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4 Votes

6.82 Jungle Bloodseeker

October 5, 2014 by bERt0r
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Anzromalpheus | January 20, 2016 10:00pm
I think Daedalus is a situational/Late Game Item, because it gives high critical damage along with eye of skadi. that would gives a fast killing spree and RAMPAGE :) Any Objections?
bERt0r | October 29, 2014 7:28pm
Radiance was a horrible item for Bloodseeker in 6.81 and it is a horrible item in 6.82. If you play against anything above 2000 mmr you will
A) have lost the game by the time you have your Radiance
B) be so squishy that you get burst down instantly in any teamfight
C) be in a team that was able to stomp the enemy without you while you were farming and which does not need that incredible 70 dps for 2 seconds in a teamfight.

Radiance is an item for carries who can leverage the extra farm into buying better items to win the game. If you want to make use of your Bloodrage buff, get a Dagon and burst people down (look build 2).
twotall88 (2) | October 16, 2014 4:08am
You don't mention Radiance at all. Nothing about buying it, why you should, why you shouldn't, what changed about the combination of Bloodseeker and Radiance in the 6.82 patch. I think this is still a viable item on Bloodseeker and with the 6.82 patch it is just as situational as it was pre-patch.

Basically, I don't think people are considering it because bloodbath no longer exists as a passive which removes the Radiance benefit of healing every time you get a Radiance creep kill. However, I say that it is just as viable as it was as when you put Bloodrage on yourself you are amplifying the dps of Radiance from 50dps to 70dps in a 700 radius and 98dps to an individual target (bloodrage on [[bloodseeker and the target) which is huge.

With this in mind I still understand that a quick Blade Mail is more useful early, but if you can get normal items and a Radiance by 15 to 25 min you are doing pretty good.
Injexion29 | October 6, 2014 5:45am
Most of what you said looks good on paper. Not sure about blood rite vs. bloodrage. Maybe try alternately skilling them.
Woubit | October 2, 2014 2:14am
Seems like a good guide - nicely laid out, justification for items and skills etc...

As you said, not sure which is better to max first (blood rite or bloodrage) but I'll give your build a go and see what happens.

Maybe add a section of friends/foes now that his skills have been reworked?
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