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2 Votes

Furion Guide to Everything

March 3, 2012 by manlymeatman
Comments: 7    |    Views: 9559    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Laning Furion

DotA2 Hero: Nature's Prophet

Hero Skills

Spirit of the Forest (Innate)


2 12 13 14


4 8 9 10

Nature's Call

1 3 5 7

Wrath of Nature

6 11 16


15 17 18

Furion Guide to Everything

March 3, 2012


This is my Furion, Nature's Prophet, build and it will show you how to succesfully lane or jungle with Furion.


For both builds the items are about the same. The only real difference is the early game. For laning, I like to start Robe of the Magi, Healing Salve, and Clarity. This gives me solid mana regen for spamming Nature's Call as well as some health for if you get hurt bad. If im jungling i start Sage's Mask and 3 Clarity for a ton of mana regen which is all you need when jungling. You dont need any health because your treants should be taking all the damage. Then i get Hand of Midas if i've been jungling well and have gotten at least one successful gank. That allows you to jungle less and still make the same amount of gold which means more ganks and then even more gold. If you decide that you are a little behind then you should skip the Hand of Midas and go straight for Boots of Speed. For laning i usually go for Arcane Boots unless i have farmed well enough to get Boots of Travel. The same goes for jungling unless you bought Hand of Midas. That will set you to far back in your build to be able to get Boots of Travel. The rest of the build is the same for both because by now you shouldn't be focusing your build around jungling. Get your 2 Oblivion Staff's to be built into Orchid Malevolence then Aghanim's Scepter for your ult. By now the game should be over but if it isn't, go for a Soul Booster to become a Bloodstone. 99% of games are over after your Bloodstone. Now you get Shiva's Guard for some armor, followed by Heart of Tarrasque after selling your Hand of Midas (if you have one). Now you are invincible and should just trade out your Arcane Boots for Boots of Travel if you didn't buy them originally.
Your fully maxed stats with items at level 25 are:
Strength: 115
Agility: 71
Intelligence: 195
Damage: 248-262
Attack Speed: .81
Armor 25.9 (60.9%)
Movement: 395
Health: 3585
Health Regen: 14.7
Mana: 3435
Mana Regen: 19.5


Sprout is a great skill. It is perfect for escaping or chasing because that at level 1 it still lasts three seconds which is plenty. I max it last because the duration and cooldown are not worth sacrificing mobility or pushing ability.

Teleportation is one of the best skills in DotA. It allows you to push towers at a moments notice and by the time they notice and try to gank you, you're gone. Max this second because once maxed, you can teleport home then when you're done buying and regening, it's off cooldown and you can go right back.

Nature's Call is the skill you max first. it is great for farming, both in the jungle and in the lane. You max it first because the upgrade only increases the number of treants. They are extremely powerful early game because they usually have around the same health of enemy ranged heroes during the first few levels. Late game they become your main pushing tool and are more about soaking up damage and less about dealing it. Once maxed, you can teleport to a tower, even if the creeps aren't pushed to it, spawn your treants to tank the tower and you can at least take out a good chunk of health if you dont kill it.

Wrath of Nature is a misleading ultimate. At first it seems like a teamfight ult or an ult like Zeus's Thundergod's Wrath, used for picking up kills when enemies are trying to escape with low health. The truth is that it is neither. It is intended to be a farming skill that you spam whenever it is off of cooldown to pick up a little bit of money. Aghanim's Scepter adds 2 bounces and 50 damage which makes you farm a little better with it.

Pros / Cons

Pros: Great pusher, good map control, amazing at farming, late game semi-carry, and hard to gank

Cons: controlling treants can get tricky during a fight, more of a support early game

Creeping / Jungling

For laning and jungling you should be spamming treants for farming/jungling. Your ult should always be on cooldown unless you are out of mana.

Team Work

Coordinate with your team to decide if they want you in the teamfight or if they want you to push a lane alone then tele when you think a gank is coming. Good communication is the key to playing Furion well.

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