When I see teams draft I see their draft being 2 things, an entire strategy (mostly push: lone, veno, lycan, brood and np or teamfight: enigma, warlock, void, puck and tide) or heroes they see picked by pro players (used to be a lot of nyx+naga, currently not so much).
When I usually draft I like to keep in mind the heroes who are LONG forgotten, but still way to good to pass up when none of the dendei heroes fit your team.
Ancient Apparition: He offers your team a lot of versatility, while being able to mid or support he can be picked up as a fifth pick (also good counter to slark and alchemist). He combines well with a carry+a support with a disable. He offers great teamfight as well.
Disruptor: This hero offers a lot of teamfight and gank, while lacking
BURST. His ult and field can just wipe teams, while glimpse can be a really hard to deal with spell. He is a good combo with aa and
Jakiro who are on this list as well.
Jakiro: This hero used to be the go to support, but I still t…
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