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Fire & Ice, Neither Ain't So Nice

October 27, 2012 by ExEvolution
Comments: 5    |    Views: 12035    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Teamfight Emphasis

DotA2 Hero: Jakiro

Hero Skills

Double Trouble (Innate)

Dual Breath

2 3 5 7

Ice Path

1 8 9 10

Liquid Fire

4 12 13 14

Liquid Frost

4 12 13 14


6 11 16


15 17 18

Fire & Ice, Neither Ain't So Nice

October 27, 2012


Jakiro is a powerful two headed dragon support/nuker/pusher who's skills combine the effects of fire and ice to deal massive damage to your opponents as well as slow or stun them. Previously he was one of the least played heroes but after a recent buff is now seeing his time in the spotlight, even being used in the competitive scene.

Pros / Cons

A low cooldown and mana cost stun with a large area of effect.
Great pusher and counter pusher
Fairly high strength gain (2.3) for an intelligence hero.
Can dish out a lot of damage.
Fits well into any team.
A two headed dragon

Slow movement speed (290)
Short attack range makes harassing somewhat dangerous, but Liquid Fire makes up for it.


Jakiro's skills were buffed in patch 6.75 which made him very good support hero, considered to be one of the best now. He still has a long cast animation however so don't expect instant results.

Dual Breath is a powerful AoE nuke with a slow and DoT effect. It does 2 waves of 35/70/105/140 damage with a 30% movement speed slow, a 20% attack speed slow, and a 5/10/15/20 damage per second DoT over 4 seconds in a cone in front of Jakiro. The cone starts at 200 units width, ends at 250 width, and has a 500 unit distance. The ice wave comes first applying the slows, and the fire wave comes second applying the DoT. The cooldown is 10 seconds at all levels. Costs 135/140/155/170 mana to cast.

Ice Path applies a long, thin path of ice in front of Jakiro on the ground. Any enemy that comes in contact with it will be stunned for 1/1.4/1.8/2.2 seconds and take 100 damage. The Ice Path has a delay of 0.5 seconds before it appears after casting and has a length of 1100 units and a width of 150 units. Has a 12/11/10/9 second cooldown and costs 90 mana to cast.

Liquid Fire is a passive that adds a Damage over Time effect and a large attack speed slow to Jakiro's attacks. The effect adds 10/15/20/25 magical damage that splashes to enemies within a 300 radius of the target, and puts an attack speed debuff of 20%/30%/40%/50% on all affected targets for 5 seconds. This effect has a 20/15/10/5 second cooldown, and although it is magical damage, this does affect towers, including the attack speed slow.

Macropyre is a powerful AoE ultimate ability that deals massive damage over time to anything standing in it. It has a cast range of 850 units, lays 6 flame strikes in front of Jakiro with a length of 900 units, a width of 250 units, a duration of 7 seconds, and each flamestrike deals 100/140/180 damage per second to all enemies who stand in it. Has a 60 second cooldown and costs 220/330/440 mana.

Macropyre is Aghanim's Scepter upgradable, increasing the number of flame strikes from 6 to 9, the cast range from 850 to 1150, the length of the effect from 900 to 1350, and the damage of each strike from 100/140/180 to 125/175/225

Friends and Foes

Jakiro is a very strong support who can work well on many different team compositions and works best as a lane support or pusher, however, special mention goes to certain heroes.

With his Black Hole locking enemies in place for so long as well as moving them closer together, it gives a massive amount of time for your Macropyre to deal damage, softening up your enemies.

With his ultimate as well, for the same reasons

A Dark Seer Vacuum into Tidehunter Ravage, then Macropyre and I smell a hero barbecue

Any hero that loves to have stuns or slows will also love you. Your stun isn't a very long duration, but it does have a large area of effect, and a low mana cost and cooldown.


First we will talk about items for Jakiro

Starting Items

1 Animal Courier because you are a support and your team needs it. If someone else bought it, you can upgrade to Flying Courier or buy Observer Wards for rune vision
1 Tango for small damage regeneration
1 Healing Salve for the "I just survived a gank attempt" regeneration
3 Iron Branch stats stats stats

Early Game

Boots of Speed or you'll be slow as molasses
Observer Wards should be up by the 5-6 minute mark, ready to protect you and your lane parter for the likely incoming ganks
Magic Stick in a dual or tri-lane situation is just too good to pass up get it and hang onto it for the majority of the game, a full wand gives 225 mana and health as a burst heal. It may save you time and time again.

Mid Game

Arcane Boots are by far the best boots for a support like Jakiro.
Observer Wards should be up at all times, and Jakiro is very gear independent so you should have no trouble buying them throughout the game. Just remember to keep them active depending on what stage of the game you're in and what your team plans to accomplish in the next 6 minutes, whether it be pushing a tower or farming or defending. Warding keeps you safe.
Mekansm is your next priority and should be easy to obtain because of Jakiro's great pushing power.

Late Game

Keeping with the trend, Observer Wards should be active somewhere on the map, depending on what you want to accomplish.
Grab a Force Staff to keep yourself out of danger and improve your mana pool further.

If you're not doing so well, buy a Eul's Scepter, it is cheap, gives 150% mana regeneration, 30 movement speed, and the active effect can disable a target for you to escape or just take you out of the battle in a team fight so they are forced to switch targets.


Shiva's Guard will give you tons of armor and Int and an attack slow aura against enemies. Great for physical DPS heavy enemy teams.
Scythe of Vyse if you need another disable as well as a very large Int boost with mana regeneration

Veil of Discord can be picked up if your team is very heavy on magic damage as it will give a big increase to magic based damage.

Ultra Luxury

If you have a ton of gold even after buying 1 luxury item, then an Aghanim's Scepter can be a good choice to round out your item build


Sentry Wards, Dust of Appearance, or Gem of True Sight if there is an invisible hero on the enemy team. The Gem of True Sight can also be used to deward, if just using it for that purpose, its best to deward a bit, then put it on the flying courier and send it back to base.

Ghost Scepter can be useful if there is a strong enemy carry chewing through your health too fast and it is cheaper than a Eul's Scepter

Flying Courier if nobody else buys the upgrade, although you should have another support on your team helping you buy support items.

Bracer if you need more health and you need it now.

Pipe of Insight if nobody else on your team is getting one against a heavy magic damage team. Should be on another player however because you are already holding the Mekansm

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