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As for ppl talking about Black King Bar instead of Shadow Blade...I definitely see that point. That being said, if no one on my current team is invisible often (like Rikki) then most people don't carry wards, the stone or powder. Also... the Damage and Attack Speed *do* help.
It doesn't have to be instead of, if you really like SB then keep it, but in addition you will need a BKB.
Rockman12345 - I agree that a support should be buying the wards... however in Pubs, there is no guarantee that they will either buy the wards or place them in decent places. I get the ward in order to protect myself early game... and if it gives me the situational awareness to avoid being ganked even once... it more than pays for itself.
As for ppl talking about Black King Bar instead of Shadow Blade...I definitely see that point. That being said, if no one on my current team is invisible often (like Rikki) then most people don't carry wards, the stone or powder. Also... the Damage and Attack Speed *do* help.
Unless you have bad supports, it is generally their job to buy couriers and wards. As the hard carry, warding should be the least of your worries, so feel free to finish that wraith band at the beginning.
For me, at least, and probably other people, Shadow Blade isn't worth it for the "escape." It is a nearly 3000 gold item that is directly countered by an item that is two for 180. The real reason to get a shadow blade would be to go ganking with it, which Drow can do well, due to her ******** 60% slow. There isn't really any substitute for farming carefully and keeping one eye on that minimap. To play Drow, you have to be paranoid but looking for opportunities, like a serial killer. And, you might need a Black King Bar, depending on the game. If they have disables that can be blocked by BKB, you need it.
I know I harp on this a lot, but you gotta have BKB in there, especially since you stress making her more survivable. Even if you have the best evasion and lifesteal you can get, one stun makes you free food. Also, I would suggest maybe grabbing a value point in silence, as it gives a lot of utility with the knockback and even at lvl 1 can interrupt combos. Can't give you a +1 yet, but a great start!
Guys Guys Guys....pls take a look at this formatting guide that is stickied in the guide section read it make your guide readable and maybe you will get people to vote
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how i do dis apaz
just messin with ya man, I agree on the shadow blade point for sure.
As for ppl talking about
It doesn't have to be instead of, if you really like SB then keep it, but in addition you will need a BKB.
As for ppl talking about
1 =
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Here is my skill build too:
how i do dis apaz
just messin with ya man, I agree on the shadow blade point for sure.
1 =
2 =
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4 =
Here is my skill build too:
1 or 3
1 or 3
Stats Onward
I came up with it, and it is a little bit weird/unorthadox, but just try it once.
Good guide nonetheless
read it make your guide readable and maybe you will get people to vote