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And I have never seen a radiance on Necro, not sure if its popular, but I've never seen it
Or you could get a drum and a armlet, or a vanguard and a hood in that time. Both of which are easier to build, gives him more right click and tank respectively. The last time i didnt build bb tanky i died so fast, you need to build him tanky if hes going to do what he does best, spam quills.
I personally think armlet and drum gives him far better chase, utility and damage. radience gives him too little too late for a essentially non carry hero
And when was the last time a necro ever got a radiance?
You pick up one or two early survival items, maybe a utility like Orb of Venom, then build an item that contributes to damage.
Boots of choice, Vanguard/Hood (two early survival items), then Radiance (an item that contibutes to damage). This is a fairly common build for him and it does what it needs to, though the flood of core Radiance builds is disturbing, it is a route Bristleback can go.
I'm not saying that Radiance is core, but its effective at contributing in a teamfight. Your original arguement for a lot of the reason you shouldn't get Radiance is that Bristleback shouldn't be getting farm, but a lot of the times he's the safe laner, so yes he should be getting farm, otherwise he's a heavy ganker and will most likely be getting quite a few kills or assists to secure a followed up Relic.
Bloodstone/Radiance Necro is a fairly common build, you kind of have me wondering if that was sarcasm or not. But its actually exceptional in contributing to the AoE damage his passive and nuke produces. Its a route you'd take if you're doing fairly well, you don't even have to be snowballing or doing above average, as long as you get a few ganks or have been getting your farm.
Radiance on Necro or Bristle are abnormal in that you don't need to have them aqcuire at the 20-25 minute mark other heroes generally get them at because you're not utilizing it as a farming tool, but a team fight tool because each hero is built fairly tanky.
I personnaly prefer
So I would say it is quite a bad guide, sorry.
I agree completely!
A non-right click hero? He's a chasing hero, he has great auto attack damage, and the Radiance is to contribute to his AoE damage. That's like asking why do you get Radiance on Necrolyte. Yes Bristleback is tanky, no you don't build him full tank. You pick up one or two early survival items, maybe a utility like Orb of Venom, then build an item that contributes to damage.
Or you could get a drum and a armlet, or a vanguard and a hood in that time. Both of which are easier to build, gives him more right click and tank respectively. The last time i didnt build bb tanky i died so fast, you need to build him tanky if hes going to do what he does best, spam quills.
I personally think armlet and drum gives him far better chase, utility and damage. radience gives him too little too late for a essentially non carry hero
And when was the last time a necro ever got a radiance?
Holding my vote to see if you update though.
I personnaly prefer
So I would say it is quite a bad guide, sorry.
Also, why do you start with a
Why radiance? you delay other items so much for damage on a non-right click hero, with a nice but minimal damage aura. In that time you can get so many more tanky items so you can participate in the md game where he truly shines
A non-right click hero? He's a chasing hero, he has great auto attack damage, and the Radiance is to contribute to his AoE damage. That's like asking why do you get Radiance on Necrolyte. Yes Bristleback is tanky, no you don't build him full tank. You pick up one or two early survival items, maybe a utility like Orb of Venom, then build an item that contributes to damage.
+1 for you sir..
Only note is a Medallion is a great item for BB.
True :-)
Only note is a Medallion is a great item for BB.