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9 Votes

Cookie's Bristleback POST 6.79 patch

October 29, 2013 by cookiebrawl
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Zurek (1) | April 2, 2013 8:10am
@Cookie – Upvoted.

I agree with you about the boots now that you've clarified. I like the movement speed on most heroes anyway since it really does help you get into position faster and catch up to people.

I also agree with your ring choice and not upgrading, but I don't agree with chasing a wand... mainly because I hate how they work and they become so useless after a short period of time (at least for me and my experience with it). I think that money could be spent better elsewhere, like getting your Vanguard faster.

Difference of opinion aside, you’ve got a great guide on your hands here – especially if you’re going to be making updates / taking community feedback (which you clearly are)!

Do you have any other luxury items you would suggest if you're behind on your farm, and need to catch up in being viable in a match? Something more along the mid-game realm?

Synergy (2) | April 2, 2013 3:55am
Outworld is such a good hero with Bristleback. Infinite ability spam even at low levels with his aura
cookiebrawl (1) | April 1, 2013 7:16pm
@Zurek Thx. I see where you're coming from. I'll change to put Vanguard first since that confused you.

I chose Phase Boots over Power Treads because Vanguard and Bristleback already makes you pretty tanky. Yes it's somewhat hybrid, but I like the extra movement speed. This is especially for the times when you're just poking the enemy, and you don't actually wan't to fully commit. and it helps with positioning + unit walking as well. Power Treads does fit more of the semi-carry role, these boots just make you more adaptable (since MOBA is alot about mobility and positioning). I guess treads would be viable as well.

Ring of Aquila are more for Agi heroes who need to spam spells. I only got the Ring of Basilius because its cheap, fast, and gives me just enough mana regen to sustain. Thats all I really want out of it.

Rigwarl actually doesn't have huge str/hp gains, and since he's constantly drawing aggro from enemies, he really needs to bring his hp/regen up. Drum of Endurance, Hood of Defiance (for mages) are also options. But Vanguard is usually the best choice. That's why I rush it.

Also luxury items depend on your farm, as I said. If you already have better carries farming on your team and you have very little farm, go for the situational items listed. Note that I didn't put Shiva's Guard because whilst it does have a nice CC and armor boost, Rigwarl doesn't need that much mana. It is still nice to get it if the other team has strong mana burners tho.
If you're playing more of the semi-carry role (depending on your team composition), then you'd be flash farming, jungling and what not, so there's your fund!
Zurek (1) | April 1, 2013 10:15am
I'm going to reserve my vote for when / if you can address some of these...

I'm never a huge fan of when I see guides telling you to rush Vanguard over other items. Your guide suggests you get Phase Boots first, but in the finer detail of your guide, you mention Vanguard first. While it may be out of order on your core, you may want to switch those around or clarify which you consider more important.

Also, it feels like your build is very hybrid. You mention that Rigwarl is a semi-carry, but your item collection and guide don't mention anything that would truly support this. For example, your item list builds for Rigwarl to act more of a tank role, which I agree with, but then you list items like Phase Boots over Power Treads. Matter of opinion, but the stats from Power Treads support a more tank-like role. Do you consider Rigwarl's role to be more of a tank or that of a semi-carry? In my definition of the two, I consider the semi-carry to be of a strong mid-game caliber in terms of damage & / or damage negation. I consider a tank to be your source of target in team fights, with high(er) hp and armor than others involved.

Your luxury items are all at the highest end possible, and while that's fine I'm not sure I understand the mash-up. Where do you expect Rigwarl to fund such high end items? Is he going to be getting all of the last hits?

For me, your guide comes down to the clarification of the role. Vanguard seems like a poor choice as a starting item for someone who you intend to be filling the role you state. Aside from that Phase Boots may be your preference, but you have Viscous Nasal Goo so why do you need the extra run speed if you're already able to slow on such a constant basis - especially if it's so spammable? You get increased movement speed from Warpath as well. Why stop at Ring of Basilius? Why not go for Ring of Aquila for an extra 485? Looks like you go for a Magic Wand anyway, so you make up for the stats there. Not only that, you gain the damage and agility for less of the cost.

It's certainly one thing to be a jack of trades, but much different when you're the master of none.
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