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Just was wondering what everybody's favourite hero was.
Mine is Crystal Maiden.
I just love support role, and she was my first hero(ine?) I ever played as. I especially love her frostbite skill, can seriously help get some early kills.
Mine is Broodmother (Broodmama for those of you with a sense of humor). This is due to her unusual tactics. Spin Web grants invisibilty whilst within your web, but it does not make you overpowered, as it takes 2 seconds to return to invisibility and you get no extra damage upon attacking. Secondly, Spawn Spiderlings can allow her to snowball if she can get a number of successful kills off (creeps or heroes). They also act as a barrier, preventing enemy creeps from getting to you, and as a distractor for towers, since they can soak up about 4 tower hits before dying. Incapacitating Bite and Insatiable Hunger are for the hero kills.
Ancient Apparition. There's nothing more satisfying than landing a well aimed, long-range Ice Blast, especially when it lands at the start of a Teamfight <}3 Then there's those times when a Rikiis limping back to base, invisibly on 100 HP...but never makes it 8{D and then there's Chilling Touch, which gives an unbelievable amount of Killing POWA at lvl1! 8{3
My favorite is Viper - a great laner and an even better teamfight player. Standing in the middle of a fight and tanking up all the enemy nukes so that my carry can then feel relatively safe is a distinctly satisfying feeling. Not to mention being able to live to tell the tale, and even get a few kills along the way.
Ancient Apparition. There's nothing more satisfying than landing a well aimed, long-range Ice Blast, especially when it lands at the start of a Teamfight <}3 Then there's those times when a Rikiis limping back to base, invisibly on 100 HP...but never makes it 8{D and then there's Chilling Touch, which gives an unbelievable amount of Killing POWA at lvl1! 8{3
Much as I love my teamfight supports, I'm torn between Tinker and Magnus as my favourites.
Tinker is just so zappy and fun to play, you can do so much with him provided your brain and fingers can keep up :)
Magnus I love for his tanky attitude, great mix of nuking power, positional stuff, teamfight and ally buffying. A good RP is so satisfying, and I love Skewering people back to my tower at early levels when they get too aggressive :)
Any skillshot hero, maybe i love Invoker the most, just had an AMAZING win where I single handedly turned a double rax around into a rax and win for my team.
One of the most satisfying games i have had in a while.
I love Viper because you can literally tank anything, like once I got fed, and I 1v5 them and I killed them all with 30hp to spare. It was awesome.
I enjoy playing Mirana because you get a lot if 'thanks' when you activate ulti just in time to save someone, not to mention how satisfying it is when you chase someone. You leap into them, shoot arrows around the corner, yeah. Starstorm allows you to farm so fast, and it's really fun when you are 10 levels ahead of them and you have a Mjolnir and Desolater...
Well, my favorite hero is easily invoker, all though getting the winrate back from like 10% from me playing him when i first started dota is kinda hard...I mean imagine a brand new player using invoker....not a pretty sight.
Favorite support is SK he is just so fun to play and I never lose :D although I seem to be in the habit of going like 10-0 and then I just stop being supportive and walk around with a radiance and a divine rapier for no real reason
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