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How To: Icarus the Phoenix

February 1, 2014 by Targnil
Comments: 0    |    Views: 8268    |   

Standard Build

DotA2 Hero: Phoenix

Hero Skills

Blinding Sun (Innate)

Icarus Dive

1 12 13 14

Fire Spirits

2 8 9 10

Sun Ray

3 4 5 7


6 11 16


15 17 18


Hello All! Welcome to my humble guide to playing Icarus, the Phoenix. Icarus is a ranged, strength support who uses powerful, mana cheap damage over time nukes, at the cost of health.

Item Build

Starting items:
Animal Courier You are a support, start acting like it.
Observer Ward See above.
Ring of Protection To be built into Tranquil Boots, gives a bit of tank early on.
Healing Salve Regen is important for phoenix since most of his abilities use HP.
Tango Regen
Iron Branch No comment.

Tranquil Boots Provides about all the regen you will need for the entire game.
Urn of Shadows More regen, helpful for ganking.
Town Portal Scroll Always keep a TP scroll on you.

Mekansm Helpful team healing in teamfights, 1 per team.
Pipe of Insight Helpful spell damage tank in teamfights, 1 per team.

Items you probably shouldn't be getting (Luxury)
You are a support, most of the gold should be going to the carry in your lane.
But these items are helpful if you do get fed.
Heart of Tarrasque One of the best tank items in the game.
Radiance Gives you more DPS whilst initiating.
Shiva's Guard More initiation power.
Scythe of Vyse Why? For the glory of the Dire's Ancient of course!

Friends and Foes (WIP)

Any stuns

Enemies with attack speed.

What you do in lane. (WIP)

What you're going to do is be a good support, sit, wait, keep your carry alive, help in ganks, don't steal kills or farm.

Sun Ray is leveled first due to its power in ganks, pressing D after activating it can be useful for chasing. Cancel when enemy is out of range to conserve health.
Icarus Dive is very useful for both chasing enemies, escaping, and starting ganks due to the slow and damage over time it gives. IT'S FREE!
Fire Spirits Good for harass, avoid hitting creeps with it, as it pushes the lane a lot.
Supernova Is a great initiation ability if used correctly, also provides sustain in lane after you've run out of regen, and can help a bit in ganks.

What you do in teamfights.

If you are going to initiate, do it correctly.
You won't be needing blink dagger, since Icarus Dive works fine for that.
Start by using activating Fire Spirits then Icarus Dive Cancel it midway, then attempt to hit all enemies with Fire Spirits. This will slow their attack speed, allowing you to safely use Supernova. If everything goes right your enemies will be taken by surprise and most will run.


Your enemies will be like this if all goes well.

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