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12 Votes

Hear me, I speak for the Shades! By moodkill [6.82]

October 27, 2014 by Moodkill
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coldheart009 | March 30, 2017 12:15am
I like rhasta a lot, esp if I am with a very good hitter / carry, I normally max out 3rd skill at an early game, leaving 1st skill on lvl 1 and none on 2nd skill. I know this is quite a noob build but it works for me almost all the time esp on an early game (btw, I am in a low level mmr rank) so yeah it speaks my build. LOL

Regarding the items, arcane is my choice, followed by aether lens then I go for aghanims right away. Now getting agha depends on my team and the team play. Then after agha I go for refresher. My item build is not really good if you are the 1st target of the enemies everytime when there is a clash.
periclesac (1) | August 8, 2016 8:36pm
Ather Lens is great item for Rhasta
Moodkill (9) | May 23, 2014 8:58am

Hi I have a Rhasta Guide here too. intresting choice on Drum of Endurance. For how long do you normally keep it? I keep selling it quite fast after I ran out of charges, replacing it with something better. And if I feel confident I can stay alive for long enough I skip it for an Ultimate Orb: Better stats and can become a Linken's Sphere or Scythe of Vyse.

Sorry for the late reply, but for the drums I like to keep it and refill the charges. Usually I just end it with aghs and refresher. If I can't end after refresher then I go for linken, vyse or even BKB to make my channeling unstoppable
beniebederios | May 22, 2014 12:01pm
Hi I have a Rhasta Guide here too. intresting choice on Drum of Endurance. For how long do you normally keep it? I keep selling it quite fast after I ran out of charges, replacing it with something better. And if I feel confident I can stay alive for long enough I skip it for an Ultimate Orb: Better stats and can become a Linken's Sphere or Scythe of Vyse.
Moodkill (9) | April 29, 2014 3:18pm
ThreadOfFate wrote:

Lion and Rhasta...Unfortunately, I can say I've had the pleasure of this combo against me. It was on low level pubs, so they were very confused why my shiny gold aura stopped their combo.

+1, but I would enjoy a little more description on the laning phases.

(Also, I had to let my brother take my old account, so I had to start again on low level pubs. I am not a smurfer :D)

Thanks for your opinion :D, updates will come in the future.
ThreadOfFate (14) | April 28, 2014 9:24am
Lion and Rhasta...Unfortunately, I can say I've had the pleasure of this combo against me. It was on low level pubs, so they were very confused why my shiny gold aura stopped their combo.

+1, but I would enjoy a little more description on the laning phases.

(Also, I had to let my brother take my old account, so I had to start again on low level pubs. I am not a smurfer :D)
Moodkill (9) | April 25, 2014 8:28am
Mercynary5 wrote:

I am a fan of Rhasta and what I like in this part of the guide is drum of endurance that cover his in early game for him. Giving a "not bad" all attributes (bigger hp, faster last hits, and mana pool) and an aura that speeds him and his allies and it has active too. Which it is the only item he needed. Then late game he can try to get luxury item while carrying this useful item.

IMO it's a great item for this hero to try it out! The guide is kinda short and needs to extend, like show MORE about his abilities synergies the team etc to make guide look better, skywrath and Rhasta combo etc, just a suggestion.

So +1from me

Thx will try to update this if I can, and finally found someone who appreciates drum too XD
Mercynary5 (1) | April 24, 2014 12:40pm
I am a fan of Rhasta and what I like in this part of the guide is drum of endurance that cover his weaknesses in early game for him. Giving a "not bad" all attributes (bigger hp, faster last hits, and mana pool) and an aura that speeds him and his allies and it has active too. Which it is the only item he needed. Then late game he can try to get luxury item while carrying this useful item.

IMO it's a great item for this hero to try it out! The guide is kinda short and needs to extend, like show MORE about his abilities synergies the team etc to make guide look better, skywrath and Rhasta combo etc, just a suggestion.

So +1 from me
mastadoom (7) | April 22, 2014 4:40pm
Moodkill wrote:

Ya, kinda get what you mean but it's still in the making :P

Ok, thats good, also im going to make a recommendation of maxing shackles before hex, due to the scaling being the same, but shackles having a lower mana cost. I don't know, that might be preference, but that is what i would do.
Moodkill (9) | April 22, 2014 2:54pm
mastadoom wrote:

I liked this guide, however I wished there was more on how to play SS. This hit all on of his stuff as said why, but I feel that SS isn't all the straight forward on play style. If you add that at some point in time this is a really great guide.

Ya, kinda get what you mean but it's still in the making :P
mastadoom (7) | April 22, 2014 1:12pm
I liked this guide, however I wished there was more on how to play SS. This hit all on of his stuff as said why, but I feel that SS isn't all the straight forward on play style. If you add that at some point in time this is a really great guide.
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