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55 Votes

Faceless not Maceless (ANTI alt-tab)

September 10, 2014 by Sp12
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blackinferno123 | September 28, 2014 4:44am
No complaints with this guide just some suggestions. The guide is really well done

If you want to get last hits easier then you can get the quelling blade (225 gold i think) instead of stout shield which is like 250 gold (i think). Also I feel the iron branches are kind of redundant but it doesnt really matter only 150 more gold.

The MoM is excellent early-mid game (with a level 1 or 2 chronosphere) if you want to set up solo kills. Just use chronosphere and then pop out MoM and even if he's not dead can chase with time walk. I suggest a level two time walk by level 7 instead of 8. (The enemy will probably be low hp by now so yeah) However, the MoM does cost ~1800 so if you want to skip it to get a better item (like butterfly) its up to you.

I actually kinda feel the boots of travel is redundant as well. Like, it shouldn't be your priority item as you only have 6 inventory slots. If you plan on getting power threads your agility/movement speed should be fine.

Anyways thanks for the guide it really helps. These are just some personal suggestions from experience.
KHILADI | September 22, 2014 1:27am
it is a nice guide but i think you should not go for aghanim"s scepter if you are going to make refreshers will be a waste of time.
YellulzQuiet (8) | September 11, 2014 5:10pm
No rreference to sky as friend ?
Blubbles (13) | August 13, 2014 1:58pm
While Mask of Madness is considered a risk on Faceless, I like to get it because of its superior life steal percentage and the fact that you should not be using it outside of Chronosphere / Farming safely (via Wards). Also it only is a UAM (unique attack modifier) when activated which I like because I like to get a Eye of Skadi on FV. Eye of Skadi is great for solo killing, slowing them so they are easier to kill, and gives you some basic stats which make you a bit more tanky and gives you more damage and a higher mana pool.
Anarky | May 8, 2014 2:06pm
Easily one of the most detailed guides for FV on here...Love how different builds are included and described for different situations. +1
badback | October 17, 2013 12:46pm
I was wondering if a Refresher Orb would be a better investment than a Aghanim's Cepter in the post-battelfury build?
sulaxrox (6) | August 18, 2013 9:19am
Great Guide, but I think a little more thought can be out into how effective MoM actually is on void. Consider that most you should be initiating team fights w chronosphere, and should absolutely be targeting disablers, they're easier gold, and they won't be obnoxious and locking you down. Obviously don't keep MoM all game, your atk spd late should be insane
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 23, 2013 4:53am
Fikret wrote:

Is getting the ring of health really stupid as a starting item? (esp. if you randomed)? Thanks for guide!

Yes, it is: with no regeneration items and nothing to increase your base damage and health points (like Iron Branches) you're gonna have a hard time for the first 10 minutes or more. Plus, a Ring of Health can't heal as much as a Healing Salve in a short amount of time.
Fikret | May 23, 2013 2:34am
Is getting the ring of health really stupid as a starting item? (esp. if you randomed)? Thanks for guide!
Sp12 (25) | March 23, 2013 5:04pm
Yep. One of the issues Void has with Manta is that backtrack doesn't transfer to them and he has mediocre strength growth and doesn't really build many HP items outside of Treads/Aghs/BKB. Armlet makes them relatively tanky early so they can get work done even if the enemy team has some AoE.

You should just mute/report trolls IMO. Not worth your's or anyone else's time.
No Bear No | March 23, 2013 4:47pm
Armlet leads to an easy manta extension

what do you mean by this? thge +25 STR?

Also, I tried the Armlet/Mjollnir build and it was amazing, thanks from now on I'm going to use it in pubs all the time. I had a troll tell me that he was better than me in every way, and I got to level 25 when he was level 23, got 17 kills when he had 15, and 5 deaths and he had 7. Game was pretty sweet
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