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For the Veiled Ones: Arteezy's Phantom Assassin

March 4, 2015 by UnrulySupportGuy
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NakedGhost | December 8, 2014 6:49pm
MrLocket wrote:

And please, don't get Manta Style! If you are not going to stack stat item, your illusions will do pitiful damage, having Satanic is already sufficient to survive a combo as in you will recover to full hp with its active.

The whole point of Manta is to dodge projectiles and remove debuffs aswell as having Black King Bar. As you say, illusions will do low damage if you don't build stats but your crit and evasion affect manta illusions that's why its so IMBA.

EDIT: Coupled with Basher and you have 2 illusions critting along with you, the enemy becomes butter.
MrLocket (16) | November 30, 2014 7:21am

Racism? :p I'm merely saying that people will usually value their opinions on a subject that they've had more than someone else's opinion on the matter. Mainly the reason why people of different countries, cultures, and political spectrums can't get along or agree on that subject. In this case, my guess is PA...

Yeah of course getting Manta Style on PA is undeniably a huge boost on her survivability if there is no AoE burst/cleave in enemy team, and this build will alter PA's 1 blink 1 kill into I will withstand all your nukes and debuff and see who last longer. Yes it's viable but it will reduce PA's damage potential quite a lot. If it can win it doesn't really matters, sometimes you can even build dagon on PA just for trolling. Crits can't finish off your target? Burst them with dagon!

And I have a doubt, you said that this guide is a newbie-friendly guide, yes of course putting an extra level on Blur early on can help them survives on the lane and now you asked them to go aggressive on level 1?

And.. Although I have played DotA for almost 7 years but I am still learning the game, so I don't agree that I'm anyway better than you and I'm just giving my doubts and questions.
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | November 29, 2014 2:54am
MrLocket wrote:

Is that some kind of racism? Have I said that there is only 1 right build for PA? PA can go with Battle Fury, Maelstrom, Desolator, and plenty more types of build as long as it's correct build according to the circumstance.

Racism? :p I'm merely saying that people will usually value their opinions on a subject that they've had more than someone else's opinion on the matter. Mainly the reason why people of different countries, cultures, and political spectrums can't get along or agree on that subject. In this case, my guess is PA is one of your more favored heroes, so you've probably played her way more than me, that's all, and would trust how you build her more than the way I do.

The higher the skill bracket, the more situational items become, I agree with you there, but how I have built PA is not just about making the numbers giant, it's about surviving more. Illusions cause a lot of disorientation, and it once nullified an Omnislash whether it was a bug or MLG swag timing. Illusion strats are viable when pushing towers since they also have a 50% evasion. Let's just agree to disagree on Manta Style and I will update the guide on the UAM.

To Keep Calm, hey, you're back. ^-^ The guide is definitely agressive early, since Arteezy went mid Phantom Assassin with an Io against a Puck and scored first blood at 2:14, which means if you're more of a farmer early game you can opt for something else, such as abandoning the Venom and going straight for a Stout Shield instead. I once won a game with Phase Boots and Mjolnir with PA way before the arcana, but even though we won, I disliked the build a lot because I felt like I didn't have enough attack speed early on and I felt squishy. I'd also like to add that even Monkey King Bar isn't too much of a problem when you have things such as Satanic and Abyssal Blade online. As a match reference, this is mine:

However, if RNGsus has taken the wheel and you feel the need to chase around enemies that are kiting you, phase is great.
MrLocket (16) | November 28, 2014 10:56am

To MrLocket, seeing as PA is your profile picture, I don't think there's a single different item build in the world opposed to yours that you would trust...

Is that some kind of racism? Have I said that there is only 1 right build for PA? PA can go with Battle Fury, Maelstrom, Desolator, and plenty more types of build as long as it's correct build according to the circumstance.

Still I don't think getting Manta Style is a good choice as a core because you are spending 5050 golds for a purge and your illusions do little damage because low agi = low attack speed and low damage and thus they do no impacts. Then, because you spent 5050 golds on a item that only gives you 26 agi and your crits will do little damage, it's very situational.

Starting with Orb of Venom is not a really good choice since it cost 275 golds! You could have get a Stout Shield or Quelling Blade, and you can always get it from side shop if you need it badly. Getting Orb of Venom as starting item is very situational, and it means that you are going to be very aggressive since level 1.

Any kind of lifesteal will always stack with Orb of Venom/ Eye of Skadi, and Desolator doesn't stack with lifesteal UAM, you need to update it.
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | November 28, 2014 1:54am
I tried you build
Note that Slark took most of my kills hence the 15 assists.
The build actually works but needs a little tweaking IMO. It also calls for early aggression but you lack early damage. Hence i think Phase Boots are better with this setup where PA goes early fights and ends it before Monkey King Bar are online.
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | November 27, 2014 11:23pm
First off, I would like to say it was a bit presumptuous to say "follow my guide and no one else's" since even though I've been playing for a year and I've become fairly good at the game, it doesn't mean I know everything. I'm pretty much a huge EG fan and it got to my head. Also thank you for all the overall input and support.

To MrLocket, seeing as PA is your profile picture, I don't think there's a single different item build in the world opposed to yours that you would trust, just like there's no opinion that could sway me from saying that my dear Vengeful Spirit can't carry, and even though in this guide I put a second point in Blur I normally do go 4-1-1 because I have become competent with the dear Phantom. I try to write my guides for newer players, which I assume most people who would visit Dotafire are, and they may need the extra RNGsus roll in case they've positioned themselves poorly, but in the ability build you are right. As far as Manta Style goes, I've left an opportunity in the skill build to start stacking stats, but for the most part I use my illusions to split push as much as I can, and as I mentioned to purge debuffs which might occur. As far as Orb of Venom goes, I've never seen exactly how well the slow works, since the contracts make everyone extremely cautious and apprehensive, so I don't get a very fun lane harass, but considering that an Ogre Magi and a Skywrath Mage have slows, it could be quite useful, but poison ticks do help me last hit if I want a wave to be just a little bit more fragile.

FleetAU I'm guessing you're a Phase Boots fangirl. :p +24 damage against extra DPS and tankability, I will always choose DPS unless I'm Windranger but I would like to see your guide to PA and perhaps you will enlighten me. :p

At eeon, thank you, I know this guide is different from the normal rush of Bfury BKB from everyone else's PA (especially in my tier), but lately PA games have less people grouping up so I feel that cleave isn't really that relevant, and the damage output from a Bfury could be matched with other items, or perhaps that 60 damage isn't even especially needed because PA has such a high damage output already. Also, thank you with the orbs, I've never been good at stacking them since normally I don't get to play carry too often (as you can tell by my name) and get farmed enough to worry about orb stacks. XD
eeon (6) | November 26, 2014 10:08pm
Interesting choice, strange, but it may work. You have the orbs mixed up: Eye of Skadi stacks with lifesteal, Desolator does not. If you want deso, get vlads. Gj
FleetAU (16) | November 25, 2014 10:44pm
I read this "Hand of Midas into Power Treads then Helm of the Dominator then Battle Fury into Black King Bar and then into Abyssal Blade" and downvoted, then I looked at the rest and was satisfied with my decision
Kyphoid returns (42) | November 24, 2014 3:47am
highlord728 wrote:

The active from Satanic give you 200% lifesteal not 175%. Apart from that, good guide. Just don't get cocky when you snowball as PA, because there is always going to be that one team that decides to 5v1 you and get the best chain stun ever and then you will probably die. (I get how you could fight out of something like that, but if you do, I think you could die easily.) All in all, good guide +1

It IS a COMPLETE OVERRIDE: The lifesteal is 175% and wont stack with the Passive.
Read this if you want to know more.
highlord728 | November 24, 2014 1:56am
The active from Satanic give you 200% lifesteal not 175%. Apart from that, good guide. Just don't get cocky when you snowball as PA, because there is always going to be that one team that decides to 5v1 you and get the best chain stun ever and then you will probably die. (I get how you could fight out of something like that, but if you do, I think you could die easily.) All in all, good guide +1
MrLocket (16) | November 24, 2014 1:46am
TBH, I don't like your item build and skill build.
Starting with Orb of Venom can be awesome, but is that really necessary? Lv1 PA is squishy and low attack damage, what you need is item that boost your damage, your tankiness, or clarity for your mana to spam Stifling Dagger for last hitting creep. Get either Ring of Aquila or Magic Wand/ Magic Stick, PA's skills' mana cost is really low and having one of them is sufficient. Poor Man's Shield can be skipped if you don't need that much of tankiness and go for more damage.

Desolator is built for mid-game-oriented PA, because the -7 armor debuff can whack any support down within a second while they only have plain boots and a few bracers, and commonly no one will get big item that boost a lot of armor because they are still lacking of HP. Getting Desolator on late-game will completely wasted its full potential because everyone will have atleast 20+ armor and that -7armor will only amplify like 10~15% damage of yours. Orb of Venom/ Eye of Skadi do stacks with lifesteal UAM and lifesteal does not stacks with Desolator, build Vladmir's Offering if you need lifesteal.

And please, don't get Manta Style! If you are not going to stack stat item, your illusions will do pitiful damage, having Satanic is already sufficient to survive a combo as in you will recover to full hp with its active.

Now for the skill build. Max Stifling Dagger ASAP because Stifling Dagger is the main reason why PA is so hard to be zoned out from lane due to it's low mana cost, low cooldown and pure damage. Go for 4-1-1-1 build and max W or E later in your choice.

Side note: Please consider Drum of Endurance as situational choice, it's amazing! (drum fans here)
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