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6 Votes

Dual Lane Guide: Blood n' Vinegar n' Vengeance

October 1, 2014 by UnrulySupportGuy
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twotall88 (2) | October 16, 2014 5:07am
P.s. Thirst is extremely powerful to level early. You no longer have to wait for the enemy heroes to be a certain threshold of %hp (used to be 50%) to get the flat move speed and damage bonuses, you still have to wait until they are 30%hp for the vision/true vision aspect however.

It is now just like Huskar's Berserker's Blood in the fact that it scales from 0-100%, though linearly while Berserker's Blood scales incrementally based on predefined increments of %hp (7%), effect based on enemy %hp maxing when the other hero(s) have 1%hp. so basically if all the enemy heroes at lvl 2 are sitting at 75% hp (this is common) you would have 12.5 bonus dmg and 12.5% bonus move speed (total move speed no boots at 326.25) (math: hero hp 25%x5, +10 dmg/hero +10% move speed/hero; 25% of +10 dmg = 2.5 dmg x 5 heroes = +12.5 dmg and the same for move speed and add 10 to the dmg and move speed for each additional level of Thirst). In the same situation but with Thirst at lvl 4 you would have 50 bonus dmg and 50% bonus move speed (total move speed with Power Treads 382.5 and with Phase Boots activated 443.7).

This means that the bonuses from thrist are extremely reliable provided the enemy heroes arent sitting around doing nothing/taking no dmg and you no longer only utilize this passive when you are ganking.
twotall88 (2) | October 16, 2014 4:53am
You don't mention Radiance at all. Nothing about buying it, why you should, why you shouldn't, what changed about the combination of Bloodseeker and Radiance in the 6.82 patch. I think this is still a viable item on Bloodseeker and with the 6.82 patch it is just as situational as it was pre-patch.

Basically, I don't think people are considering it because bloodbath no longer exists as a passive which removes the Radiance benefit of healing every time you get a Radiance creep kill. However, I say that it is just as viable as it was as when you put Bloodrage on yourself you are amplifying the dps of Radiance from 50dps to 70dps in a 700 radius and 98dps to an individual target ( Bloodrage on Bloodseeker and the target) which is huge.

With this in mind I still understand that a quick Blade Mail is more useful early, but if you can get normal items and a Radiance by 15 to 25 min you are doing pretty good.
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | October 1, 2014 6:46pm
Thank you both for the feedback, SemiViral and pasanoid. First off, yes I will include a new section to talk about the new abilities of Blyatcyka and Venge's skill set as well. Secondly, yes BS is one of my favorites to play too, even though yes, the silence hurts to land because the enemy can see it, however it's a great way to push the enemy away until your team can get back into position. Also as far as his Bloodrage goes, I've never once had a problem with its downside that wasn't my fault, such as getting baited into the enemy team while I'm all alone. Think of it as Slardar's Sprint only better in certain ways.

Thank you for reading my guide and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
pasanoid (2) | September 30, 2014 4:59am
I didn't really like the old bloodseeker. Running around stupidly, doing raptures only to get tp in my face was piece of ****. Though bloodbath was a really strong ability to ensure survival, bs was a ****ty hero.

But new bloodseeker become one of my fav heros. He's just so freaking fun! Though bloodrage became kind of double edged sword and silence is not too easy to land, his teamfight and initiation are very strong now. And bloodlust gives hell of speed the way it works now! (Once I guessed enemies were roshing: there wasn't any vision, just my speed suddenly increased too much.)

There're are lot's of possible combos with bs now. This hero was given new life indeed.
SemiViral | September 29, 2014 9:44am
I like this guide. I actually haven't tried the new Blyatcyka, as I'm a bit apprehensive his skills won't offer as tight of synergy as they previously did. That is to say, I think his skills work well enough now also. In theory. Though, on that note, it'd be cool if you could add a section for Blood & Venge's skillset, so that newer players who aren't aware of Blood's changed skills can get the deets on 'em. Plus that opens up the possibility of elaborating on each skill and explaining how it should be used individually. Just a thought :) Loved the guide, and I see serious synergy between Vengeful and Blood's ults. Love it!
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