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Shadow Shaman also known as Rhasta is a great support and works well with almost any hero, he can also siege towers quickly with his ultimate
Mass Serpent Ward and his disables are one of the longest in the game. He is a great hero from beginner to competitive plays and is also one of my favourite supports. I would like to recommend playing
Lion if
Shadow Shaman does not fit your playstyle.
So before I start going on with my guide, how does playing Rhasta feel? Does he suit you? When playing Rhasta you will
1) Feel REALLY really slow, because of your Crystal Maiden like movespeed.
2) Get impatient. Playing Rhasta is almost like Pudge while ganking, hidden from enemy sight you have to strike at the best moment.
3) Be poor. Unless your team has a hard support like Lion you WILL be the one who plants observer wards, sentry wards and of course carry a
Dust of Appearance.
4) Get ganked a lot. Low health, slow movespeed and low armor will make you an easy prey.
5) Most likely feel unappreciated. I've played many games with Rhasta where I disable the Enigma right before he ults or even risk my life for my team carry and they don't appreciate it AT ALL. It really is frustrating but that's the life of a support right?
I can't cover how the feeling of playing Rhasta will be like but this is mostly taken from my personal experience.
Also he is great for solo supporting in pubs. Pick Rhasta more if you want to get out of trench mmr :D.
-Arguably has the longest disable in the game
-First bloods are easy with him
-Easy to play
-Works well with almost any hero
-Tower pushing can be done fast and easy
-Slow movespeed
-Mana hungry
-Might get aimed by heroes like Nyx Assassin
-Requires good team communnicaton
Creates a cone of ethereal energy that strikes multiple enemy units.
Range: 600
Starting Area Of Cone: 200
Distance Of Cone: 500
Final Area Of Cone: 300
Number of Targets: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7
Damage: 140 / 200 / 260 / 320
Mana Cost: 95 / 105 / 135 / 160 Cooldown Time: 8
This is your main lane harassment ability and nuke which is why I choose to max this out early. Don't fret to use it to get last hits in the mid lane as you will be harassing the enemy hero too, killing two birds with one stone.
A mid lane hero is usually recommended to get a bottle for various reasons such as rune dominance, mana for lane harassment and of course to survive in lane.
Shadow Shaman has abilities that eat up lots of mana so these are the standard boots of choice.
As an aggressive roamer in the mid lane, teleport scrolls are strictly needed for both ganking and escaping.
It can save your *** in many situations and should be built almost every game.
Great item for initiating as well as escaping. Personally I love this item but it can be skipped in some situations but it still is a great item for Shadow Shaman
Since Shadow Shaman has an abysmal movespeed and low hit points, this item fits your every needs though remember that 1 team only needs 1
Drum of Endurance so make sure to inform your team that you are going for a drum.
No questions, GET THIS.
Insane pushing power and insane stats to top it off, this is great if your team has tons of supports and need you to push towers fast.
Double Mass Serpent Ward, HUEHUEHUE.
The extra movespeed and mana regen is great for Shadow Shaman. It also helps with positioning for
Invoker or
Mass Serpent Ward.
Teammates: "We are so gonna lose this game, enemy too stronk". Until, you TP into a creep and drop Mass Serpent Ward and win game. Still great item though.
Since Mass Serpent Ward does physical damage, it makes it even more painful and lets you clear roshan even faster than
Shadow Shaman already does.
Every team should have this, if no one picks it up then you should.
It's great for disabling a right-click carry though most likely a strength hero in your team suits it better.
Once a chicken, always a chicken.
Great item in teamfights though you should only get it if the game drags out fairly long.
Great for saving teammates or yourself, and also if you trapped one of your teammates in Mass Serpent Ward, avoid being flammed and use it on him. This can be a possible replacement for
Blink Dagger but the travel distance is not as far.
Must be shocked to see this built for a support BUT it is useful, kinda like getting BKB on Enigma or
Bane. Once you get this your
Shackles won't be stopped well unless you're under
Doom of course.
I sometimes build Tranquil Boots over
Arcane Boots for the movespeed and quick health regen it provides and of course, a support usually doesn't have money to even upgrade boots.
So, when I said that I got Tranquil Boots instead of
Arcane Boots you thought I had no mana BUT,
Soul Ring solves the problem.
Tranquil Boots will provide the health needed for
Soul Ring so why not? Skip arcane only if your team has enough of them, most carry heroes cannot do much without an
Arcane Boots.
These are the best boots to opt for Shadow Shaman but sometimes it's a bit too costly and you need to survive until you can get 1k gold which is why I have the
Soul Ring +
Tranquil Boots. If you can manage to get it early in the game then it's totally worth it but if by maybe the 15 minute mark you still have brown boots then it might be a little too late. **
Arcane Boots is always better than any boots except
Boots of Travel for Rhasta but remember to always follow the situation.
For the core items, I would suggest choosing either Blink Dagger or
Force Staff. Having both is great but it takes up too much inventory space to keep
Dust of Appearance or wards.
Then comes the mid game items where I usually get Aghanim's Scepter first. Aghs is just so goood for
Shadow Shaman for both pushing and in teamfights. After a bit of successful teamfights, I go for a
Refresher Orb to seal the deal. I would use the mass serpent wards in teamfights then if my team won it, refresh the ultimate then use it to push and get rid of towers as fast as possible before the enemy respawns.
Linken's Sphere is highly situational in case you want to provide the spell shield for a carry or to counter doom bringer.
Early Game
Great Lane Combos
An Anti-Mage and
Shadow Shaman combo is really good especially against a
Storm Spirit, in these situations the alternate disabling build should be considered to secure kills.
Another good lane partner is Ursa, it's sort of like a
Crystal Maiden and
Ursa combo but maybe better because of the long disables.
Some players might read guides just to learn how to counter a hero, so I'll just briefly list out ways to counter Rhasta.
Thanks for checking out my guide, hope it helps any new players learn more about him as he is a great support for beginners to use. Also, don't forget to upvote if you liked it and if you disliked it please leave a comment below for constructive criticism. As always GLHF ( Good luck have fun ), people need to start saying that more often.
*Cheers drunken haze
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