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36 Votes

Analyzing competitive plays with Zeus, by Peppo_o'Paccio

June 19, 2014 by Peppo_oPaccio
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Twisted Logic (2) | December 16, 2014 10:27am
I've noticed there's no mention of Eul's Scepter of Divinity anywhere in the guide (except when comparing to Scythe).

Any reason for that or did you just overlook the item? Imo it's a great pick up on Zeus.

Also I think the intro and build is a bit out dated, since he has seen A LOT more action in the competitive scene, even run as an offlaner.

Otherwise well formatted and articulated guide.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 19, 2014 12:54am
Tigerre wrote:

I reckon there's very little that would make this guide better, apart from what most guides are missing, what replaces what as the game goes on and when do I get rid of that one item that is taking up space, and do I just get a recipe etc

Normally, inventory space shouldn't be a problem because late game INT items are pretty expensive and it takes a good amount of time to farm more than two of them, but in a prolonged match I'd substitute the Bottle first, then the Magic Wand and lastly the Town Portal Scroll you should always be carrying. If the game still hasn't finished it's up to you to decide, but you should never find yourself in that situation.

And talking about the "item or buyback" argument, it's a thing that comes with experience. Normally, I always save some money after all my tier 2 towers are down, but sometimes you can be 40 minutes into the game with tier 2 towers up, in which case having a buyback is still handy. Also, sometimes finishing an item is much more beneficial than having buyback gold: I always complete the Abyssal Blade and - talking about Zeus - the Scythe of Vyse (unless I'm already winning) even if I won't be able to buy back, as they're gamechanging items that will make you win the next fight, most likely.

I don't I will add this to the guide though: knowing what to sell before buying another item is good, but it happens once in a million games. Besides, the same applies to all mid Heroes (Bottle < Wand < TP scroll).
Tigerre (4) | June 19, 2014 12:14am
I reckon there's very little that would make this guide better, apart from what most guides are missing, what replaces what as the game goes on and when do I get rid of that one item that is taking up space, and do I just get a recipe etc
gica hagi | April 23, 2014 4:31pm
Look, your guide is GREAT, and actual!

But I don't agree with you about the Refresher Orb. For me this is a MUST HAVE item for Zeus in some matches. I'm saying when you don't have too much feeded tankers like Pudge, Axe, Sven, but so many low HP carriers, like Phantom Assassin, Luna, Viper etc

I know it's too much mana, but the regen of the Perseverance plus the Mana Boots will be enough to you to use the Thundergod's Wrath, the Lightning Bolt and the Arc Lightning with no problems.

Maybe if you use this with level 16 or like it will use all your mana, but with highers levels, your mana will be enough.

If you have a nice combo (and you WILL): like

- R, W, Q (orb), R, W, Q
- R, orb, R, W, Q, W.

It will be like 1.5k damage. At level 16, 17, 18, a 1.5k damage in seconds it's essencial to win a TF or make something near Rampage.

I agree that's is a highly exclusive case, when you don't have too many tankers, when you go mid, and when you rush Arcane Boots, Veil of Discord, Aghanim's Scepter and Refresher Orb. A Null Talisman is good to start in the mid too in this build (you can make it with 3 minutes or less), since a Veil of Discord will give you a 25%+ magic damage that will **** everybody ***.

After the Orb, a Guinsoo ( Scythe of Vyse) will be excelent, or a Malevolence and will give you more mana and mana regen.

And using this skill build that you propose!
luckyass02 (1) | August 14, 2013 2:34am
If you want to see competitive zeus, dendi played him in group stages before ti3. You can find it on youtube (joindota)
On topic: I've played zeus a lot, and I actually learnt some things here! Especially the part about abusing fog with lightning bolt is something I can improve in. I personally do well even when rushing scepter after bottle-arcanes, but that's probably because I don't play in highest tiers. Thanks for an in-depth zeus guide, I enjoyed it =)
chenboy3 (2) | April 22, 2013 9:52pm
Just an fyi Flesh Heap and Corrosive skin are also two other magic resist spells which can reduce Zeus' effectiveness
thippo (10) | April 1, 2013 8:27pm
They let their time expire? I mean, there's taking your time to carefully consider and then there's just being too picky.

Regardless, nice guide and a definite +1 from me.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 1, 2013 1:01pm
Yoda wrote:

Merlini build and no rushed BoT, lol?
Very good guide but may I ask when have you seen a zeus picked in competitive games, i want a replay pls.
Other than that i liked it tho i am not a zeus player, it would be very fun if he was picked in a huge tournament and roflstomp everyone just like pudge.

According to his guide, both Phase Boots and Boots of Travel can be picked up: unless you get many kills in the early game the extra movement speed and attack damage cannot be overlooked. I should add BoT as an alternative though, I'll do that tomorrow.

Also, I've "recently" seen two Zeus plays: one in the Starladder tournament (as xCO2 said) and one as a Na'Vi random pick because their time to pick had expired.
drakon136 (3) | April 1, 2013 11:05am
Pretty good guide. +1 from me.

Also, you said Thundergod's Wrath has a 120 second cooldown, when it has a 90 second cooldown.
xCO2 (72) | April 1, 2013 8:28am
Yoda wrote:

Merlini build and no rushed BoT, lol?
Very good guide but may I ask when have you seen a zeus picked in competitive games, i want a replay pls.
Other than that i liked it tho i am not a zeus player, it would be very fun if he was picked in a huge tournament and roflstomp everyone just like pudge.

He has been picked in competitive games. Actually, last one I saw was in the Starladder and he was doing so well he went Agh/Refresher.
Yoda (9) | April 1, 2013 8:20am
Merlini build and no rushed BoT, lol?
Very good guide but may I ask when have you seen a zeus picked in competitive games, i want a replay pls.
Other than that i liked it tho i am not a zeus player, it would be very fun if he was picked in a huge tournament and roflstomp everyone just like pudge.
Wulfstan (77) | April 1, 2013 6:47am

Edited the title, I'll keep this "not an April Fool's joke" tag until tomorrow, at least.

About the Veil of Discord, I think it's a very situational pick unless you are playing in a team full of nukes: it's basically the same easoning behind the Refresher Orb, if you are already doing a good job you will never need it. With the Agh's + Refresher build, on the other side, you already rely on your ultimate more than anything else, so a 25% damage amplification to your spells is less situational.

But but...its also cheap and gives some tankability.At least cheaper than freaking Refresher Orb.
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