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Butchering Time (updated...alot)

September 4, 2013 by NinjaFatcats
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DotA2 Hero: Pudge

Hero Skills

Flesh Heap (Innate)

Meat Hook

2 4 5 7


1 3 8 9

Meat Shield

10 12 13 14


6 11 16


15 17 18

Butchering Time (updated...alot)

September 4, 2013


"Get over here", welcome to another guide presented by Geor...i mean NinjaFatcats. Pudge is my most played heroes and i have anylysed many players, including scrubs to pros and their builds vary alot. I have tried them out and some items have been more effective then others. Continue if you actually interested, if you are not and are bored, go play some DOTA 2.


Let's get started...what are the good things about Pudge, other than the ability to hide his third arm in DOTA 2


-Good ganker

-Good initiator

-Good strength gain

-Can do 360 PURE damage (yeh,badass)

-Sometimes, when it's late game, just look at your strength and damage

-Sells meat at a very cheap price


-Is slow as sh*t

-Lose some weight mate

-Has a troll ability, Meat Hook

-Terribad manapool

-Has low armour, and i f*cking mean it

-Can only occupy 1 hero with his combo

-Loses effectiveness at very late game


If you are trying to be a dendi, go jungle with Pudge. To do this, stack several creep camps, and if you think you have stacked enough, but a Smoke of Deceit and toggle Rot on and off very quickly. This will take out the mini creeps (if there are any). Pop a Smoke of Deceit or Healing Salve if necessary to take out the creeps.

Laning phase

You are suppose to go mid, purely because of the exp gain. It is highly recommended that you don't go top or bot as it is easier for 2 enemies to say "mia" on Pudge. If you are facing Outworld devourer, hahaha, good luck. Because of your big fat smelly body, the creeps will slow down if you are in front of them, because they cant run as fast with arms holding their noses (that is, if they have any noses). This make the enemy creeps closer towards your base, making it easier to last hit and deny the creeps. Use Rot to help you last hit those creeps. If you getting harassed badly, remember..."TAKE OF YOUR GLOVES BEFORE YOU USE THE POT AS*HOLE!". This will provide you more regen, but be careful, don't let the enemy destroy it. So yeh, by like around level three, get some Boots of Speed and try to drag the enemy to your tower with Meat Hook and Rot him. Try to block him some more so the tower can let him have some. This usually earns yourself FIRST BLOOD. If you do get a kill, force your donkey/dog with mask/broken tree stump thing/yak with mask/a zebra?/slimy fish lizard thing with creepy smile/some little ancient monster who is "just a little guy"/some green dragon which is too scaly/a baboon thing on a fan thing/an awesome flying panda/a sh*tty wizard on a horse/a mainstream TI3 legendary smeevil/a chest thing which coughs out gold/a penguin/a smeevil on a flying turtle?/a snail/genie smeevil/chest with legs/cute little dragon with a leaf/ Tinker clone/ Venomancer clone/a royal caterpillar thing/or some other random thing (i miss mini pudge T_T) to buy you the early game stuff, or threaten the shopkeeper with your sharp hook. After this, go gank the other lanes and start dominating. Get Smoke of Deceit if you are facing tougher opponents who are smart enough to get wards. If you wanna be dendi and have a very good early game, get a Hand of Midas.


For core get Power Treads, because dendi gets it. Get Urn of Shadows because it can be built from Gauntlets of Strength, gives mana regen and a very very very good heal/damage DoT. I rarely see people use the Urn of Shadows for the DoT, and it seems to be it is forgotten. Cast it on the enemy who is on low health which you don't know why it lost the health. Drums of endurance gives Pudge some mojo to run faster. Also gives good stats. Shadow Blade is used so that you can activate Rot, go invis and surprise the unsuspected enemy!!! Get Blink Dagger because it is absolutely useless on Pudge and takes up a valuable item slot :3 Aghanim's Scepter transforms you into the ultimate carry, eating your enemy while you increase health while they decrease in health. Also provides good stats, hp and mp. Get Heart of Tarrasque to take your tank to the next level. Bloodstone provides extreme mana, mana regen and an awesome active. DENY YOUR SELF LIKE A BOSS Also causes you to respawn yourself extra quickly to get back to the fight. Black King Bar gives you EXTREME team fight presence as you can stand next to the enemy with Rot without injuring yourself. Also gives good damage and strength.

Armlet of Mordiggian-used to give burst strength gain, can also be used in conjunction with Aghanim's Scepter and desmember. Dendi also sometimes gets it.

Arcane Boots-if you are too scrub or you are play a semi support role.

Blade Mail-what the f*ck do you think this is for Einstein?

Hand of Midas-be the ultimate carry

Veil of Discord-Get this if your team has lots of magical damage, or else it will not be that cost effective

Linken's Sphere-a little funny water ball thing which provides very good stats, hp and mana regen and an awesome passive.

Phase Boots-if you just want to exercise more, do more damage or that you just like purple

Manta Style-All your illusions have your bonus strength. Makes you run faster and gives good stats. The illusions can tank alot late game. Dendi gets this

Pipe of Insight-get this if you are playing semi support and the enemy team has lots og nukers.

Scythe of Vyse-this is probably the BEST semi support item you can get. Used for the hex and lets you fail that Meat Hook 24/7.

Vanguard-if there are too many dps heroes on the other team

Shiva's Guard-if you are feeling too hot, shove this down your pants to cool you down. gives tons of intel and armour along with a good semi game changing active.

Heaven's Halberd-gives a 25% evasion, good strength and damage and an active that allows you to disable to enemy dps carry

Ghost Scepter-get this if the enemy team has Riki, Riki, Riki, Riki and Riki.

Force Staff-if you dont want to be a jedi knight, this is the next best thing. Push your fat *** too catch up to you enemy or escape. Also use it to push enemies out of their fountain or force them in your fountain. You can also use it to save allies.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity-makes you run faster, gives mana regen, intel and a nice disable. I highly recommend this item for Pudge.

Assault Cuirass-gives massive pushing power and is good for team fights

Rod of Atos-gives lots of intel and hp. Good when used with Rot and for chasing down the enemy.

Quelling Blade-used for last hitting a wee bit easier or for deforestation. Use the active to get into the forest to create secret pathways to hook your enemy into the unknown (along with receiving some pretty nasty splinters, cuts and bruise)


Not much to say here, as always. Just land to Meat Hook properly and there is nothing to worry about. Try to hook the squishy heroes for an easy kill. Rot is not dispelled by Bottle or Healing Salve when you level it up 2 times i think. With the knowledge, use this to your advantage...somehow. Another good tip is that when you use your Meat Hook, Rot and Dismember combo, sometimes the Dismember is out of the Rot range. When this happens. Turn off your Rot as you are just killing yourself.

If you are absolutely godly with Pudge, use Chen hooks or some curve hooks for some extra points.

There is a recent update i think that allows Pudge have a even grater strength gain, making him even more OP.

Good guys and bad guys

the only good guy who should be with you are damage enhancers or heroes who disable for a very long time. There include Bane, Pugna, Shadow Demon, Chen and skyrath mage.

Bad guys are guys with ultra long silences and other misc. stuff. There bad guys include doom bringer and Lifestealer.


If you miss a Meat Hook, you WILL get flamed, so be prepared for the worst. So yeh, happy gaming. BTW, watchout for that overfed Sven.

Please make comments so i can fix some stuff!!!

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