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19 Votes

Bloodseeker Mid lane, pub build

May 2, 2012 by TankaSaurus#221387
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Metal | October 3, 2012 7:47am
awsome build
just a few tweaks
early items: forget ''healing salve'' save 150 gold
core items: instead of shange and yasha 2400 gold ''shadow blade'' 3100 gold and it makes you invisible or/and ''maelstorm'' gives you even more atk speed
luxury items : ''mjolnir'' super attack speed ''sange n yasha'' same ''heart of tarasque'' you droping ''power treads'' and you get ''boots of travel'' ''mkb'' and lastly you drop ''shadow blade'' and geting either ''buterfly'' or ''radiance''

Final Build:
''mjolnhir'' , ''shange n yasha'' , ''heart of tarascue'' , ''boots of travel'' , ''mkb'' , ''buterfly''/''radiance''
Glayde (13) | August 13, 2012 3:53am
I like this build a lot. +1! And I agree with FlyingWaffle on the Vlad's part. There is already a guide with Bloodseeker getting Radiance and Mjollnir though, so I don't think you should change it. Both are great builds, just suited for different playstyles.

Also, I think you should take out the Healing Salve and Tangos for a Stout Shield. Your blood bath should heal you for most of the harass taken, as long as your careful.
FlyingWaffle (1) | August 6, 2012 5:56pm
I would recommend dropping the Sange and Yasha and get a Vladmir's Offering Instead. S&Y don't really benefit BS, the maim has a low proc rate, and doesn't really help that much, because you should be killing the enemy quickly. If for some reason they are extremely fast, then you should have ruptured them in the first place. If you feel you really need the movement speed boost, you could go for just a Yasha as it is not that expensive.

A lot of people would argue getting Vlad's on BloodSeeker, however, it can be extremely effective. It does boost damage based on a percent, so I would recommend getting it slightly later when you have some steady damage going. Also, You should probably get a farm item before Vlad's. I personally like the Mjollnir as a weapon. Because you will just be hitting a hero, and suddenly, you proc and it kills a few creeps. Well that sure does suck for the enemy, you just got around 300-400 Health Points. Also, it is a better farming item than Radiance just because it gives roughly the same farm, and it gives +80 attack speed (Damn insane!) and +24 damage, which helps with vlad's lifesteal.

I usually go Maelstrom then Vladmir's Offering then upgrade the mael to Mjollnir.

In short, drop Sange and Yasha for Vladmir's Offering and drop the Radiance for Mjollner.
Numeta (27) | May 31, 2012 6:40pm
Try out first buy blade mail.
Rendragon | May 31, 2012 5:52pm
i very much like the addition of the medallion early game... i will be adding this to my build for sure... thanks
Fakfejs | May 5, 2012 11:54pm
thats why i wrote "best build" not best guide ;]
TankaSaurus#221387 | May 5, 2012 5:38pm
Thanks I appreciate the vote and comment, im glad the guide helped you although I got lazy and never put in a laning guide...
Fakfejs | May 5, 2012 2:21pm
So far best build. + from me ;]

i used BKB after core build and my bs was god

ps. for all the users... build will not win game its build + skill ;], not an easy hero
PsychoDm (4) | May 2, 2012 5:18pm
+1 i like this!
TankaSaurus#221387 | May 2, 2012 7:01am
Thanks for the tip Salawayun I added those items, didnt know they worked so well with him :D
Salawayun (4) | May 2, 2012 2:05am
-Drop the Battlefury and rush for Black King Bar so you can move and DPS well on teamfights, your mana problems can be fixed by having RoB and also it's quite good that you would have Medallion of Courage early on as to make opponents softer when you whack them.
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