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A Noobs Guide to Wraith King - [7.06]

October 30, 2017 by Steve Woody
Comments: 4    |    Views: 26789    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Jungle Guide - Quick Radiance Build

DotA2 Hero: Wraith King

Hero Skills

Vampiric Spirit (Innate)

Wraithfire Blast

7 13 14 16

Mortal Strike

2 3 5 11


6 12 18


10 15


Hi, I'm Steve Woody. I've got 1k hours in Dota 2 and I'm still a noob learning. I use Dotabuff, Dotafire, Youtube and Gameleap to help improve my play. This guide is my way of contributing back to the community in the hope that it might help some people who are looking to grind the MMR ladder.

This is a Jungle Guide aimed at building a Radiance and finishing a 30 min game.

There are some instances where this build is not advised and that would be against an Anti-Mage, Lion, Phantom Lancer or anyone with mana drain to stop your ult.

Also anyone like Clinkz who can seriously affect your ability to farm undisturbed.


I've started to look a the steam market alot and customise my heros. This perticular one took some searching but it was worth it.

I got the Relic Sword and added a kenetic gem which allowed me to add Wraith Spin. This gives a nice annimation when you do a crit.

Helm of the Haunted Lord

Cloak of the Haunted Lord

Pauldrons of the Haunted Lord

Blistering Shade

Starting Items

This is a simple choice, I pick up an Iron Talon. We don't need health and we will use our Stats and it's important to get a Stout Shield ASAP to help with blocking creep hits.

Put a Stout Shield into your quickbuy and grab that first rune on safe lane. It helps if you ask your team nicely for the reason you want it. They will normally let you. The moment you grab the run, purchase and get the courier to send out your shield whilst positioning yourself by the first camp ready for :30

Also put your first skill point into Vampiric Aura as this will help you heal when fighting the creeps

First 10 Minutes

This is where you are most vulnerable, you need to keep an eye on the mini map to ensure you don't get ganked. Ideally, your support will have put a ward out to help you. Just make sure you stay out of the way and try not to get in trouble. Help out in lane if you really need to but not unless it's desperate. Its ok to lose a lane to win the game but understand that at this MMR, people will get upset if they don't understand and think you are not helping them. (some people can't see the long game, only right now)

The reason I choose this build is because you want Boots of Speed to move between camps easier, you then want Gloves of Haste to help you clear the camps quicker and more hits means more chance of a crit. It also helps to heal you quicker.

It will be used later to build your Hand of Midas but for now get the cheap part then finish your Phase Boots to escape a gank or move easily between farming camps.

Once boots are finished, get your Hand of Midas.

You should be looking to have all this done between 12 - 15 minutes.

10 - 20 minutes

At this stage we are just farming as efficiently as possible, keeping an eye on the mini map and also the clock, stacking camps where possible and making sure you are getting the best use of your time. Taking the shortest routes.

When your ULT is available get 1 point for protection and straight after that 1 point in Wraithfire Blast so you can gank.

Look if its possible for an easy kill in the safe lane, Ask your lane to pull so you can wrap around or go for mid when you are there, time the gank with your jungle rotation to use your time well and dont do this unless it's easy, there is no point risking time and gold for nothing.

Remember that at this level you can only cast 1 Blast and still have mana for Reincarnation (2 stuns if you wait a short while but never stun unless you have at least 300 mana)

Once you have 3800 Gold consider getting a TP shipped out and head over to the Secret Shop, get your Sacred Relic and then farm up the recipe for a Radiance. This should be done by 20 / 25 minutes.

20 - 30 Minutes

Call your troops, get everyone mid and just walk forward. If you need to push a different lane then start there. The idea is that you want everyone to be behind you. You go behind your creeps, take the enemy attack whilst your team follow. Get a couple of stuns off and try to get a kill or two. Once your ULT pops, finish off any easy kills and then get back. You need to make a choice either you stay and die or your team does. The concept is that once you go in .. You are not coming out unless they are all dead.

If there is no good option for a push at this time then do a couple more jungle rotations and get yourself an Armlet of Mordiggian as this will allow you to really talk in fights and deal awesome damage. The idea is to stand in the middle of the fight and draw everyone's attention so your team can get the kills.

After you have your Armlet, grab an Assault Cuirass for durability in the fight. I get the Hyperstone first as it allows more hits. This should be enough for you to easily take all tier 1 + 2 towers.

30 Min +

If the game is still going, grab Roshan. Get the Aegis of the Immortal and push high ground. This should be all you need as long as your team didn't feed. If you are still struggling then farm another few minutes and get yourself Boots of Travel. You can now sell your Phase Boots and ensure constant pressure by rotating between lanes to keep the creeps out.

Once you have enough, get yourself a Aghanim's Scepter and as soon as Rosh is up again, take it and try another push.

This should be GG

If not ... try another guide :)

Good Luck

Youtube Video - Game with commentary

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