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Ok new update has just come through...I've been dreading it for a while tbh, I really didn't like the idea of techies at all, and the experience so far has bourne it out.
Obviously everyone will be instapicking them for about 2 weeks after their release, no doubt all the opposition picks will be former DOTA1 pros who are awesome with them...and all your team who pick them has never even read a guide. This I can accept, it's normal.
Now, when techies were designed, Icefrog must have decided that the problem with DOTA was that too many people played support, and had fun doing so. The solution was simple - Techies! Now you can be wiped out instantly by mines and suicide squad, saving you the trouble of bothering to play support at all!
To put this in context, I hope you guys know me a little, and know I don't like to overreact or say THIS IS SO OP without consideration. I've done my homework - read the guides, how to play against them etc. I picked up a Jakiro and Sentry Wards to start with, hoping some detection and plenty of starting HP would sort me out...boy was I wrong.
Got the sentries down in what I thought were reasonable locations...went to stack...BOOM 3 HP, killed my neutral. Hah, well at least it was a neutral. Go back in lane - we have techies on the ropes, about to die...and BOOM SUICIDE SQUAD, DOUBLE KILL. WTF.
We actually won the overall game quite easily in the end, so I'm not saying they're OP. I am saying they're BS. Being a support is a hard enough job as it is, and being unable to pick 80-90% of my chosen role's hero pool because they'll die instantly to the opposition pressing one key is just silly.
Not OP at all, just ZERO FUN to play against. No thanks, I'm out of DOTA for a few weeks at least.
They are complete BS. However, this is due to the fact that most ranged heroes aren't gonna spend 900 precious gold on a gem. The issue is not with Techies, who in my opinion are actually quite weak. You just have to know how to vulnerablize them. I understand that you know how to do this Sando, but the reason they are "OP" is because people just won't go to the "trouble" to counter them. They are actually UP in a sense. For example, I went 35-10-6 in a beta game and still lost because I couldn't participate in teamfights unless they happened to occur over my Remote Mines.
These guys look weak as hell, and I've thought that as long as I've known about them. I can see how they could be good, but they're just so easily countered. The whole concept seems really gimmicky and cheap to me, and I don't look forward to playing with or against these guys.. I'm definitely just going to play minesweeper for the next few days.
Glad I'm not the only one - yeah they aren't OP at all, drop off really hard once people get gold for a gem and enough HP not to be instagibbed they're easy to deal with. The big problem is early on. I can't think of any other hero who can insta-kill you just because you didn't happen to put a sentry ward in the right place at level 1. And obviously BS suicide squad stuff.
It's already hard often being the only support on a team, being forced to make choices about courier/wards/sentry and being insta-gibbed just makes the whole thing totally unappealing.
If you stay in lane and rush a gem (legit strat... right?), then the rest of the game will be 5 v 4. A Techies pick is really a disservice to your team for most of the game. If you manage to get of those first couple of game changing kills then MAYBE, just MAYBE you could make a difference.
EDIT: All melee teams are screwed, though.
UBEREDIT: Haha! Dat 37% winrate doe. With 5,000 games played so far, Techies is officially worse than Earth Spirit and Io. Goodbye DotA 2. We will miss you.
So far I've had 3 free wins thanks to enemy techies picks, and one techies ally that managed to stop feeding for long enough for the rest of us to win 4v5.
He's not nearly as weak as everyone thinks though, he's just the kind of hero that is affected a lot more by one player's ability with him rather than his enemies' ability to deal with him (unlike nearly every other hero). And it should be obvious that no one really knows what they are doing with him.
It will take a few months but I fully expect there will be a couple techies spammers maintaining 5000+ MMR with him.
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