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SkyStormSpectre's Blog
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March 05, 2014

The Possibilities - Pro Tactics Part 3

Views: 2336 SkyStormSpectre
+Rep Report
Dota 2  |  Pro  |  Strategy  |  Tactics
So a few more advanced tactics and skills that can help you become pro.

Blocking Heroes

In the same way you are able to block creeps you can also block enemy heroes to your advantage. Especially when playing support or even as a carry you can block enemy heroes to prevent them from fleeing or reaching an ally. In later game this will not be as effective as there will be a lot of heroes to deal with in 5 man teamfights, but early game you can block the enemy from finishing off your carry by simply walking in front of him and blocking him from reaching attack range. And in the same way you can block an enemy from escaping while your carry right-clicks him to death.
Just be careful as you can also block your own allies from escaping or initiating properly.
Pro Tip : You can use controlled or summoned creeps to block, giving you a chance to escape or secure a kill, but it requires a bit more micro.

The Magical Stop button

Many heroes has skills that have a cast animation, be it short o…
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January 01, 2014
+Rep Report
Dota 2  |  Macro  |  Tactics

When first starting Dota, you play to own with a hero. Then, as you slowly start to take in the interesting teamgame that is Dota, you begin to develop a sense of roles, of purpose for each player. Soon you start to pick heroes that compliment each other, and heroes that fit in a niche that's missing from your currently drafted hero pool. You become skilled at understanding teamfights, laning, ganking, jungling, pulling, warding and all other strategic tactics that can be used to defeat your opponent.

But now, young treants, its is time to look further. Even though your direct, micro-based tactics are important to the game, you also have to start looking at the macro game. At the changes that's happening because of all the ganking, teamfights, pulling and warding. The game changes as the heroes develop, as pick-offs are made on lone heroes. One small mistake, and it could completely turn a game around. These are the things to consider when you play Dota with the aim of becoming bett…
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October 15, 2013
+Rep Report
Dota 2

As a possibility, we are already half-way to becoming more. Our skill is on the edge of great, and as such, so should our attitude be when we play the game. This however, is where we fall short.
Public match-making is a great tool to play with nine other, randomly selected players in a 5v5 skirmish to the death. This method gives diversity to games, as so many people are different, and use different strategies, some of which you can learn from.

But, the match-making system has a large flaw, and this flaw is of a great disagreement on many people's lips. The Dota community seems to think that the major flaw of this MM system we're using is that they get matched up with 'noobs', 'Russians', 'Brazillians', '*******s', etc. They want various different systems, including region locks, and a better MM system, etc. A way to weed out the 'bad' players, so that only good players are left.

Sadly, this is not the solution to our problem. The one major barrier is, and will always be, language.…
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September 18, 2013

The Possibilities - Pro Tactics Part 2

Views: 2801 SkyStormSpectre
+Rep Report
So, finally after way too long time, part 2. Some more tactics, including those you can use as a team.


Chain-Pulling, or Double-Pulling involves the act of pulling a second creep camp into the same pulled lane creeps for a normal pull. This is pretty hard to do, as you have to cut down a tree to make the path the neutral creeps has to run short enough, and also have to time it so that when the second camp's neutral creeps reach the first camp where your creeps are fighting, that camp's creeps die, causing your creeps to follow the second camp's creeps to their camp, and thus, remaining off of the lane.
It's a bit hard to properly explain, so I'll link this handy video which shows how its done on the radiant side. The Dire side double pull is slightly harder, but the same principles apply.

Controlling the Creep- and Tower-Aggro

When in the solo lane mid, or any lane really, there's a few useful tricks to remember when last-hitting, denying and harassing. As you hopeful…
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July 22, 2013

The Possibilities - Pro Tactics Part 1

Views: 3535 SkyStormSpectre
+Rep Report
Dota 2  |  Pro  |  Strategy  |  Tactics
If you watch pro games, you will most certainly see many tactics that they use that may seem unfamiliar to you. But many of it is fairly easy to do, you just need to know how. I'll describe some of the tactics, strategy and skills that is more well-known and used even in public matchmaking, and also more advanced tactics for competitive teamplay.


The first fairly easy and probably commonly known tactic is juking. Juking involves moving in such a way as to make it hard for the opponent to track you. This usually means running behind trees to make the enemy lose vision of you. This allows you to change direction, or TP out while you are out of sight. Other ways to juke (for instance if you have a blink), is to run into the jungle, juke around a tree, then blink in an opposite direction. If you stay out of sight you can 'juke' the enemy into moving in the direction they think you moved, completely confusing them and getting away safely.
A great guide on Juking can be found right h…
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