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Some questions about some heroes....

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Forum » New Player Help » Some questions about some heroes.... 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Demolibium » June 2, 2013 10:20pm | Report
First of all, when is started dota 2, Invoker was everywhere. But now suddenly he vanished out of competitive or high level plays. Whats the reason for that? I heard that he went from tier 1 to tier 5. I dont know what these tiers are but i know their is a chart of the current meta heroes, so can anyone link it to me?
Second, Why dont i see Bounty Hunter anymore, he is still pretty good.
And i need someone to help me give an in depth guide on necrolyte and Skywrath Mage.
Would be very pleased if u guys helped.
Thank You


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » June 3, 2013 7:49am | Report
Invoker got nerfed and he's not a strong mid lane at all. He can't rune control, he gets easily ganked and so on.

For Bounty Hunter, he got a lot of counters and there are way more heroes that can do better than him.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by R-Conqueror » June 3, 2013 7:59am | Report
Since he is asking about tiers, where can you find a good tier chart, or something that explains the current meta?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Watcher » June 3, 2013 8:17am | Report
Bounty Hunters ultimate had the armor reduction removed, that is why he fell out of favor.

Invoker.... most people played him wex and quas for the move and attack speed with tornado and emp. But that took a hit so now he played exort which got nerfed many patches ago.

Hopefully that's more specific as to why.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » June 3, 2013 8:25am | Report
R-Conqueror wrote:

Since he is asking about tiers, where can you find a good tier chart, or something that explains the current meta?

Google will give you many results.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » June 3, 2013 10:30am | Report
Demolibium wrote:

First of all, when is started dota 2, Invoker was everywhere. But now suddenly he vanished out of competitive or high level plays. Whats the reason for that? I heard that he went from tier 1 to tier 5. I dont know what these tiers are but i know their is a chart of the current meta heroes, so can anyone link it to me?
Second, Why dont i see Bounty Hunter anymore, he is still pretty good.
And i need someone to help me give an in depth guide on necrolyte and Skywrath Mage.
Would be very pleased if u guys helped.
Thank You

The reason why Invoker isn't seeing a lot of play is due to the base damage nerf he received. It's so much harder to last hit at higher level play unless you go Exort build. Which isn't too bad if you can get kills in other lanes but if you don't want to be denied to hell then stick to Exort builds.

Bounty Hunter is easily countered, maintain Sentry Wards in lane and have one of the supports force him out of lane. If he gets even close to the minions then you can go for the kill. He can't go to jungle to farm, he doesn't really do a lot before level 6, he can go try and gank middle but if he's stick at level 1-2 at 6-7 minutes then he really can't do much until he's at least level 3.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SkyStormSpectre » June 10, 2013 1:24am | Report
You can find guides on both Necrolyte and Skywrath Mage by simply click here on their names. At the bottom of their information screens you'll find links to dozens of guides.


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