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with ags my opinion is by the time you've farmed it people will be moving in clusters and so while,yes the 12 sec cooldown early is nice survivabilty is a much more useful during those early team fights. as to crimson guard i have started using it but i want to get more experiance with it in game before i have it after blade mail.
the saying i'm covering four points is because in the rough draft there were four points the fourth being specific scenarios and what to do in them but i figured i should compile a list first and polish it before i publish it.
Two other points(and it is two points this time lol) is that i'm doing testing with tranquil boots to see if they are more viable on him and will update this after i feel like i've played enough games and experienced enough situations with them. the second point is that i don't build mek very often i almost always rush blade mail but i thought i would try to include play styles slightly different than mine in this.
thank you everyone for comments as they help me learn different views i hadnt considered before and mistakes i made. thanks again and i will be updating
And a little mention. You said you were going to cover 4 points. It's still three.
I looked it up in the wiki, a level 16 clock has 494 max mana from his stats. Not to mention that he won't always be full mana becasue generally Clock likes spamming rockets to scout.
So if you don't like rushing
Not bad just use the formatting guide, it will help you express your ideas better for the readers.