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This guide is excellent! Granted I deviate from it once I get to Euls scepter and I start with repel instead of purification. Then its highly situational as I may not need to build vitality booster.
I was on a losing streak and following this guide and the additional comments here got me out of the rut.
Mekansm is 250 for the whole team potentially (1250 total heal), plus don't forget the extra armour and passive health regeneration. Ultimately it's up to you what items you want to build, but people on here are only trying to help you improve your play and the guide with their suggestions, and there are plenty of good reasons why they're making them.
The first thing I don't like about this guide is that you refer to people as noobs. Guides are certainly for players that are new to a particular hero, but it's somewhat insulting as far as I'm concerned. You shouldn't be insulting your readers. Try to be more encouraging.
The second thing I don't like about this guide is a lack of mekansm. I'm not a huge fan of mek on omni. This is especially true if he doesn't have arcane boots (Which I still think he needs). For you to say that mek is not worth getting in a game, is just wrong. Mek is one of the best items in the game, period. A fast mek will pay for itself in towers and saves within 10 minutes if used correctly. When my friends and I play, our off lane NP will always get a fast mek and we push off of it asap. It also works very well at causing people to over commit, where you can cause a turn around. Just like popping a wand. An enemy keeps chasing you when you're almost dead, last second mek/wand, and suddenly they're completely out of position and you're getting a hero kill.
I'm going with Sando here, I really don't like that you put Purification as lvl 1 ability (Unless your going for lvl 1 first blood). Repel is a 6 second duration where you/your ally can't be stunned or slowed (Unless a enemy have a ability that goes through magic immunity). I also like going 3-1-1 by level 5 don't get me wrong, but having Repel early to avoid getting yourself/your ally stunned/slowed is so much better in the early-early stages of the game, because those 90/180 hp you get from Purification is not gonna do **** to protect from nukes and stuns (Preventing the damage is much better that healing it).
I also suggest you make a complete "Finished build". Because it look like a mess atm.
I don't like that you have put a Soul Booster either, your not gonna farm that as a Omni anyway (And your not going Bloodstone to). It's much better to get something that is useful for your team like a Pipe of Insight (Offer a lot of health regen and magic resistance + shield).
A Mekanism is almost mandatory for Omni (If you don't have any other Mek Carries like Lich, Windrunner and Dark Seer). Mek also automatically heal more than Purification if there is 1 ally near you (Since mek heal 250 health for 1 player while Purification heal 320 and cost a butt ton of mana). Not to mention that Mekanism's heal is instant (While Purification have a long casting animation). Always have 1 mek on your team regardless.
Remember as a Omniknight, you are most likely the hard support (Farm priority 5, hard carry have farm priority 1).
I also recommend adding items like: Vladimir's Offering, Drums of Endurance, Medallion of Courage, Urn of Shadows and Necronominon as "Situational" (Since it's not effective having 2+ drums or 2+ vlads on your team). And medallion is a very good support tank item for roshing and teamfight. Not to mention urn for healing and Necronomicon for the Mana drain and True sight (Lvl 3 necro only).
Here is my recommendations for core items: Arcane Boots, Soul Ring, Medallion and Magic Wand.
Anything after is (If no one in your team have/is building it): Mekanism, Vladimir's Offering, Pipe of Insight, Urn of Shadows and Drums of Endurance ((Flying)Courier , Wards (Observer and Sentries) and Dust/Gem).
Luxury items include (If the game drags on and you have the coin and you don't need to buy Wards/Dust): Aghinim's Scepter, Shiva's Guard, Heart of Tarrasque and Refresher Orb (Because 14 second of physical invulnerability is OP :3).
And remember: You can't have to many heals on your team (Because there aren't that many heroes that can heal others).
EDIT: Added more info and fixed spelling + added links
Why do you say not to buy Mekansm? Purification is single target only and Mekansm can heal all your teammates in a teamfight, having both is very beneficial and Omniknight is a pretty good Mekansm holder.
Because u heal 250 HP in an area which is nice, but the effect it has on the outcome of a matchchanging battle is minimal. Most of the time only 1 or 2 hero's are attacked/targetted and mekanism doesnt help enough in that situation (250 hp is peanuts). Your ulti and repel and purification do help loads! 2nd If u can disable an attacker or there carry with one of the two disablers, ur winning. Therefore i say the option of disabling 1 or 2 attackers is more beneficial in teambattles then the effects of mekanism 250hp heal.
Also when laning in earlygame u dont need a mekanism as u have purification+ulti. Mekanism and purification+ulti is like a familycar with 20 wheels. Dont overdo it, just use enough wheels wisely so your ride is stable. Yes, its hard in the start controlling your mana but thats why i do build as stated. And if u really want a healingspell, take bloodstone, which is good item which doesnt take up an itemspot. But be assured that disabling there carry + a support for a period of time is allways worth more then an extra mekamism healingspell.
Even on a "noob" build you should always level Repel first, and then Purification at 2 + 3. Pretty much the only possible way to die at low levels is to get nuked/stunned/slowed (and hit a bit) - Repel offers much better protection from this than the 90 heal from Purification. Only exception might be a trilane, but then why pick Omni?
Well i dont do repel first, i do purification and it worked for me so far. But noted that i am really carefull until i have robe and boots. I consider myself a bad player but i have won over 80% of my games with this build. I believe the reason is omniknight lets his partner get al the last hits early and keeping him inlane! Thats easier with purification early. Omniknight is really good they later the game goes on, its like omniknight����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������² after 40 minutes:)
Even on a "noob" build you should always level Repel first, and then Purification at 2 + 3. Pretty much the only possible way to die at low levels is to get nuked/stunned/slowed (and hit a bit) - Repel offers much better protection from this than the 90 heal from Purification. Only exception might be a trilane, but then why pick Omni?
Why do you say not to buy Mekansm? Purification is single target only and Mekansm can heal all your teammates in a teamfight, having both is very beneficial and Omniknight is a pretty good Mekansm holder.
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I was on a losing streak and following this guide and the additional comments here got me out of the rut.
Thank you, and commends all around. -Spiritbreaker
In the mean time ur all whining i dont play standard im winning games ok?:)
Not ok.
The mek has already been explained enough, so I'll just say that the guide really needs some work. It needs much more content.
EDIT: If you really plan to building him as a tank without mek, then you also have a lot of items that are not mentioned like pipe.
The second thing I don't like about this guide is a lack of mekansm. I'm not a huge fan of mek on omni. This is especially true if he doesn't have arcane boots (Which I still think he needs). For you to say that mek is not worth getting in a game, is just wrong. Mek is one of the best items in the game, period. A fast mek will pay for itself in towers and saves within 10 minutes if used correctly. When my friends and I play, our off lane NP will always get a fast mek and we push off of it asap. It also works very well at causing people to over commit, where you can cause a turn around. Just like popping a wand. An enemy keeps chasing you when you're almost dead, last second mek/wand, and suddenly they're completely out of position and you're getting a hero kill.
I also suggest you make a complete "Finished build". Because it look like a mess atm.
I don't like that you have put a
A Mekanism is almost mandatory for Omni (If you don't have any other Mek Carries like
Remember as a
I also recommend adding items like: Vladimir's Offering, Drums of Endurance,
Here is my recommendations for core items:
Anything after is (If no one in your team have/is building it): Mekanism, Vladimir's Offering,
Luxury items include (If the game drags on and you have the coin and you don't need to buy Wards/Dust): Aghinim's Scepter,
And remember: You can't have to many heals on your team (Because there aren't that many heroes that can heal others).
EDIT: Added more info and fixed spelling + added links
Why do you say not to buy
Because u heal 250 HP in an area which is nice, but the effect it has on the outcome of a matchchanging battle is minimal. Most of the time only 1 or 2 hero's are attacked/targetted and mekanism doesnt help enough in that situation (250 hp is peanuts). Your ulti and repel and purification do help loads! 2nd If u can disable an attacker or there carry with one of the two disablers, ur winning. Therefore i say the option of disabling 1 or 2 attackers is more beneficial in teambattles then the effects of mekanism 250hp heal.
Also when laning in earlygame u dont need a mekanism as u have purification+ulti. Mekanism and purification+ulti is like a familycar with 20 wheels. Dont overdo it, just use enough wheels wisely so your ride is stable. Yes, its hard in the start controlling your mana but thats why i do build as stated. And if u really want a healingspell, take bloodstone, which is good item which doesnt take up an itemspot. But be assured that disabling there carry + a support for a period of time is allways worth more then an extra mekamism healingspell.
Even on a "noob" build you should always level
Well i dont do repel first, i do purification and it worked for me so far. But noted that i am really carefull until i have robe and boots. I consider myself a bad player but i have won over 80% of my games with this build. I believe the reason is omniknight lets his partner get al the last hits early and keeping him inlane! Thats easier with purification early. Omniknight is really good they later the game goes on, its like omniknight����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������² after 40 minutes:)