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Ogre Magi Offlane

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Ogre Magi Offlane 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ninecent » June 6, 2014 11:16am | Report
So Ogre Magi is one of my favorite heroes, but he isn't seen much in the pro scene for many reasons:
1. He is extremely level-dependent, however is a mediocre mid compared to most.
2. He is a melee support with heavy mana problems early game, offering very little in terms of harass unless he can get close to the target.
3. He is fairly luck dependent, and his stun is mediocre at best without multicast.

However, he does have a form of escape, and is very tanky. Would it be possible to run him as an offlaner? Possibly with a max bloodlust first build?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » June 6, 2014 11:23am | Report
It sounds really bad. He won't be able to soak XP or get any kind of farm without blowing mana on it( Fireblast). Bloodlust is useless early game, since your carry doesn't do enough damage anyway early on, unless he has some sort of an orb attack (outworld devourer or Anti-Mage come to mind that could benefit from it so early).

And he actually doesn't have any way to escape except runing for his life. (no inate ones anyway)

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » June 6, 2014 2:53pm | Report
recent trend on dotafire.
can [insert support name here] offlane?

you can offlane almost any tanky/defensive support if you want but why would you?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » June 7, 2014 1:40am | Report
1. Kinda level-dependent, he actually gets 80% of his slow/stun power in his first two levels (1.5 stun, 4 second slow), although he obviously scales his damage up substantially from later levels. That's generally why he plays support.

2. Yeah, you need mana if you're going to dish out much, or a hero with weak attacks that you can drive off the lane melee stylee (OM has good base damage and armour)

3. Depends, you can minimise the luck factor with certain choices, it's certainly nothing to rely on.

Overall, not a great offlaner, lacks burst AOE nuke to farm with no ranged attack - gonna be difficult to farm. He is tanky (great base armour), but Bloodlust isn't a particularly useful escape. Overall I'd say could work as an emergency pub option, but generally, no.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by FleetAU » June 7, 2014 3:51am | Report
I like him in tri-lanes :D, lane with AA and antimage bloodlust anti mage and aa can cold feet and antimage can kill a squishy hero like lion in under 2 seconds :DDDDD. but yeah he can't offlane so why are you asking really
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » June 7, 2014 4:00am | Report
Ignite can be a semi-escape skill, since it slows 1/5 of hero movement speed. Fireblast is also a brief stun that can help you survive, but it's not even decent until level 6, so it's not a good offlane option.

Movement speed increase with Bloodlust is rather low, and we have to take a note on his cast animation, which is simply terrible. He shouldn't be played on solo offlane.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » June 7, 2014 4:15am | Report
The problem is that Ogre Magi is great once he gets some levels, but has no real way of getting them. Granted you can get them through Kills and Assists, but you're reliant on a good Tri-Lane and a bad Offlaner to do that.

I think that if they Buffed his early game a little, he'd see more Competetive play. I can't help but feel that Fireblast needs to have a longer Stun Duration, or a Slow after-effect similar to Wraithfire Blast. If it did, Smoke Ganks with Ogre Magi and another Support would be scary at lvl1.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » June 7, 2014 4:37am | Report
Xyrus wrote:

I can't help but feel that Fireblast needs to have a longer Stun Duration, or a Slow after-effect similar to Wraithfire Blast. If it did, Smoke Ganks with Ogre Magi and another Support would be scary at lvl1.

Exactly, it could be similar to Leshracs Lightning Storm slow. Maybe it could be a lower slow - like 50% but for 1 second instead of 0,5 second.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » June 7, 2014 5:23am | Report
Yeah I think his only 2 good position are probably trilane and roamer. It's a shame, because such a tanky support with a reliable long range stun can be really's just a shame he's not often worth staying with due to his teamfight and nuking power being unreliable.

Personally, I'd like to see:

Fireblast has a 1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8 second stun
Ignite has a 50 AOE from level 1 (would give him a semi-jungling option while not really buffing much)
Multi Cast has an active component -

Level 1 / 50 mana / Next cast will definitely be a 2x multi (duration up to 10 secs, or after 1 cast) / Cooldown 60s

Level 2 / 100 mana/ Next 2 casts will definitely be at least 2x multi (up to 3x using normal %s) / Cooldown 50s

Level 3 / 150 mana / Next 3 casts will definitely be at least 2x multi (up to 4x using normal %s) / Cooldown 40s

Aghanim's Scepter - adds +1 definite casts to all levels, reduces cooldown to 20s.

How does that sound?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » June 7, 2014 6:03am | Report
Sando wrote:

Yeah I think his only 2 good position are probably trilane and roamer. It's a shame, because such a tanky support with a reliable long range stun can be really's just a shame he's not often worth staying with due to his teamfight and nuking power being unreliable.

Personally, I'd like to see:

Fireblast has a 1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8 second stun
Ignite has a 50 AOE from level 1 (would give him a semi-jungling option while not really buffing much)
Multi Cast has an active component -

Level 1 / 50 mana / Next cast will definitely be a 2x multi (duration up to 10 secs, or after 1 cast) / Cooldown 60s

Level 2 / 100 mana/ Next 2 casts will definitely be at least 2x multi (up to 3x using normal %s) / Cooldown 50s

Level 3 / 150 mana / Next 3 casts will definitely be at least 2x multi (up to 4x using normal %s) / Cooldown 40s

Aghanim's Scepter - adds +1 definite casts to all levels, reduces cooldown to 20s.

How does that sound?

The Ignite one sounds best, but I think he needs more out of lvl1 Fireblast. I'd even go as far as making it a 2 second Stun from lvl1.

The Active Component is interesting 8{)


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