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Abaddon role in the meta

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Abaddon role in the meta 32 posts - page 1 of 4
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Vash » July 14, 2013 11:05am | Report
I personally see Abaddon as a semi-carry role with some support capabilities. Sorta like a Beastmaster / Windrunner role. But, I've been wondering of what kind of team you would run with such a character? What are good picks for Abaddon to lane with, and what kind of team fight strat would one setup with him in the line up?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 14, 2013 11:42am | Report
I find Abaddon a very weak hero that doesn't really fit with any team. I doubt you'll ever see him in the competitive scene.

Of course he might work in pubs, anything works there, but I'd build him as a full carry, not a support.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TKH_96 » July 14, 2013 11:52am | Report
People underestimate Abaddon as a support. Of course he can be played as a carry/semi-carry, but his shield and heal make him an excellent support. Not to mention his E which gives some movement speed and attack speed to his teammates if the team targets same heroes. He is also very durable in teamfights because of his ultimate. As long as he has mana he will survive and be an excellent support.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ancient Hero » July 14, 2013 11:56am | Report
He doesnt fit into any role. His ulti provides really good survivability but his spells dont provide much for scaling coupled with the low str gain( being an str hero and the low agi gain). For a support, he has to go through alot for his nuke that only does 250 damage at lvl 4. The heal is nice and aphotic shield is a pretty good spell. Curve of avernus on paper is nice but he has some trouble attack heros without having a stun or slow other than attack with it. Hes probably gonna be a really niche pickup.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yosiu » July 14, 2013 11:57am | Report
I think that playing him as carry is serious misconception.
His Q and W skills looks pure support to me, his E is kinda weird skill, but more like support than good carry passive, and his ulti is somehow similiar to Skeleton King ulti, but i think SK ulti is superior (especially past 16 lvl when they have low difference in cd)
If you think of him as a support he may have some uses, but when it comes to carrying i would take SK over him every time.
I don't see this guy carrying the game like SK can do.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wonderbawlz » July 14, 2013 12:06pm | Report
Yosiu wrote:

I think that playing him as carry is serious misconception.
His Q and W skills looks pure support to me, his E is kinda weird skill, but more like support than good carry passive, and his ulti is somehow similiar to Skeleton King ulti, but i think SK ulti is superior (especially past 16 lvl when they have low difference in cd)
If you think of him as a support he may have some uses, but when it comes to carrying i would take SK over him every time.
I don't see this guy carrying the game like SK can do.

Though i completely agree with your point, Abbadon isn't conisdered a HArd carry like SK. Nobody in their right mind would pick Abbadon just because is Str gain is pretty bad. But i think they might buff his Q considering it's completely useless throught he whole game BECAUSE;
It takes quite a bit of mana + some hp (in the early game, its quite a bit of hp) but when mid game rolls around it does nuke enough/ heal enough. I love his W though, provides nice burst damage when it reaches its 250 max damage thresholh.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » July 14, 2013 12:07pm | Report
I think that he fits the support-tank role in smite. He kinda reminds me of axe and centaur warrunner as well. I think that people will theority craft him and find a use for him.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » July 14, 2013 12:16pm | Report
Hades4u wrote:

I find Abaddon a very weak hero that doesn't really fit with any team. I doubt you'll ever see him in the competitive scene.

Of course he might work in pubs, anything works there, but I'd build him as a full carry, not a support.

I played this hero continuously for 3 years and I can say that whatever Hades said is not even close to his real potential.He is very, very good.He is a dream, and he is extremely useful. Aphotic Shield removes almost every debuff from your allies(and by almost the only thing it doesn't remove is Doom)

Then, you have Mist Coil.An excellent nuke and heal.It's instant, cannot be dodged.You can deny yourself with Mist Coil.You can use Mist Coil to burst your own shield.

Then, Curse of Avernus.Gives movement speed to the entire team.Buff applied before the attack, so everyone gets the most of it since the first attack.15% extra movement speed at all levels and 40 attack speed at level 4.It also slows for 20%.

Then, the icing on the cake, Borrowed Time.This is the only skill in the game that can purge off Doom.It heals you for every bit of damage taken.Removes EVERY debuff from you at activation.Costs no mana. Mist Coil heals you while you are under its effect.This can make you the best aggressive support in the game.Who needs Treant Protector to dive towers when you have Aphotic Shield and Borrowed Time to do so?


The last one was more of a stomp, but you get the point.He can get up to 700 HP healed in a fight for an ally.(considering Mek)

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by xCO2 » July 14, 2013 12:23pm | Report
I'm sticking more towards Hades and Vash here. I find the support role to be an out of date build for a hero that has a bigger potential. Currently he's popular as a 4, but I think he's more of a 3 or 2 in the scheme of priority. The hero has a Nuke/Heal, a Nuke/Shield/Purge, an Attack Modifier, and an ability which I find even better than the mentioned Skeleton King ult because you have no down time and free reign to strike. And all this talk about his poor STR is completely ludicrous, he has average starting STR and slightly above average STR gain, just because a hero doesn't match the extremist side of stat gain in their stat pool doesn't mean its poor. In fact he matches the primary stats of a former support that was in a similar position of role confusion, Sven. He also has above average movement speed which is pretty complimentary to his ability to chase.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » July 14, 2013 12:24pm | Report
xCO2 wrote:

I'm sticking more towards Hades and Vash here. I find the support role to be an out of date build for a hero that has a bigger potential. Currently he's popular as a 4, but I think he's more of a 3 or 2 in the scheme of priority. The hero has a Nuke/Heal, a Nuke/Shield/Purge, an Attack Modifier, and an ability which I find even better than the mentioned Skeleton King ult because you have no down time and free reign to strike. And all this talk about his poor STR is completely ludicrous, he has average starting STR and slightly above average STR gain, just because a hero doesn't match the extremist side of stat gain in their stat pool doesn't mean its poor. In fact he matches the primary stats of a former support that was in a similar position of role confusion, Sven. He also has above average movement speed which is pretty complimentary to his ability to chase.

And above average starting damage.I believe its 60(the one shown at level one in-game).

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