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Items-When to buy which one *UPDATED*

September 28, 2013 by GamesForGods
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NBalfa | October 3, 2013 10:48am
oh also forgot about blink dagger on meepo which should not be considered as a core item as you find this item useful mostly on snowball situations and thus it is not a "game changing" item. of course it is fun to blink poof in their face but that does not mean that you need this item. so as a meepo i would list agha as a core and then you will have to decide what you will get depending on the situation.
NBalfa | October 3, 2013 10:42am
i would like to argue about the importance of the blink dagger on certain heroes which i will list just below :

1. nevermore(aka shadow fiend)i believe that the blink dagger is a great item on him compared with it's contestant shadow blade. the reason is quite simple: blink-bkb-ult is faster more surprising easier to use it along with team's aoe stuns and more reliable than using shadowblade to move towards the enemy team to cast your ulti and hoping that they wont buy any sentries, nor gem's throwout the entire game thus making your item useless. also blink is a more reliable escape mechanism

2. sniper can get a blink dagger as an escape mechanism or just get in unpalatable terrain by most heroes (trees, cliffs) and just shoot ppl. seriously blink is a really good item on sniper as he is a hero with no escape mechanisms, it can give him the ability to get the farm required without being that susceptible to ganks

3. dark seer's dagger vacuum-wall combo + an enigma maybe can even turn games around, win teamfights in seconds just because you caught every one in the enemy in the black hole. you must be playing with inexperienced ppl to get caught into the same situation without the dagger initiation or just be lucky or more positioning spells along with a god execution

4. kunka's combo is like x-mark yourself, blink, attack something, get back, rise and repeat :D i cannot tell you exactly when to get it soooo you better ask weh sing :P

5. pugna : well in theory it seems like fun but have not actually tested it (mid pugna)

6. drow is similar to sniper, although a force-staff would do the job much better, you might consider a blink too for the troll(?) factor. the reason behind those two is that you become weak when you are close to the enemy's as you lose your damage bonus.

7. enchantress for a couple of troll impetuses with the blink it will nearly deal the max damage. (force staff is better for that job though as it is more reliable for escapes (unless you are the master juker :P)

8. mirana as a roamer/ mid lane mirana might get a blink dagger provided that the player can make up for it's cost. by that i mean that by getting it he will ensure that with a couple of good arrows can ensure that the ganks will always be successful + excellent escape mechanism combined with leap giving her the ability to stay longer in fights coz of the mobility she has with that.

9. nyx's blink impale is just devastating. it is an item that makes him useful in teamfights, it gives him the role of a semi-initiator - chaser and make the enemy team "****" their pants when they cant see nyx on the map, even with a load of sentries.

10. i have seen blink on ogre on a couple of times just for the stun initiation reducing the map control the enemy team has as it provides great mid game ganks and really good later on when you catch out the enemy's am farming in their jungle and with a couple of more ppl you can secure a kill on him, something that can be game changing.

11. in theory undying can be a good dagger picker against a team with good pickoff/stunlock potential which can result into an useless undying.

12. zeus has no escape mechanism and thus a blink / force staff could help him a lot surviving through ganks and teamfights.

13. finally i think that a blink dagger on antimage would be a good pickup on a kinda of a troll build: you actually are focusing more on fast pickoffs with your items and thus you wont be able to survive a lot without utility. it focuses on your mana burn + ult combi with a constant manaburn harash before the enemy get's their chance to even try to kill you. you get items like dagon/malevolence/e-blade and well you got the point of where it is going. I am not saying that you will even see this build in your entire dota carrier but it is good to have your mind open for new ideas, and you never know you might even come up with a situational strat using this build.

well what do you think of it?
also about vanguard: well i think that this item is not that much worth it in any hero as it only slightly increases your eh[ and it gets weaker and weaker as time passes.
GamesForGods (1) | September 28, 2013 5:16am
battlefury is in omst cases a farming item. against illu heroes i have to admit ist better but id rather get [mjollnir] since battlefury can fall off rly hard in lategame if the enemy knows hhow to positiom. [battlefury] doesnt help brew since it provides only 6 hp regen for sustain? rather id get a hotd or drums....
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 22, 2013 3:56pm
Battlefury by the way, isn't just a farming item. It is a way for carries to deal AEO damage for things like Broodmother or Phantom Lancer.

In terms of raw damage per cost, it is still really good.

oN THE POINT OF Brewmaster, a Battle Fury on him isn't a terrible idea simply because it allows him to sustain damage outside of his ult. Nothing you can buy will make your ult better (except Aghs) so it's a decicion between relying on your ult and having a duality in your usefulness.
GamesForGods (1) | September 22, 2013 11:13am
hey guys a lot of what u said is right and i will make some changes. ist been a Long time when i updated the guide but ty for the criticism.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | August 11, 2013 12:43pm
Guys... you get Blink Dagger on positioning heavy heroes or heroes who need a way to initiate that they cannot do naturally or want to save that natural initiation for the fight itself. That is it. Blink dagger is a really good item on Darkseer, for example, because it allows him to set up a great Wall of Replica, not because Vacuum needs it.

Blink Dagger is not an escape item, and if you are buying it with the purpose of getting away from enemies I think you are wrong.
Fuji89 | August 5, 2013 3:30am
Item builds are very fluid in dota, the same goes as skill builds. This is especially true for blink daggers as it is never completely useless. Perhaps they are rarely seen in public games, but in higher level matches they are often gotten. For example, nyx using blink dagger to initiate vendetta combo since a vendetta alone may not always work against more experienced players. The same goes for viper, blink dagger can be a potent item on him, shadow blade can be easily and will be countered in higher level games. These are some examples.
Asdaft (1) | August 3, 2013 8:48am
GamesForGods wrote:

Hey, furst thx for the review. Gotta think about it with kunkka but i rather reject it since shadowblade is much stronger on him and let him also get near. He's anyway a carry.
2. Yeah lesf snd lina thought anyway about it and gonna add that.
3. Since vacuum last quite short i consider a blink useless and he has his surge.
4. Really? I won't get dagger on not-carry herojust becuase he isn't durable or has escape mechanism. Pure waist of money jsutt think of it...
5. gyro is usually build as carry. I consider dagger optional. But agha helps him just nuking and is much more expensive then dagger. You can get a dagger on gyro (i never chose too) but not an agha in my opinion.
Thx for the feedback gonna do some changes after your post :)

Heh, thanks for your consideration of my suggestions, I really appreciate it. :)
Anyway, there are some more heroes in your list that CAN and CAN'T use Blink Dagger
Outworld Destroyer (rarely seen) Nyx Assassin
Doom (rarely seen)
Lone Druid (rarely seen)


I'll explain why they should/shouldn't if you want me to and reply.

1. Can't argue that fact, but anyway , Blink Dagger is purely situational for Kunkka, and should never be a core unless you're WehSing.
2. Aghanim's Scepter for Gyrocopter has more benefits than Blink Dagger in ways.
First, it's global. Second, your 2nd missile has more damage. Third, it can be a nice farming item if you use it on the other lane(s)
3. Spending 2,150 gold for an escape is way better than dying and throwing the game.
Wulfstan (77) | August 3, 2013 3:40am
Blink rejected on Shadow Fiend, Zeus, windrunner, Leshrac, Nyx Assassin, While good on Gyrocopter?Its a ****ing waste of a slot on gyro.Half of the heroes you rejected need the mobility to initiate, on Shadow Fiend is great, Zeus also uses it efficiently.

REJECTED ON WINDRUNNER? So you are somekind of a Shackleshot master that doesn't need positioning to latch a double hero shackle?And on Leshrac you get it for the exact same purpose you get it on Nyx or Lion.

CORE on slardar?Waste of slot, if you have another initiator on your team.Rejected on Omniknight for counter initiating?Ninja heals and Repels?Viable on Luna?Waste of slot, Luna has the highest base movement speed in the entire game, if you can't keep up with people that's your fault or because they are hasted.

Rejected on Kunkka? Shadow Blade becomes useless late game, so then what?You still need to do something to initiate and have that big hit, so you get the blink, you Torrent+Boat, you X yourself, blink out,HIT(probably killing their supports), then returning to safety with the X.

Not to mention that you are a couple of heroes short.

Now to the items, everything good until Mask of Madness.Overrated?How?That item is very good if you can use it properly. Vanguard?Probably the worst item in the game at the moment.You can buy a mekasnm to help your team, and it only costs 81 gold extra.Squishy AGI carries?Get Drum of Endurance.
Xyrus (104) | August 3, 2013 1:47am
Blink Dagger is also awesome on Nyx Assassin for the same reason as Lion, you can easily Initiate a fight with a well positioned Impale Multi-Stun, and with Spiked Carapace you can buy time to use it as an Escape Mechanism.
GamesForGods (1) | August 3, 2013 12:36am
Ahh i forgot. On clock it's very situational. But i wrote that you shpuld get other items first, or not?? I have to look.
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