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Fire Fly - By: Codykoko

February 9, 2012 by Codykoko
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Codykoko | February 15, 2012 2:34pm
I did not suggest the items you listed because I do not feel they are needed. If i did include the same items as you then I would be reproducing your guide... This guide is not here to say that their is only 1 way to do good with batrider. This is here to say other options are possible. If i had the 3 items listed and boots i would have 2/3 of my item build taken up for most of the mid to late game...
BoredomIsFun (12) | February 14, 2012 11:42pm
Codykoko, I highly suggest you take Dr.D comments into your guide. I too am against most of your items, which most are explained in Dr.D comment. On Dr.D note of you being not tanky, I would be tanky if I could farm a SnY, AC and a Heart as well, though in actual games you cannot. I highly suggest adding/MENTIONING blink in your guide. My Batrider build consists of a Vanguard/Hood and Blink Dagger foremost, which you did not mention at all in this guide. I highly suggest you do a massive overhaul of this guide.
Codykoko | February 13, 2012 6:40pm
Dr.D I have Edited the wording on the sticky napalm.. Though the effect itself does not say the slowing stacks i noticed in a game i played that it did so i fixed it..
Codykoko | February 13, 2012 5:16pm
THe first chunk of what you said does make since but if played correctly you will not have to worry about getting messed up and having to run back. With one "Sticky Napalm" you can either kite or controll the movment of the baddies. The boots are a great way to run in and poke and run away before creeps have a chance to get you or for the hero to do something in return. Saying its worthless is a pointless statment because alot of heros can use it to their advantage i.e. Meppo , Juggernaut, Death knight, and for some drow...

thanks for agreeing with force staff but just like every game is its case situational... If they have dust or gem then dont go in with shadow blade... simple as that... jsut look at the teams items to see before engaging.. and if not used for engaging its good to catch up to people that are running away.. on top of the damage and attackspeed given by it. Also if they dont have gem or dust then you have a better chance of getting away... I have no intention of saying shadow blade is for going in with "FireFly" i jsut said it was a combo that i personally used to give others an idea of its potential.

sange and yashe is not for the slow. The fact i said"are mainly for the slowing effect and movment speed" it was for the moment speed and attack speed on top of the health it gives you... i included the slow to better state to people that the item has slowing potential that is effective for batriders or other alli's

saying i am not tanky is silly since i will have 21 armor or more + a heart in late game The items you are complaining about are just alt items that i was pitching for other playing styles...

i remember sticky napalm stacking the moment slower but it does not read or say it now... also they have changed him so it is possible. one small change which makes a difference is that his ult now does not do any fire damage and because of that probably does not proq sticky napalm
Dr.D (80) | February 10, 2012 8:21pm
Your item build, to put it rather nicely, is not particularly good. I suppose I'll have to explain my reasoning here.

First off, starting with a Boots of Speed and Healing Salve is really, REALLY bad on pretty much any hero. The movement speed from the boots is kind of wasted early game (even if you were a roamer, which you aren't), and you get no stats from it. That means you have less survivability and damage than your opponents, all for a little bit of mobility. You won't even be able to heal back any harass either, except for your one Healing Salve. After that, you'll have to either go back and buy more consumables or have the team courier ferry some over to you. In the meantime, you are essentially giving your opponents free farm on your lane, which is a big no-no. The enemy can easily gain a level and farm advantage over you like this.

Force Staff is an acceptable Batrider item, but Shadow Blade is not. If your enemies aren't completely clueless, they can and will counter your Shadow Blade with Dust of Appearance / Gem of True Sight. Not to mention that the only reason that you gave for building this 3300 gold item is to damage enemies with an invisible Firefly. If you actually did build this item on Batrider, I would hope that you are at least using it for some surprise Flaming Lassos, and not just for the Firefly part.

You do not need Sange and Yasha on Batrider. At all. Batrider doesn't need a slow, and he doesn't really need a movement speed increase either. If you need to catch up to somebody, use your Flamebreak or buy a Blink Dagger, as it will also help you land your Flaming Lassos. In fact, Blink Dagger is core on most Batrider builds, and you didn't even mention it at all. If you lack health, stack Bracers or get items like Rod of Atos / Vanguard. SnY is overall a very mediocre item, even more so on Batrider.

This is getting kind of long, so I'm going to try to wrap this up quickly. Radiance doesn't trigger your Sticky Napalm, plus you aren't that tanky. Orchid Malevolence gives no survivability; Scythe of Vyse gives a better disable and stats. You don't auto-attack very often, so Desolator isn't that great of an item for Batrider.

Also, if I remember correctly from WC3 DotA, the slowing effect from Sticky Napalm did indeed stack. I haven't played Batrider yet in DotA2, but I highly doubt that they changed it.

EDIT: My apologies if your eyes hurt from reading the whole thing. I didn't intend to write so much when I first posted this.
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