMBER crits don't stack but when you stack crystalis or Daedalus you have several (and more) chances to crit!
PICK IT UP WHEN you are playing a hardcarry (like Faceless Void) and you want to buff your output! Build this when you finished your survability and attackspeed items because without them it's useless.

dagon: Lovely dagon... One of the most popular items. Though on it's higher lvls quite strong it is a very expensive pickup (Dagon 5 costs 8175 gold). In my opinion there are just two hero which can use Dagon alyways as core: Nyx Assassin and Tinker.
PICK IT UP WHEN you are nuker and your whole team is ahead. Dagon should be especially picked up when facing a squishy team.

Drum of Endurance: Drums got very popular in last months meta and it stays there. At the Moment it´s a bit overrated when I see hardcarries walkin around with it and act like it´s a Butterfly. Still this item is nice for every hero Kind (STR, AGI, INT)since it provides the same of all. PICK IT UP WHEN you are a bit short on Money or if u Need quickly Stats for ur hero. It helps u survive early skirmishes and is usefull for the whole Team. Tough it is oringinally a Support-Item it is especially strong on STR-, or AGI-Carries since they Need Tankiness as well as Attackspeed and often Mana too.

Force Staff: Nice mobility item: Offers you a escaping/chasing ability and positioning and initiating tool.
PICK IT UP on heroes like Pudge or windrunner that have a mechanism with it and combine it with their skills or on heroes like Outworld Destroyer: (Intelligence-)Heroes with no stuns or slows and no escape but rly need it.

Heaven's Halberd: Underrated item for carries.
PICK IT UP WHEN facing heavitters like Sven or Mortred. The Evasion and the active should make them useless, but notice it doesn`t go through BKB. Also it should be rather picked up by Strength-Heroes since it anyway isn´t nice for carrying.

Manta Style: Soon

Mask of Madness: Overrated item! The 30% extra-attack- and movementspeed are nice but 30% are quite much! NEVER pick it up against nuker-teams since they will melt you down in secs and sell it in lategame when carries get beefy!
PICK IT UP in early-/midgame when facing much Lategame-Carries so there isn't much dmg that get's amplified. This item is meant for carries that stay untouched in fights or can't farm up early but I rather don't recommend this item.

Medallion of Courage: One of the most underrated items!! For only 1075 you get some armour, manaregen and an OP active: Reducing your opponents armour by 6 for 7 secs is quite strong.
PICK IT UP WHEN you have early heavyhitting carries like Drow Ranger, Bounty Hunter or lycanthrope or facing a team of low-armour-tanks like Axe, Alchemist or Lifestealer. Though often buyed by gankers it is a nice pickup for supps. In my opinion it's one of the items that every team should have. It can also be used to take rosh down in early stages. Also useful when your team runs an armoureduction-tactic(credits to wisdomseyes1).

Mekansm: Must-Have-Item for Supports. Every team should have one hero with it on your team 'cause it can change the tide of an fight.
PICK IT UP WHEN you are a support. And if you team hasn't any supps the tank should get it. Multiple are somewhat viable when usig splitpush tactics or if your supports are likely to die fast...

Pipe of Insight: Very underrated item. There should one on every team.
PICK IT UP WHEN facing when you yet have none on your team. This is an excellent item for tanks to counter casters. When facing heavy caster teams this is a must-have item since the active soaks with 300 dmg quite much.

Radiance: Soon

Satanic: Soon

Shadow Blade: EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY freakin game theres someone building shadowblade! Or maybe I am just paranoid concerning this buisiness? Ok back to facts: Since the dmg-nerf it has gotten but is still a cheap item which offers great utility. What many forget is that the hit breaking the invis does a decent amount of extradmg.
PICK IT UP WHEN you wanna solopush lanes or flashfarm to escape if you get gankes but be aware of Dust of Appearance!

Shiva's Guard: Great item since it improves your defense and offense and has through the passive and active a big influence on teamfights.
PICK IT UP WHEN facing a heavy hitting team which much attackspeed. This item is made for caster since it provides tons of intelligence. The armour helps you and that sweet -20% attackspeed can make difference. The active nuke is very strong as the aoe is as big as QoP's b**bs. And as O-R-W-K mentioned though the passive diesn't stack multiple shivs are quite strongthrough the devastating active.

Vanguard: Vanguard is mainly a tank item since that 2225 are that what tanks can afford 'till Midgame. But squishy agi-carries as Phantom Lancer, Anti-Mage (, Spectre) get it often as core item. Though this is viable I you have to remember that a vanguard on a carry is always a mini- Heart of Tarrasque.
PICK IT UP WHEN you wether need some extra tankiness because of early teamfights or when your farm sux to much to get a HoT. Latest until lategame you should trade your Vanguard for a HoT.
PICK IT UP on heroes that have on-hit-effects (ty o-r-w-k) as Axe's Counter Helix or centaur warchief's Return because the dmg-block and extra-hp makes the difference between your hp and your enemies hp bigger what's the essential of on-hit heroes since they dish out dmg when taking it by themself: After taking and returning dmg the tank should just took a bit more dmg than the opponent and coupled with the tanks own dmg you get an advantage! Vanguard is especially that good since with dmg-block of Vanguard can almost tank auto-attacks untill midgame. TIPP: Returned dmg consists of the original dmg dished out so dmg block doesn't make your dmg-return useless.
-To the people that definitely don't wanna see a Vanguard on AM: Gonna make an extra chapter fot that!-

Unfinished Buisiness

Things yet to be done:

-Add Agha section

-Add blink dagger section *DONE*

-Finish item list

-Overwork the guide visually

Waiting for more inspiration what to add!!


- 02.08.13 added Blink Dagger-Section

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