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4 Votes

In-depth guide Viper (6.79v)

January 16, 2014 by Mi16r4XLR8
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Mirror (22) | January 18, 2014 10:58am
I agree with every one that a second wraith band is overkill. That being said I like the mec choice.

I don't think wand is worth it on Viper. I think wand is great, twigs are the most op item in the game but you already have a bottle and wand is best with twigs in the starting items.

A compromise would be if you remove the second wrath band you would get one less slippers in the starting items so it could be replaced with three twigs. By doing that you get even more stats and a build up into wand.
Yasutsuna (51) | January 17, 2014 7:16pm
Mi16r4XLR8 wrote:

Jakiro Liquid Fire you cannot orb-walk there is HUGE cool down
25/15/10/5 where as the other heroes have 0 CD, you cannot compare the harassing power of liquid fire with others, its mostly used for pushing and slowing towers attack speed, and harass in the early game.
Sadly Shadow Blade is the only choice for escape, if any others are also, please suggest

As you said, it is still a good harrassing tool though.

Anyway, Shadow Blade being such a horrible item, I would normally just get Helm of Dominator to survive. Worst case, get a Force Staff. Normally, in ranked games, your support will get the Force Staff so in a way, you have already gotten your escape mechanism. Shadow Blade is a good initiation tool though.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 17, 2014 7:09am
Yep. The Wraith Band is only useful for your first ~5 minutes (or 8 if we want to be generous, since by 8 minutes you should be ganking and not competing for last hits in the mid lane): it's basically an investment to get better last hits than the opponent, the stats it gives are minimal. I usually get one as a starting item (with a Salve and two Tango charges from the supports) as I want to make the most out of it, but getting two of them just delays your core.
Xyrus (104) | January 17, 2014 6:58am
uzupro wrote:

but i am confused wether to buy mek or vanguard as on the ingame guide vanguard is give the core

Never trust the in-game guides, they're worthless. It's better to trust in guides that actually explain when and why they think you should get their Items.

Why the double Wraith Band? the guide would be way better without them.

This ^

You only need 1 to build into a Ring of Aquila, and if you need a lot of Stats, a Drum of Endurance should give you all you need.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 17, 2014 6:15am
Why the double Wraith Band? the guide would be way better without them.
Mi16r4XLR8 | January 17, 2014 2:55am
Jakiro Liquid Fire you cannot orb-walk there is HUGE cool down
25/15/10/5 where as the other heroes have 0 CD, you cannot compare the harassing power of liquid fire with others, its mostly used for pushing and slowing towers attack speed, and harass in the early game.
Sadly Shadow Blade is the only choice for escape, if any others are also, please suggest
Yasutsuna (51) | January 16, 2014 9:59am
IMO, Vanguard is a horrible item, regardless on what hero, OK, maybe except a few. Reason being it is expensive and doesn't scale well later on since its effectiveness wears off after ~30 minutes. If you want survival, you would be better off buying Drums of Endurance. Do not rely on Shadow Blade for a escape mechanism, smart players will easily counter you with dust/gem/wards, making your 3000 gold into instant ****.

A pretty standard Viper guide.

By the way, Jakiro's new Liquid Fire allows his to orb-walk too, although it's horrible due to the long cooldown at level 1.
uzupro | January 16, 2014 9:31am
Just read you sniper guide and after reading this i'll try viper, as of now i am new to dota started to play with drow sniper
but i am confused wether to buy mek or vanguard as on the ingame guide vanguard is give the core
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