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Thanks for all of the support guys! It's really nice to hear that you think I did well. Honestly, I thought I sucked and didn't want to even post this for a while, haha.
GJ Angelo, nice laid back casting style, and some interesting tips in there. Especially liked your points on item choice. Have to agree the game wasn't great quality:
- Strange Picks
- Lack of Denies
- Awful trilane
- No stacks, no double pulls
Lich really didn't harass DS at all, in that situation as a ranged support against a melee hero (esp when you get free mana for your nuke) you should be doing everything you can to drive him away from the XP.
Fatal Bonds Warlock was just bizarre in a trilane - Shadow Word and Upheaval plus the ES fissure should have been easy kills. Opposition had two melee heroes in the long lane, they should have basically been getting nothing other than harassed and killed. Instead they used FB, pushed the lane and fed them creeps.
Team fights - one side did well, the other was awful - why wouldn't you try to silence their support heroes instead?
Personally I'd much rather have a rich ES than a rich Warlock...
Indeed, I'm aware that it was a low skill game, hence why I stated it in the first cast. They're just friends of mine trying to get better.
I'm not going to argue any of your points here, because I don't want this to turn into a debate thread. :P
If you'd like to show TCG how it's done, feel free to send me an ID to cast. :D
Thanks again for the support guys. It's really nice to hear. :D:D:D
I hear you. It was only like 30 minutes I think though. I told them I'd only cast part of it. Mainly because I knew it was a lower skill game, and I barely want to watch professional games for that long.
I'm bumping this thread for my next cast. It was submitted by our own Mirror! The cast itself is 1:22:00 approximately, so it's a very large file (About 5.5 gigs). I'll be uploading it for the majority of the day. It's a captain's mode game between two very good teams and I think we could all learn a lot from it. I'll bump my thread again later tonight when it is uploaded.
Check the first post for my most recent cast: TC vs SYF.
As I discuss at the end of the video, I'm trying to be a bit more active with the camera this game since it was a suggestion. Also, I tried to maintain my integrity/reason I was interested in coaching/mentoring in the first place. The main reason I wanted to start casting was to look at the game from a more mathematical/analytic point of view. Not just relaying what is going on "Magmus ults. Sand King ults. Both are AoE ults, so they're good together." I wanted to really get a bit deeper into the game, and help players understand why they are winning or losing. Again, I appreciate any feedback you can give (Good or bad. I realize I can improve. Just let me know!) Thanks guys.
Check the first post for my most recent cast: TC vs SYF.
As I discuss at the end of the video, I'm trying to be a bit more active with the camera this game since it was a suggestion. Also, I tried to maintain my integrity/reason I was interested in coaching/mentoring in the first place. The main reason I wanted to start casting was to look at the game from a more mathematical/analytic point of view. Not just relaying what is going on "Magmus ults. Sand King ults. Both are AoE ults, so they're good together." I wanted to really get a bit deeper into the game, and help players understand why they are winning or losing. Again, I appreciate any feedback you can give (Good or bad. I realize I can improve. Just let me know!) Thanks guys.
See and that's what I appreciate, taking the initiative. Most casters don't take the time to explain, they describe why the picks are the way they are, but not in detail or really describe the synergy or counter-acting of bans/picks in a level that someone that has no understanding of a "meta" (I've come to hate that word).
I'll check out your video sometime and give you some new feedback.
I've gotten a few replays that I looked at for casts, and thought to myself: What if instead of casting a replay, I just focused on a part of the game specifically? In this case, I focused on the laning phase as a support. I give first blood to our lane before our creep waves even meet, and then walk all the way back. We still end up winning the lane though. I especially like this replay because we get little/no help from jungle or mid, so our advantages came almost exclusively from our plays in lane. I slow down a few times in between plays, because I just try to figure out how to best explain what I'm trying to accomplish in lane, but overall I'm really happy with the end result and I think support players will definitely benefit, but overall I try to include advice that can be used for all players.
Feedback appreciated as always. Did you like this new type of cast, or would you rather I go over an entire replay, not just focus on one part of the game?
Just watched the second video (at work so I thought until lunch I will just sneak one in) and found it to be really good and extremely insightful - look forward to watching more,
As someone who only gets about 10 games in a week, reading and watching informative material is a great way for me to keep up the learning and to then try and apply that learning when I do play !
For video 2 I am curious as to what Lvl the gamers were?
Another good cast, I think in this one my disagreements are more with your opinions than the casting style. In terms of the importance of boots anyway. Obviously you know that as a support positioning is pretty important because a lot of the time you'll be the one setting up the kill or being in a sketchy spot, so tier one are moderately important but can be lived without, but as a support your tier two boots are pretty impactful. Most likely you'll be getting Tranquils or Arcane Boots, and these really have an effect on your lane, Arcanes in particular can assure a won lane, especially when paired in a tri-lane or with mana intensive carries like Tiny. Just some thoughts.
Commandojimbob: Glad that you're able to learn from the casts! I would say that the first two games I casted would be in the "normal" skill bracket. My third and fourth casts were most likely in high, or very high.
XCO2: Definitely agree. If you're stacking/pulling/in a tri especially, and picking up some extra gold here and there, you can actually get some pretty fast T2 boots. Arcane boots in a tri lane are almost always amazing, so I can't argue with you there. I suppose I just meant as far as the boost in movement speed, I see a lot of people getting them immediately. So maybe to rephrase what I said in the video: Getting boots early for the sole purpose of additional movespeed, I feel can be a poor investment. It's not until you upgrade your boots to tranquil/arcane until your lane realllllly starts to benefit from them. Definitely a great point.
Hey Angelo - I watched the 3rd video and it was a great game - definately a high skill level and one that shows off the difference between hi/low/normal skill ! The 2nd Video I was particularly interested in the level as one of my main Heros is Lich and I was really unimpressed with Lich in that battle, did not seem to do much support either with wards, support items or ensuring Ice Armour was up and he was positioned for ult. - I can safely say I feel "normal" after watching that :o)
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