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I like to think of Drow Ranger as a glass cannon... powerful, but squishy. Add to the fact that Drow can be quite farm-dependent, and a general strategy emerges.
As stated before, the Drow is very squishy. Worse, she is slow in the early game. Add that to the farm-dependency, and you really want to be in the safe lane. This means BOTTOM lane for the Radiant, and TOP lane for the Dire.
Due to this positioning, we can make use of the side shop and eliminate the "waiting for courier" issue. Or, if your support guys aren't particularly smart or experienced and your team starts without a courier - this lack of courier won't be an issue for your first several items.
Start with the following:
Once the horn sounds and the creeps show up, you need to place the Ward. The weakness of the safe lane is what I call the inner path. That side path that exists inside the main lane that the creeps follow: where a sneaky enemy hero can get behind you and get a quick gank off. I therefore place the Observer Ward right on the edge of the river after the inner-path forks off the main lane. This lets you see if anyone is trying to get behind you... or if an enemy Hero is coming along the river to overload and push the lane.
For optimal ward placement, get there early (pre-horn) and use your character to check all the sight-lines. Whichever sight-line is has the least obstructions and lets you see the river, the inner path and possibly part of the main lane... THAT's where you drop your ward once the horn goes.
When the creeps show up, get behind them and start trying to get last hits. Your melee creeps will take on their melee creeps, so getting last hits here may be tricky. Instead, try and solo down a ranged creep while cherry-picking off the melee creeps when they get low. If the enemy Hero opposite you is hanging back and only ducking in and out, targeting down the ranged creeps should be workable. As always, deny creep kills whenever possible.
Once you hit 150 gold, head to the side shop and get your Slippers of Agility to complete your Wraith Band... the start working on building your Power Treads. For the Treads you will need:
The Mid-Game is actually pretty simple: Your objectives are to get Shadow Blade and
Helm of the Dominator.
The Shadow Blade has a nice Damage and Attack Speed buff, but the real reason to get the Shawdow Blade is for the Invisibility. It allows you to get away if you get ganked, or get into position to support a gank of your own.
The Helm comes with a nice buff to regen and damage, and a helpful +5 to armor. The key item here is the 15% Life Steal. With a fast attack speed and hard hitting shots, you can actually keep yourself topped up while farming and while in combat, not to mention pulling in a neutral creep for scouting and such.
Mid-Game is when you also can start ganking... though until you get Shadow Blade you can easily be targeted and there's not much you can do about it. Don't gank alone... and remember to Silence as you start your attack.
Once you have the Helm and Shadow Blade, you'll be able to take on whole creep waves solo, tackle even the toughest neutral creeps, and start holding your own against other Heroes.
Also... by now, if you've not taken one of two enemy towers, you're not trying hard enough.
Finally, it is at this point you'll start seeing gold coming in easier. In Pubs, don't count on others to put up wards and cover for you... take this responsibility upon yourself. Put some wards around the map, don't let people sneak up behind you if you're in-lane and pushing a tower, and be ready to leave your lane to help around the middle of the map as needed.
Here ends the mid-game.
If you have followed my build order, at this point you've got:
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