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[Divine] Grandmaster Goma's Visage Mid 2024

August 27, 2024 by zveen
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Necro'lic (Pos 2)

DotA2 Hero: Visage

Hero Skills

Lurker (Innate)

Grave Chill

1 4 5 7

Soul Assumption

2 8 13 16

Gravekeeper's Cloak

3 9 11 14

Summon Familiars

6 12 18


10 15

Hero Talents

+1 Familiar
Gravekeeper's Cloak aura grants 10 armor
+1 Armor Corruption to Visage and Familiars
+25 Soul Assumption Damage Per Charge
Soul Assumption Hits 3 Targets
+2s Grave Chill Duration
+6 damage to Visage and Familiars
+4 Lurker Max Stacks

[Divine] Grandmaster Goma's Visage Mid 2024

August 27, 2024


Visage presents himself as more intimidating than his actual required prowess suggests, despite being a micromanagement hero. Though his skill set can be quite demanding at times, a perfect playstyle is far from necessary if you wish to succeed in your lane and eventually secure your game.

No matter what patch you're currently on, know this:
Visage's build stays, for the most part, exactly the same as it always has been; what changes is your approach towards certain heroes and their builds. Some extension items can also be helpful, but the core build remains mostly the same.

I'll be ranking skills and items (as well as neutral items) based on their suitability for aggressive gameplay. Adjust it to your playstyle and whatever best suits you.

I hope this guide redirects your fear from Visage towards his enemies instead. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask or comment below.

A bit about me:
I've dedicated nearly a decade to mastering Visage, playing well over 2,400 games with him.

I've climbed from Archon to Divine with this hero and been on the top boards with him before, so I'm confident in my insights into item building and playstyle. Even though I will never stop learning about this hero or this game, I've compiled my current knowledge into this guide in the hopes of assisting others in their journey to higher ranks. Nevertheless, I still encourage you to explore high-ranked gameplays and resources like Dotabuff's Top 100 page. The pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds!

But most importantly of all: just have fun!!
After all, someone who works hard can never beat someone who enjoys themselves.



  • Visage's peak is at lvl 6, being able to gank other lanes with ease using a single Smoke of Deceit, shutting down important cores or helping out those in need. In case your opponent has an advantage over you mobility-wise ( Puck, Queen of Pain, etc), punish them by taking their middle tower instead.
  • Don't shy away from modifying this build in any shape or form. Use it as a basis, but ideally, make constant adjustments depending on the enemy lineup and your own.
  • Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to micro your familiars perfectly - you can just control all your units at the same time. There is room for mistakes. You'd be surprised seeing how some people play him in the Immortal rank.
  • Train last-hitting with Visage on his own, then together with his familiars, either in a private lobby or Demo Hero, as there is a clear difference timing-wise.
  • Visage depends a lot on his own team to be effective, as they have to play around him and his auras to get stuff done. You won't be doing much late-game, so use your time wisely.
  • No matter how well you play, you will be counter-picked at times. And that's okay.

My keybindings are as follows:
  • Select all Controlled Units: V
  • Select Hero: X
  • Next Unit: C
  • Select all Other Units: SPACE

This means that stunning with my familiars requires me to simply press C and Q afterwards.


  • Grave Chill: Your primary skill to initiate — most of the time*.
    Use this to slow your enemy's attack and movement speed, increasing your own. Especially useful for lane control early on against faster last-hitters and for harassment (harder to pull off against Sniper, though). You can also target creeps in order to catch up to runes faster than your opponent. Save enough mana to use this for escaping ganks. Don't underestimate its power: your familiars' damage also depends on it.
  • Soul Assumption: The definition of karma. Consider leveling it up first to secure kills. With a ridiculously low cooldown, spam it to your heart's content, especially during teamfights. However, do note that in order to use it effectively, you need at least 3 charges to deal substantial damage. Max it before Gravekeeper's Cloak against magic-vulnerable heroes ( Necrophos, Pugna, etc). Use it to secure last-hits if in dire need.
  • Gravekeeper's Cloak: Unless playing aggressively, get at least a single level on this.
    A passive turned active thanks to Aghanim's Shard. It also serves as a third stun (apart from your familiars) to cancel channeling animations. This is your bread and butter against heroes that'd normally focus you. Either use it at the last second possible, or use it early to avoid ultimates such as Legion Commander's Duel and Faceless Void's Chronosphere. Your timing will have to be impeccable, as it also has a cast delay. Remember: A well-timed reaction is all you need. And good ping, when possible.
  • Summon Familiars: Your most valuable assets. As they benefit from Grave Chill and Gravekeeper's Cloak, it's best to not let them stray too far away from you, as they have high-bounty deaths (100 gold, to be exact). Can be used to scout Roshan/heroes, push towers, farm creeps in the lane and jungle, as well as stacking camps or blocking them. You may also TP to them using Boots of Travel. They can still be used after Visage himself dies, so make sure to abuse that during teamfights. Though it might be tempting, it is best to attack than to stun with these guys, unless you are chasing somebody and they are entering dangerous territory. Always leave at least one familiar up to cancel channeling animations, or ult again/chain stun during teamfights. When kept close to your hero, they also serve as bait for certain abilities (ie: Bloodseeker's Rupture). I highly recommend manually stunning (switching through your controlled units and using their skill) as opposed to using the default stun option (fourth skill), as it allows you to choose which familiar to stun with, albeit slower in practice.

*Unlike Grave Chill, Soul Assumption deals damage on contact, so use it to initiate when canceling an enemy's Blink Dagger.


  • Sepulchre: Ideal if you are used to microing and want to take full advantage of the Grave Chill area debuff, as it keeps the hero pretty much the same. With Alt + Q, you are able to change the familiar's skill to become point-and-click, allowing you to choose where they will land with precision, albeit slower than simply casting the skill immediately. In actual teamfights, though, you'll want to choose speed over efficiency. The stun is also canceled if you are moving Visage AND his units at the same time before the familiar reaches its stun destination, giving you an even bigger time penalty. Returning your familiars with R is also pretty convenient and time-efficient when split-pushing, but I recommend deactivating it as it's on by default (remember that Nvidea/Geforce has an Alt + R shortcut as well, so make sure to change it beforehand).
  • Death Toll: The current favorite (with a 52.41% winrate over Sepulchre's 52.05%). Especially as an offlaner or support, this facet will do you wonders when it comes to securing items early, profiting off of kills even if they aren't your own. As the game progresses, your hero will fall off much quicker than compared to others, so make sure to capitalize on your advantage in the early stages of the game, if the lineup allows for it. Since this effect lingers for 3s on the enemy and Soul Assumption has a ridiculously low cooldown, it is unlikely that you will miss the benefits from it, even if it reduces gold received from creeps. As you depend a lot on your own team's competency and it seems to provide a disadvantage mid (as you will be 1v1ing and the enemy midlaner will have a fatal gold advantage over you, regardless of how well you gank), choose this facet with moderation.
  • Faithful Followers: A higher range for the familiars' stuns, but their damage remains the same. Given the lack of control over your familiars, you are practically unable to protect them efficiently or chase prey without putting Visage in danger as well. It becomes impossible to split-push with the familiars alone or take advantage of their global range by blocking or taking enemy camps, as well as denying runes, which is essential at minute 6. It is ideal for a mindless, easy type of gameplay (or one where you wouldn't mind losing), but not one for higher ranks.


LVL 10

  • +6 Visage and Familiars Attack Damage: Secondary option. Aggressive.
    A good buff to your familiars' damage.
  • -3s Grave Chill Cooldown: Primary option. Aggressive.
    Effective against pesky heroes that would benefit from a longer slow duration, as well as allowing you to deal more damage faster.

LVL 15
  • Soul Assumption Hits 3 Targets: Primary option. Aggressive.
    An easier way to ks- ahem, secure kills. Does wonders during team-fights.
  • +2s Grave Chill Duration: Secondary option. Supportive.
    In case you missed your chance to upgrade it earlier.

LVL 20
  • +1 Armor Corruption to Visage and Familiars: Primary option. Aggressive.
    Especially helpful in pushing towers, but also against heroes.
  • +25 Soul Assumption Damage Per Charge: Secondary option. Aggressive.
    Can be effective against heroes that despise magic. Team-fight-oriented.

LVL 25
  • +1 Familiar: Primary option. Aggressive.
    More damage and another stun added to the party.
  • Gravekeeper's Cloak grants +10 Armor: Secondary option. Defensive.
    Depending on your item build and the enemy lineup, this could cause others some problems in taking you down. But mostly unnecessary.


Starting Items:

  • Tango: Yum!
  • Iron Branch: Place it on the ground and consume it with your tangos for extra healing or block the enemy's view.
  • Observer Ward: Allows you to foresee ganks and keep an eye on one of the runes.

Early Items:
  • Magic Wand: If the enemy midlaner spams spells, this is a no-brainer.
  • Boots of Speed: You wont need to upgrade this until much later, depending on the enemy lineup.
  • Smoke of Deceit: Your go-to item to gank other lanes!

  • Bottle: When facing certain enemies mid, having a bottle is vital. In which case, you won't even need circlets at all: just Tango and some Iron Branches. The sustain from its charges will be enough to allow you a few extra hits as well as take some in return.
    You will want this especially against Zeus, Queen of Pain, Viper; or any other annoying, spam-y heroes that benefit from runes as much as you do and aren't afraid to trade hits with you.
  • Blight Stone: Take this as a trinket against Pudge or any enemy hero with as little armor as you. It also helps against Bristleback and taking structures faster, working with your familiars.
  • Wind Lace: Some extra movement speed. Necessary for dodging certain skills or reaching enemies attempting to run away.
  • Infused Raindrops: Useful against magical damage. It may be a lifesaver, but only buy it if you deem it necessary, as your gold is pretty precious.
  • Hand of Midas: In case of arse-whooping, not to worry. After the fourth consecutive death or so, get this if you want to stand a chance at all. It can be farmed incredibly fast with your familiars, giving you early levels, increased nuking damage and survivability.
  • Crown: Some extra attributes.

Core Items:
  • Vladmir's Offering: The most commonly built item; understandably so.
    Gives massive bonus base damage and lifesteal, which your familiars also greatly benefit from. It improves teamfights, your pushing power as well as endurance. It contains everything necessary in order for Visage to reach his objectives faster. With it, he becomes an unstoppable beast.
  • Tranquil Boots: Sometimes, the extra movement speed and health regeneration are necessary in order to secure kills on your own. Thankfully, Visage is already pretty tanky, allowing him to go for cheaper boots and invest elsewhere. I recommend rushing this against Monkey King, Sniper, etc.
  • Drum of Endurance: Buffes your familiars with attack speed, as well as giving additional mobility for you and your team. Beware, though, as it can only be used a number of times before running out.
  • Aghanim's Scepter: With this, you will be able to scout the enemys jungle and triangle for kills. Chase the opposing midlaner relentlessly. Dominate the map. Don't give them a chance to react. Or, when in a pickle, run for your life. Remember: Visage is a universal hero, benefiting entirely from the additional stats provided.
  • Boots of Bearing: Makes taking towers as well as initiating easier for you and your team. It also serves you well in escaping nasty situations. With its infinite uses, be sure to make the most of it. Consider building this last if you have an advantage already.
  • Assault Cuirass: With increased attack speed and further armor reduction (coupled with your lvl 20 Talent), you will be able to melt structures together with your familiars and team. By the end of the game, you should always be the one with the most structure damage done overall. Ultimately, kills won't (always) win you the game: taking the ancient will.

Situational Items:
  • Orchid Malevolence: A phenomenal item for mana sustenance, given your lack thereof from using Soul Assumption nonstop. Focus heroes with team-fight control ( Disruptor, Shadow Shaman, Invoker...) or secure kills by impending the escape of your enemies. The damage built up by your familiars and nukes will be enough to silence your foes forever. You want to get this before the 20-min mark, ideally.
  • Aghanim's Shard: Combined with your Gravekeepers Cloak and Aghanim's Scepter, you will always be able to either delay or escape your death completely, outlasting opponents or distracting them to focus you instead of bigger threats. See " Gravekeeper's Cloak" in the "Skills" section of this guide for more info.
  • Phylactery: The added slow and damage burst will enable you to secure kills more consistently with your Grave Chill.
  • Pipe of Insight: Allows you to save not only your teammates, but also your familiars from high magic damage.

Extension Items:
  • Desolator: The less armor the merrier.
  • Boots of Travel: Excellent for split-pushing. Don't forget that you don't have to upgrade your boots in order to teleport to your familiars.
  • Scythe of Vyse: Lockdown against Black King Bars, or simply one more disable for the team. Especially useful for late-game, giving you some more utility. It also solves mana-related problems. Permanently.
  • Bloodthorn: An end-game item, transforming you into a killing machine. A perfect kit of silence, attack speed and damage. Coupled with your familiars, your enemies will stand no chance.
  • Heaven's Halberd: The evasion gained is an added benefit to rendering certain cores completely useless for a few seconds, working even if Black King Bar is activated afterwards.
  • Nullifier: An end-game item that slows your target and dispels them, having a great synergy with Visage's kit overall.
  • Black King Bar: Against high magical damage, silence and stuns, you might want to consider a Black King Bar in order to be useful to your team, in case you are ever caught out of position or otherwise.
  • Shiva's Guard: A good alternative to other team members building Assault Cuirass in your place.
  • Lotus Orb: A team-oriented item, used mostly for purging stuns and slows from teammates or used against certain skills (i.e: Juggernaut's Omnislash). It provides armor and gives you survivability.
  • Gleipnir: Rod of Atos is a cheap alternative to Bloodthorn or Sheepstick. However, in case you are able to upgrade it to this, go for it.
  • Spirit Vessel: In case no one in your team gets it against core problems (such as a late-game Bristleback), don't be afraid to do it yourself.
  • Linken's Sphere: Though Aghanim's Shard renders it almost irrelevant, much like Aeon Disk, this could be an alternative if you are being caught too often by single-target abilities, such as Legion Commander's Duel.
  • Aeon Disk: Though Aghanim's Shard is good on its own, this could allow you to react in a timely manner against initiators and long disables.

Neutral Items






  • Desolator 2: In case you wanted to make your dream of building a Desolator come true.
  • Book of the Dead: Great for pushing with your bird-shaped friends.



  • Gossamer Cape: Though Visage's speed isn't abysmal, this could help against speedier heroes.
  • Light Collector: This works great in unison with your familiars, as they can also destroy trees.






These are just my opinions on optimization for the hero based on my own experiences and studies, and not the rule. You are free to take whatever serves you best from this guide. I hope it helps you secure your next games as Necro'lic! Thanks for reading.

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