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Clockwerk is a very plug and play hero with solid stat gains across the board and good ganking and crowd control abilities.
in this guide i will cover 3 points.
1. Clockwerk's role in lane and what lanes to use him in.
2. Explanation of specific items to build and skill leveling.
3. Heroes that he counters, heroes that counter him, and heroes that combo well with him.
Clockwerk's best positions are the offlane and mid. the reasons for this is that clockwerk benefits from the early levels a great deal as they allow him to gank almost anyone with impunity.
once you have reached level six the enemy supports will have normally started wandering around trying to help lanes or ward. these are the perfect oppurtunities to gank them and hopefully stall enemy warding and rotations. you can gank people in lane with creeps but it becomes a much risky endeavor due to the fact that creeps will surround your cogs and absorb some of the battery assault hits and it is morelikely that rotations will come and catch you out.
when the mid game rolls around you will normally not be able to gank people effectively as the supports will either stick with the carries at all times or have farmed up a force staff. this does not mean you cant gank people but you have to be more conservative about it. it is in the mid game you switch from ganker to initiator as you should have enough money to have some tank items such as mek or blademail. this will be your role throughout the game to be the tank of the team.
GG branches are obvious items to get as they build into wand and they provide great early stats. the stout shield provides great harass prevention and tangos all the regen you should need till you get your bottle. a bottle is a standard item on clock especially with 6.82's double rune patch.
the next item is where the most discussion about clockwerk comes in, what type of boots to grab. most people grab phase boots for the extra chase and rightclick damage. this is redundant as clock has high base movement speed and his battery assault will prevent running by making people stutter step. you see tranqs and mana boots for there armor bonus and hp regen and there extra mana respectfully. these are also redundant as you will be roaming with a bottle so you need no extra regen and you will but items soon that provide extra int for mana. my boots of choice are power treads as they boost your tankiness and attack speed and allow for some super pro tread swapping.
Power Cogs are Clockwerk' main tools. the mana and health drain should be used offensivly in lane to harass and zone out the enemy laners. you max out
Battery Assault first due to its massive damage boost with each level.this skill is tricky as any other unit will take some of the hits and greatly reduce your damage. you get a value point in
Rocket Flare to scout and get some spot damage. cogs are maxed second as they prolong the duration, durability, and damage of your cogs.
all of these however are set up by your Hookshot. an incredibly fast projectile it hits and stuns all units in that area and all pulls you to that location. the skill is easily misused as if it hits anyone, even creeps, it activates and pulls you to them so be careful about whats in between you and your target. you may also use it on allies to try to rush to their position if you cant see any enemy units.
Clockwerks chief counter is the Force Staff. a guaranteed escape, it is really hard for clock the catch back up with whoever forcestaffs out. blink dagger is a bad item against him and he will almost always be able to disable the dagger before they can use it. however any hero with an inate blink like
Phantom Assassin
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