Guide to play Techies in 7.0.7
January 27, 2018
I have about 500 games with
Techies. During these games I tested almost all the common strategies including support Techies, Roaming Techies, Defensive Techies, Solo-Offlane Techies (this one used to be my favorite style in patch 6.88) and Aggresive Techies. In my opinion, Solo-offlane and Aggressive styles are the bests but since after patch 7
Blast Off! is not a reliable Suicide anymore I don't recommend Solo-Offlane style anymore.
In my opinion, the reason why players loose with
Techies is not lack of skills because
Techies is not a hero like
Invoker that need a lot of skills to be effective. They loose because of their wrong mindsets. They heavily under-estimate the hero that they are playing with.
Techies is one of the most underrated and underestimated heroes in Dota 2. Although he is a pretty strong hero under certain circumstances, people usually don't play this hero correctly. There are some default mindsets that are absolutely incorrect and that's the main reason that
Techies players usually can't win the games. I am going to mention some of them here:
Techies Doesn't need farm!
Techies is a squishy hero!
Techies is a support hero!
Techies should be played defensively!
These are some absolutely incorrect statements that come to my mind right now. I will explain why they are incorrect:
Techies need a ton of farm to become truly effective and he is a pretty good farmer after level 7 since Rank 4
Proximity Mines can one-shot a creep wave.
Techies has 7 starting armor which is really high in the early game. Although techies agility growth is really bad, his strength growth is good for an intelligence hero.
- as I said before
Techies needs tons of farm, so it can't be played as a support. if your team needs a support, don't pick
Techies please.
- I played around 500 games with
Techies. I won and lost so many games with this guy. I tried many styles so many times. Trust me guys, an aggressive
Techies is far better than a defensive one.
Pros / Cons
- Highest attack range in the game after
- Very high starting armor
- Good attack animation
- Very high intelligence growth
- Good strength growth for an intelligence hero
- Strong talents including +150GPM, +251 attack damage
- Lowest base damage in the game
- Low movement speed
- Extremely mana dependent
Early Game
Before the start
As sooon as you pick
Techies everyone, including your teammates, will turn against you, so number one rule while playing
Techies is to be a positive
Techies. Don't argue with your teammates. I even sometimes give my mid-laner a
Tango. You can buy an
Observer Ward for the offlane if necessary.
Bounty rune
when the game start just go to the offlane rune and wait for the rune to spawn. I don't recommend to get the
Bounty Rune since this will make your teammates blame you and become your enemy from the first minute of the game. Let them take it.
After blocking the creep wave I recommend you to hide in the trees and keep attacking the squishiest hero in the lane. Your goal should be to reduce their HP to below 50% so you can then jump and get a kill with your offlaner.
When you get to level 2 start mining around the lane, go take the bounty runes. Leave the offlaner for a while since he needs XP more than you in the early game. Keep in mind that since you are in a dual offlane, your offlaner will fall behind in terms of XP unless you guys keep killing the enemy heroes in the lane. So you should try to kill them, no matter the cost. If you can jump on them, Suicide yourself and you know that you offlaner can get a double kill after that just do it. Even the assist money is more than enough for you in the early game.
Sometimes, especially when the enemy has invisible heroes like
Bounty Hunter,
Riki they will try to pressure your mid or safe lane in the early game. in this case, just go to the lane and place
Proximity Mines on both sides of the lane even behind your towers. so that you can punish their roaming supports or at least keep them away from the lane.
There is one important thing that you need to know when playing
Techies is all about Fear
You can frighten your enemies by just showing yourself in a lane. if you see that enemy are pressuring your safe lane. just TP to the safe lane, place 1-2 mines and show yourself in the lane. they will immediately back off or at least they will play more defensively. so just because you went offlane in the early game doesn't mean that you should stay in the offlane forever.
Tips for Early game
- Rush your
Soul Ring first.
- If you can't get any kills in the offlane, Leave it. join other lanes.
- If other lanes are under pressure, leave the offlane, join other lanes.
- Don't hesitate to kill yourself with
Blast Off! before 20 minute mark if you or your teammates can get a kill after it.
- As i said before,
Techies is not a support. but if you or your teammates are dying just because of lack of vision and your support is not buying wards, just buy them yourself.
- Always mine your
Bounty Rune(s).
Mid Game
In the mid game, you should try to farm and place some
Remote Miness around the map. as I said before, aggressive
Techies is much better than a defensive one. I usually try to put my
Remote Mines as close as possible to the enemy towers. Most players will buy
Sentry Wards against
Techies, but not everyone expects to see mines right in front of their own towers.
Adapt to the game
Predicting the enemies movements and adapting to it, is one of the most important aspects of playing
Techies. You should always be scanning the enemies movements and adapt to it. For example, if you see that they want to take the button tower first you should TP to the lane and start setting your traps there. If they are pressuring mid then you should set your traps around the mid lane.
Mine placement guides
let say that I know that the enemy team is going to push the bottom towers. I will TP to the lane, and start planting mines but
Not right in front of the tower!
Dont Put your mines in front of your towers
That's the most obvious place in the map. So instead, try to :
- Put at least 1
Proximity Mines behind your tower.
- Put
Proximity Miness inside the trees near your tower.
- Put your
Remote Miness stack in the middle of the lane.(the closer to enemy tower (without being seen), the better).
- After all, hide in the trees and wait for a good
Blast Off! attempt.
- Always try to plant at least one
Remote Mines deep inside the lanes (even behind the enemy T1 or T2). Those mines will get a kill on the enemies that are retreating back to base with low HP. it's a nasty trick.
You might think that putting mines behind towers is a crazy idea but trust me guys I killed so many enemy heroes who smoked and tried to ambush us from behind just because they thought that I have mines in front of the tower, which I didn't.
Spread the fear across the map
As I said before,
Techies is all about fear. If you stay in a lane for a long time the enemy will simply abandon and totally ignore that lane and will push the other lanes as hard as possible. so as a
Techies player it's extremely important to always carry a TP and be present in all the lanes to stop the enemy aggression.
Techies is a very good pusher after level 7 since
Proximity Mines can one-shot creeps waves so try to push the lanes and farm a bit in the mid-game.
Protect your Jungle
You should try to put as much
Proximity Mines as you can in your jungles entrances to protect your core(s) from being ganked in the jungle. This becomes even more important if the enemy has invisible based heroes like
Bounty Hunter or
Nyx Assassin.
Adapt to heroes play styles
Some heroes in Dota have special playing styles, including
Techies, that you should adapt to it. For example,
Ember Spirit is an agility hero with a good escape mechanism that always wants to push the lanes alone in the mid-late game. Once you have your
Aghanim's Scepter you can kill this guy with 4
Remote Mines. So if you are playing against this hero consider placing stacks of 4
Remote Mines in all the lanes to kill him.
Another good example is
Tinker, This hero relies on pushing the lanes by blinking inside the trees and spamming his spells, so if you are playing against
Tinker try to put stacks of
Remote Mines + one
Stasis Trap + one
Proximity Mines deep inside the trees to shut him down. This method can be used to punish
Broodmother players too.
Late Game
When it comes to the late game, as a
Techies player you should be farmed enough to have at least
Aghanim's Scepter and a
Eul's Scepter of Divinity. In the late game, the most important thing that you should do is to always Save buyback money. You can farm extremely fast in the late game and with +150 GMP talent, you should start building luxury items like
Scythe of Vyse and being present in the fights.
Time to Transion
Siractionslacks in his
Techies guide on youtube said "
The main reason that most
Techies players loose is that they fail to transition in the late game" and I totally agree with him. In the early-mid game your team might be able to fight 4v5 but in the late game, this is not possible most of the times. Don't stay in the base mining the whole time cause this won't help your team at all. You guys need to trust me one more time, I played so many
Techies games trying to defend the high ground and I failed most of the times. Then I realized that
Attack is the best Defence!.
You should really consider being aggressive in the late game. I am not a fan of high ground defense at all, although I would do it if that's my only option, being aggressive is much better. So buy your
Blink Dagger and
Scythe of Vyse and start playing really aggressively. Blink to the enemy Eul them, Place
Stasis Trap under them, Use your
Scythe of Vyse, that would buy enough time for your team to kill almost any hero.
Time to become a monster
Techies is one of the best magical nukers in the game for sure. but when it comes to Physical damage it's one of the worst heroes in the game
Before he gets to level 25.
Techies level 25 talents are among the strongest talents in the game. When you are getting close to level 25 it's time to build items that give you attack speed to be prepared for your +251 attack damage talent. The best item that you can get at this stage of the game is
Moon Shard. This item will boost your attack speed so much that you could kill the enemy core with just a
Scythe of Vyse and auto attacking them. This is the time that everyone should truly fear you, should truly respect you and you should end the game.
Many guides on the internet would advise you to build carry
Techies from the start of the game that I totally disagree. What I am offering is a combination of both. This way you will use the power of a Spellcaster
Techies in the early-mid game and then in the late game you will
Transion into an Attacker
Techies that hits really hard without sacrificing your entire early-mid game for it.
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