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35 Votes

Arachnophobes Beware

November 26, 2011 by ClassiK LF
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FroZeniNside | May 1, 2013 6:07pm
I will never understand why people skill broods ultimate at 6.
synapsii (1) | December 6, 2012 10:21pm
NotSureIf wrote:

Surprisingly it doesn't. Radiance doesn't proc reveal while your invisible in your Spin Webs, only upon item use such as Healing Salves, ability use and auto attacks. +1 from me.

The point is that any half decent player will just dust as soon as they see the radiance burn. You're dead meat farming in enemy jungle if you go for radiance. Plus, it's not necessary--Daedalus / Bfly / MKB are all way better as damage items.

Also, VLADS???? If you need burst regen, you ulti and eat creeps. If you want to trade, you poke using broodlings and nuke. If you want flat regen, you just stay invis in web. There is 0 reason to get Vlads on Brood besides a melee hard carry wanting the aura.
Atticus | October 14, 2012 5:05am
You might want to consider an alternate starting item setup. I personally favor a sage's mask + soul ring recipe to start. Your web gives good regen already and this will allow you to quick-buy your ring of regen to soul ring from the side shop to help keep you in lane. The iron branches are good for some heroes but for Broodmother you're better off skipping them and using your spawn spiderlings to farm.

Personally I like to bring my team's hard carry with me to my lane to start as Broodmother and letting them get the initial gold. As Broodmother you're going to farm like mad through mid-game if you're pushing anyways so you can afford to give a teammate a boost while you harass.

Powertreads for health are good for escaping ganks, so I buy those after my soul ring. (Conveniently, you can buy them from the side shop too. See a theme here?)

One weird thing I've found amazingly successful is to then go straight for a gem of true sight. I'm usually annoying enough that my enemies start putting up sentry wards and this lets me annoy them more by eating them. Also it will keep away any annoying invis-gankers. With Brood's awesome escape potential in her webs you can survive indefinitely with your gem except against the most determined of gank attempts.

You also might want to mention the potential that spawn spiderlings has for chasing. At level 4 it's good decent range and does 300 damage which can help get that last little nudge before the enemy escapes.

The boots of travel aren't really that great for Brood either if you're going hard push. Personally I like to stay in my lane at all times and keep the pressure up. Best case scenario is that one enemy comes up to push back and I can eat them. Worst case scenario they send more than one and I draw them off the rest of the map. It's win win for my team.

There's lots more but to say more would mean writing my own dumb guide and I'm lazy. Keep up the good work!
NotSureIf (16) | September 6, 2012 7:58pm
Smith wrote:

Wouldnt Radiance reveal you if you are invisible in the web?

Other than that, +1

Surprisingly it doesn't. Radiance doesn't proc reveal while your invisible in your Spin Webs, only upon item use such as Healing Salves, ability use and auto attacks. +1 from me.
Smith (2) | September 6, 2012 7:01pm
Wouldnt Radiance reveal you if you are invisible in the web?

Other than that, +1
Sonycboom | August 22, 2012 2:32am
Atlas wrote:

You're carry build is... lacking.

ElectricKatana (1) | August 8, 2012 4:40pm
zedekiah | July 1, 2012 1:05pm
a few tips :
1: always check enemy inventory ,, if they buy some wards , u should buy some to
2: soul ring its a nice item for blood , and let u cast free spells (almost)
kloser23 | June 4, 2012 12:55am
A very good build, thx for help me!
William (7) | May 6, 2012 10:41am
Agree with the above.

Your Carry build is a 'best case scenario', I would imagine. What items do you recommend if I'm not doing well enough to save 2k gold per time to build a big item like the Butterfly?

Thanks for the guide, just feel it could use some additional info to deserve this high rating.
Kevlamin | May 4, 2012 2:49am
I Love this Build I plussed it But It needs something for when your not doing so great... During the phase between The Boots of Travel and Mantastyle its really easy to fall behind if they get a few good ganks on you :/
smiLiwaT | February 22, 2012 6:13am
I think that this is your first build (probably).
About build i tried it few times but all times i changed few thing i took obsidian ring and all my farm were about 200 + spiderling army.
About build it , you could try BB codes or item explination so newbies (like me) could learn about her, if here works mobafire bb codes i can give you few good codes.

I like all of these items especially Soul Ring it got great synergy with webs and life steam so you got full mana 24/7 especially with obsidian ring
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