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Huskar is by far one of my favourite carries due to his amazing synergy amongst his abilities.
Early Core:
Magic Wand/
I usually always get wand on Huskar unless I'm mid as it gives him sustain in lane, while being able to bait free kills. It can be sold late game as it becomes a little unneccessary unless you are constantly getting full charges.
If I'm mid, I would prefer the bottle as it gives me better opportunities with important runes such as invisibility for ganks and double damage for baiting.
Bracers are a cheap source of lots of relevant attributes, and can win you fights all the way into mid game with two of these. You can upgrade one to a Drum of Endurance if you feel the need for the movement speed.
Power Treads
My boots of choice on Huskar. They're great value for gold while the movement speed is neccessary early game.
Heart of Tarrasque
Provides the best synergy with your Burning Spear and
Life Break. I usually rush the Reaver first, as getting the extra gold after that will be extremely easy. Due to the High HP and Damage you recieve from it, you can spam
Burning Spear killing squishys and tanks alike with ease. Best of all, you will heal straight up to full health after fights due to its amazing passive, giving you about 60HP/s. Even better than one HoT is two, so if you can afford them, get them and you will become an insane tank that can sustain damage from multiple opponents.
Black King Bar
This item has been added to my core since January 9th 2012, and with good reason. The Black King Bar allows you Life Break onto nukers while taking no damage, making this a great item for ganking and team fights. It is also important to note that BKB can synergize with
Life Break to allow you to take no damage from it. However this does not assist you
Berserker's Blood but as long as you orbwalk or if you are low already this will not be a problem. In my opinion you could in fact rush this item above HoT as it provides great stats and is easier to farm.
Alternative Core:
Armlet Helm of the Dominator
Provides the best synergy with your Berserker's Blood. I usually would opt for this core if I am falling behind or getting focused by silences or they have a lot of spell immunity. I would then finish the Helm into a
Inner Vitality
While Huskar lacks CC, he does make up for it with this Sustain Utility skill. This is the only skill you have that uses mana, meaning you will never need to worry about your mana bar as Huskar. Mostly you will be using it on yourself, but if you see a friendly hero with less than 40% HP and you are healthy with no possibility of dying, don't be afraid to use it on them. The mana will regenerate long before you would run out. The cooldown is a bit long, but it does heal 60% of main attribute at level 4. I max this last, taking it at level 5 to keep me healthy and give me sustain in lane.
Burning Spear
What makes Huskar so strong early to mid game. The damage from this stacks, so 3 or 4 attacks litrally melt your target. Always try to follow through with the extra Burning Spear as you will only poke at your own health as well. The damage is huge early so going balls deep early game may seem scary, but if you dont hold back with this spell, you'll get in lots of early kills. Don't waste your health to farm with it. It synergizes very well with Heart of Tarrasque and
Life Break for late game. As
Burning Spear is a Orb effect, you will not be able to lifesteal while using this spell. As a result if I opt for Armlet &
Helm of the Dominator, I usually throw one spear and then switch to autoattack. I max it second, taking a point at level 2 and level 3, so I can do tons of early game harass and damage.
Berserker's Blood
Your bread and butter passive. This is what makes Huskar so difficult to fight as he only gets stronger with the less health he has. If Huskar dies in a team fight, he has more than likely taken enemy team with him. Synergizes extremely well with Armlet & Helm of the Dominator, as the cons of both Armlet and
Life Break are countered by the
Helm of the Dominator, meaning all you are left with are the amazing benefits. I max this first as it is his most important ability, and its not even an active.
Life Break
A ridiculously strong ultimate. Allows you to jump on a target, instantly taking 50% of the targets health, before the fight even begins, as well as slowing them. However even better than that is that at level 3, it only costs you 25% of your own health and its available to you every 15 seconds. It provides you with lots of situational advantages allowing you to target take their tankiest hero or their carry to half health, slow a chasing hero or even just to get you into a better position. Postioning is very important on a ranged carry as they want to stand out of damages way while killing everyone. However you ultimate is very similar to an initiation and can put you in some bad positions too, while be less forgiving than a tanks initiation. This ability makes you a ridiculous mid hero, as your ganks are very disgusting thanks to Life Break.
In a duo lane, try to lane with someone with good CC, either a slow or stun. At level 2, wait for your lanemate to initiate and then spam your Burning Spear at the enemy, which melts enemies early game. If you are losing your lane, ask for a gank from mid and try the again above.
In a solo lanes you will just farm and deny while poking the enemy with Burning Spear. If I can poke enough to get them to half health, and they don't have a bottled rune and there is no MIA, I will usually go all in and pick up a kill. Otherwise, I can gank other overextended lanes.
During mid game, I try to shut down the enemies carry as much as possible, as your combo takes out most enemies with ease. Wait untill you are in a 1v1 or 2v1 advantage situation, and Life Break and spam
Burning Spear. Do not use Inner Vitality untill you drop to below 40%, you get triple the regeneration. The early points in
Berserker's Blood will win you almost every battle.
If the enemy champion has spell immunity, bait it, kite, and then go back in with Burning Spear once it has worn off.
At this point you will be farming gold for your Heart of Tarrasque, building the
Reaver first. If you do not have any lane to farm, turrets to fall or enemy heroes to kill, get the big camps to keep bringing in that gold. If you do not get the gold for the
Reaver quickly, you will fall behind. Aim for about the 20-25 minute mark to have your
Heart of Tarrasque.
If you are having trouble farming the gold for the Reaver, due to dying a lot, or not getting kills/farm, it is more favourable to get an Armlet and a Helm of the Dominator, this synergizes better with your
Berserker's Blood, rather than your
Burning Spear. I would also reccomend this in situation where you are being shutdown by silences when trying to cast
Burning Spear.
If your team gets Roshan, make sure to have space for Aegis of the Immortal, as it benefits you most unless you are having a bad game.
Late Game is whenever you get your Heart of Tarrasque or finish you Armlet &
Helm of the Dominator.
Stay with your team in team fights, and don't initiate in team fights unless they are 2v2 or you have the advantage. Last thing you want is them focusing you as you already drain your own life. Pick off the enemy carrys and use Life Break on heroes with the highest percentage of health or people trying to escape teamfights while favouring their damage dealers.
With Armlet & Helm of the Dominator, you want to turn on your Armlet,
Life Break onto their healthiest hero, throw a burning spear, get out of melee range and autoattack their team to death. Once you build your
Reaver and then
Satanic, you will be unstoppable.
Added Black King Bar to Off-Tank Core.
Added Black King Bar to Items Section.
Added second Heart of Tarrasque to Complete Build.
Higher Priority for Burning Spear (Better Early Game).
Lower Priority for Inner Vitality (Tangos).
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