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The skill build is good, but the item build needs a bit of HP, might want to try throwing in a
I hate to be 'that guy' but I really have to disagree on a lot of points here.
Not on maxing attack speed because that's legit as all hell.
It's rather on the absolute lack of anything remotely resembling durability.
While this build can work in the lower tiers of MMR, as you climb it simply becomes unviable. You don't catch 5 heroes in Chronosphere against competent opponents, and as a result there will be enemies outside of it. If they can interrupt you, you're in trouble.
This Void is completely one-dimensional and neglects a lot of the hero's other strengths. Contrary to popular belief,
MoM DOES make Void squishy. Since he's already squishy it usually isn't a huge deal, but if you're against
I will also say that
To break up criticism, because there is a good guide in here with a bit of work, I will agree with your point on
Few other things about items:
-If you're playing with someone like
-If you're against multiple heavy nukers, then
-Sell Mask lategame for
And something else to add:
-Do itemise according to the situation...
-This really needs some formatting. I, too, am withholding a rating, because with a bit of formatting and revision this could be a good guide.
1v1 me with my 3 moon shards ya pleb.
as for the battlefury vs Mjollnir i prefer the bf more cause of the mana regen which lets me spam my time walk to farm faster....seriously dude thank you sooooo much :)
I am new to Dotafire, and once I fully get the hang of it, I will transform this guide to something way better that will explain everything more clear, and I will add more situational items and change some things. I personally have 200 games in void, and I haven`t yet played against the extreme high tears, but I can already feel it. Sometimes hero`s like axe, will never be killed with this build. with or without mask. Counter Helix will get you killed due to the low hp, low damage in this build. I would like to say this might be a situational build then.
I will fix it up, format it and add another build to make Void durable with respect to the idea of not loosing speed and damage. My main problem is, I am trying to find items that will benefit void in killing, and farming and without having to wait extremely long to gain some of the item`s benefits. What i mean is, you need to get 2 hyperstones to have a moonshard. each costs 2000 gold and at that price, you get 55 attack speed per moonshard so the concept is not to wait too long to have the benefits of the items kick in. I will do some math and analyze the items to form a better build with reason
Thank you very much
I hate to be 'that guy' but I really have to disagree on a lot of points here.
Not on maxing attack speed because that's legit as all hell.
It's rather on the absolute lack of anything remotely resembling durability.
While this build can work in the lower tiers of MMR, as you climb it simply becomes unviable. You don't catch 5 heroes in Chronosphere against competent opponents, and as a result there will be enemies outside of it. If they can interrupt you, you're in trouble.
This Void is completely one-dimensional and neglects a lot of the hero's other strengths. Contrary to popular belief,
MoM DOES make Void squishy. Since he's already squishy it usually isn't a huge deal, but if you're against
I will also say that
To break up criticism, because there is a good guide in here with a bit of work, I will agree with your point on
Few other things about items:
-If you're playing with someone like
-If you're against multiple heavy nukers, then
-Sell Mask lategame for
And something else to add:
-Do itemise according to the situation...
-This really needs some formatting. I, too, am withholding a rating, because with a bit of formatting and revision this could be a good guide.
Not on maxing attack speed because that's legit as all hell.
It's rather on the absolute lack of anything remotely resembling durability.
While this build can work in the lower tiers of MMR, as you climb it simply becomes unviable. You don't catch 5 heroes in Chronosphere against competent opponents, and as a result there will be enemies outside of it. If they can interrupt you, you're in trouble.
This Void is completely one-dimensional and neglects a lot of the hero's other strengths. Contrary to popular belief,
MoM DOES make Void squishy. Since he's already squishy it usually isn't a huge deal, but if you're against
I will also say that
To break up criticism, because there is a good guide in here with a bit of work, I will agree with your point on
Few other things about items:
-If you're playing with someone like
-If you're against multiple heavy nukers, then
-Sell Mask lategame for
And something else to add:
-Do itemise according to the situation...
-This really needs some formatting. I, too, am withholding a rating, because with a bit of formatting and revision this could be a good guide.
With this build, it will take less than 2 seconds to kill Lina and Queen of Pain. They have low hp pool, and the attack speed will allow you to time lock much more often which means she won't really have a chance to pull off her moves. You can try it in custom match and other matches. I dream to play against Queen of Pain and Lina, If you ever play and they against them, then LANE against them. They are the easiest to kill.
The only hero that can kill void 1v1 in this build is Axe. That is why if you are up against him, don't solo him unless you get him in a chrono.
Mask of Madness will never make void squishy if used correctly. Since you have the option to activate it, then it's common knowledge to do so when it's safe.
BkB is a good item and I would agree to put it as "EXTREME SITUATIONAL" and the reason is, you should never chrono, never ever ever chrono, 1 out of 5 heros in the middle of a fight. You should not even be in the fight.
Chrono's should be focused on hero's that can disable and other ranged hero's. Knowing who to chorno is a skill and buying BkB to do that for you, is a waste of gold and will not improve your skill in void.
Boot's of travel costs 2450 gold, which is a big waste to buy on void. It's good if you have extra gold but if not, their is more important items. Even if you have that extra gold, then its still useless since it takes up space. you don't need to be tp all across the map to get farm, use ur mask and time walk. and you shouldn't be farming late game ...
Mjollnir should NEVER be a substitute for a battle fury. NEVER. The cleavage damage from the fury is much greater than what you will ever get from Mjollnir. So don't waste money on items that look nice and sound nice, this item is ment for hero's like sniper that can't have cleavage.
Refresher Orb is the worst item for void. Never buy it, and if you did, then that is the worst decision you will ever make for multiple of reasons. First, it costs 5300 gold and if you have that gold sitting their, then buying a MkB will benefit you more and remember void is not an intelligence hero, he is one of the worst when it comes to mana. His mana won't even support having a refresher orb. So their is no point, and it is the worst item to go for in void. Remember, to get that refresher orb, it means that you need to save up 5300 gold and in the end of it, you lack speed and damage. so NEVER SUGGEST a refresher orb on void. period. The goal is to kill everyone in the chrono, why have 2? just useless.
Regardless of the chronos, if you managed to have this build, you can solo anyone but for Axe in that game. Just try it. Why spend that much gold to have 2 chronos, your ultimate goal is to kill everyone in 1, not in 2.
Finally, I would like to wrap it up, this is not a suicide void build, and if you see that, it sucks. Your extreme attack speed with the mask, will always give you the edge in getting back your health. You will be attacking 5-10 times per attack from other hero's so the life steal will give you that durability.
I can get behind that. There are some things you may want to consider, though, and some comments you're no doubt going to receive, if they haven't popped up already by the time I finish writing this.
1) We're in the middle of a nuke-heavy meta, and
3) Once you're six slotted (or seven slotted, if you count a consumed
Also, while it does nothing for your attack speed OR damage, this build might actually benefit from replacing that
4) As a general note, this guide could use some formatting. Like, ANY formatting, really. This is a common problem that happens in a lot of people's first guides, so don't get too down on yourself, but as a general rule, you can look at the Getting Started and BBC Code guides in the 'Hero Guides' section to give you an idea of how to make your guide more readable than the wall-of-text it is now. In addition, avoiding saying things like 'Best Void' and 'please don't build other items than this' can increase the credibility of your suggestions, as it can help you avoid coming off as over-confident and closed off to the potential weaknesses of your build, and how they might potentially be strengthened.
Not a bad guide overall, and with some formatting and some flexibility in item choices, I might even give it a +1. Now though, it doesn't deserve a + or a -, so I'ma just leave it where it is. Welcome to Dotafire, and happy writing!